My world double door

Chapter 153 Gift

By the end of July, the sun had already risen high at nine o'clock.

Sunlight shines through the window in the bedroom, illuminating the pure white bed. It also illuminates the girl who is lying in the sunlit area with her legs raised while scrolling through her mobile phone. Her skin and sunlight are similar to the sheets, and she is very delicate.

After scrolling through her phone for a while, the girl couldn't help but return to WeChat to check the chat history with brother Li Yang. When she found that she hadn't replied yet, a series of messy thoughts suddenly emerged in her heart. Her delicate body rolled around on the bed. She had just finished washing and blow-drying. ’s slender hair was scattered on the bed.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and she hurriedly picked it up to take a look.

[Brother Li Yang: Okay, when is the movie? 】

"It's a movie in the evening, but we can pack up now, go shopping, have lunch, and then go to a private cinema."

Peng Feifei turned over and lay back down in the area illuminated by the sun. The warm sunshine shone on her buttocks in short shorts, which made her feel warm. She raised her upper body with her elbows and quickly finished typing a message.

[Brother Li Yang: OK, I'll pick you up. 】


The entrance of Dongfang Zun Mansion.

Wearing denim hot pants, white shoes, a ponytail on her head, and a white T-shirt on her upper body, the girl is filled with the unique liveliness and innocence of a young girl. She carries a small schoolbag in one hand, and her eyes frequently look towards the road. Look sideways.

Not long after, a top-notch luxury car parked slowly on the side of the road. Her eyes lit up and she hurriedly walked in with a smile. After a while, the luxury car started and drove on the road.

"Brother Li Yang, good morning."

After getting in the car, Peng Feifei had a sweet smile on her face, and the hair on her forehead was just right. Looking down the hair, she saw the face of a pure goddess, with a smooth and slender white gooseneck, and a simple and pure body. There is a slight bulge on the white T-shirt, and the light-colored denim shorts at the base of the thighs only cover the buttocks. Under the jeans, a whole pair of slender, white and tender legs stretches out, and a pair of white shoes is only visible at the smooth ankles.

"Good morning. Where do you want to go shopping?"

Li Yang asked with a smile on his face while driving the car.

"Let's go to the mall. It's half past nine now. Let's play video games for a while, then play an escape room, and then go to have lunch. After lunch, we can go to the private cinema."

Peng Feifei had a slight smile on her face and spoke enthusiastically. Li Yang nodded when he heard this: "Okay, by the way, I haven't been to the escape room in the mall yet. How was it?"

"I haven't been there either. I don't know. Let's go and have a look this time."

Peng Feifei also shook her head, her ponytail swaying from side to side, and spoke softly.

There was a strange fragrance on her body. I didn't know if she was sprayed with perfume. I smelled the girl's fragrance all the way to the gate of the shopping mall, and the two got out of the car.

Peng Feifei trotted next to Li Yang, and took the elevator to the arcade on the fourth floor. She and Li Yang played happily until half past ten, and followed the two of them to escape from the room. There happened to be a young couple who wanted to go together. Play.

The couple couldn't help but look at such a handsome couple. Li Yang and Peng Feifei were used to it. They had enjoyed such looks for a long time this morning.

When it came time to choose the difficulty level of the script, the girl in the couple decisively chose the five-star difficulty level. Peng Feifei hesitated but nodded, and Li Yang naturally didn't care.

"Okay, please come here after selecting the copy, store your belongings, and grab the walkie-talkie."

The front desk staff guided the four people into the dungeon. As the game started, as soon as the door was closed, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and the terrifying background music began to echo in the ears. Peng Feifei had already nervously grabbed Li Yang's hand.

The game began to advance slowly. The road was dark with only some hazy green and red lights. A sudden movement would startle the young couple and Peng Feifei.

Only Li Yang looked at the NPCs in black clothes running back and forth around them with a slightly speechless look. He wanted to say, "Your shoelaces are untied."

Sure enough, after a while, the NPC stumbled over his shoelaces. He quickly got up and tied his shoelaces, looked up at the tourists in front of him who could not see clearly, and sneaked into the passage again.

Li Yang passed by the passage and closed the entrance tightly. In the eyes of ordinary people, the secret room was dark, but in his eyes it was as bright as day. There was really nothing to scare him.

After a moment, Li Yang looked back. The NPC carefully emerged from a secret passage. The movement that came out scared the young couple behind him. Just as he was about to walk forward, the NPC suddenly rushed out, frightening them to the point of screaming. He screamed and jumped up from where he was.


Peng Feifei also screamed and jumped into Li Yang's arms. Li Yang silently reached out and hugged her little buttocks, held her tightly in his arms, and then carried her inside.


After a most difficult escape room escape, the time had already reached twelve o'clock. Peng Feifei walked out of the passage with a red face, holding Li Yang's hand tightly and unwilling to separate. The young couple was also frightened. Hug each other tightly.

Li Yang took Peng Feifei's little hand to get the items he had locked in the cabinet, then said goodbye to them, and went to a restaurant that Peng Feifei liked to eat together for a small pot. At one o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at a nearby restaurant together. The private cinema opened the room and was open until 8 pm.

The staff took Li Yang and the two to a spacious double private room. After entering, they walked out. Li Yang checked that there was no camera, then locked the door and looked inside. Next to a large TV screen was a Spacious heart-shaped bed.

"Brother Li Yang, I'm so sleepy, let's take a nap first."

After entering the room, Peng Feifei yawned profusely, holding Li Yang's hand and said.

"Okay, let's take a nap first and then read. It will take a long time in the afternoon."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, and Peng Feifei walked to the bed with some embarrassment and lay down next to Li Yang, closing her eyes immediately.

Li Yang looked at the beautiful girl sleeping next to him, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. His eyes looked at Peng Feifei's beautiful face, his eyes wandered over her body, skipping the pure white T-shirt, and landed on her delicate white legs. , his right hand slowly stretched out and landed on those beautiful long legs, and then slowly slid up along the knees.

The palm of her hand slowly slid to her thigh, Peng Feifei's eyebrows trembled, she kneaded and stroked it for a while and then slid it to her little butt wrapped in denim shorts. Peng Feifei closed her eyes nervously, still pretending to sleep.

Li Yang's hand slid along the curve of her body to her lower abdomen, and slowly moved upward. After a moment of pause, Peng Feifei's heart tightened with her eyes closed, and then Li Yang leaned over and kissed Peng Feifei's lips.


Peng Feifei's tightly closed eyes opened slightly, she raised her head and looked at brother Li Yang, and tightly grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands.

After a moment of passionate kissing, Peng Feifei raised her head while panting. Li Yang kissed her lips to her cheeks, ears, and then down to her neck, and then down to...


"Brother Li Yang, do you like Feifei? Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Ten minutes later, Peng Feifei felt the heat of her hands on her legs, her eyes trembled, she took a deep breath and asked in a tearful voice.

"Of course I do. Don't Feifei know? From today on when I ask my brother out, she is my girlfriend."

Li Yang raised his face and leaned in front of Peng Feifei's cheek and spoke softly in a serious voice. Peng Feifei opened her red lips with a blush on her face and was kissed hard by Li Yang. Then she stepped back and buried her head slowly.

"Brother Li Yang, will you be kind to Feifei?"

Feifei looked at the pink mosquito net above her head and murmured with moist eyes.

"As a woman, your brother will always be kind to you, and you are Li Ling's sister. How could I not be kind to you?"

Li Yang's mumbling voice came from below. Feifei took a deep breath and clutched the sheets tightly: "This is the first time for Feifei. I have white cloth in my bag..."

Li Yang didn't say anything, she was a little nervous.


After more than twenty minutes, Li Yang raised his head and said, "Baby, what are you thinking about? How could my brother want you so casually?"

After saying that, Li Yang went to wash his face, returned to the bed, held the somewhat dazed Peng Feifei in his arms, and kissed her heartily.

"After two days of rest, let's go traveling. This time the destination is the Gobi beach and the virgin forest. After playing in these two places, we will go to Iceland together. When the aurora appears in Iceland, my brother will accept your precious treasure. How about giving you a gift and asking for it hard."

Li Yang hugged the beautiful Peng Feifei, the goddess of high school, and kissed her, smiling softly on her face while breathing and asking softly, and touched her legs with his hands to experience the soft and tender feeling.

The confusion on Peng Feifei's face gradually turned into excitement. She crossed her legs excitedly, nodded vigorously, and happily leaned on Li Yang with a smile on her face.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that she remembered that there was still a movie to watch, and hurriedly opened the movie. Then she sat down in Li Yang's arms, leaned against him, and watched the movie happily. While watching, she held Li Yang's hand in her hand. His brother's hands caressed his body, and then he would feed Li Yang with snacks from time to time, and feed Li Yang mouth-to-mouth from time to time. It was extremely sweet.

When she saw the highlight of the movie, she couldn't help but exclaimed and hugged Li Yang's waist tightly. When she was calm, she asked Li Yang for a kiss. After watching one movie, she started watching the second one. Peng Feifei was very excited about the youth romance movie. She grabbed Li Yang's hand and imitated the kissing postures and movements of the male and female protagonists in the movie. Whatever they did, they did.

Playing until 7:30 in the afternoon, Peng Feifei came out of the private theater holding Li Yang's arm. It was still dark outside.

Peng Feifei cautiously asked Li Yang if he wanted to go to her house. Li Yang thought for a while, smiled and nodded, and then bought a few pieces of the best gold jewelry with Peng Feifei's happy expression, and then bought some more. With clothes and food gifts, Peng Feifei returned to Dongfang Zun Mansion.

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