My world double door

Chapter 156 Black Skin


In the dark night, Li Yang slowly opened his eyes. The powerful 67% mass improvement made him feel that his entire soul was brand new.

The power of his descending soul spread out in the surrounding space, and his body floated in the air, flexibly shuttled through the air like a swimming fish, and this was just using the power of his soul.


Over the primeval forest, a flying owl was frightened by the two-legged beast flying in the air, and hurriedly flapped its wings to escape. Li Yang smiled as he was frightened away by the owl, in the primitive darkness of the night. He flew around in the forest, and after fully realizing his current soul power, he slowly landed back in the tent.

"It's a pity that I only have pure physical strength, and the thunder magic power in my body is not even that of an intermediate magician."

Li Yang sighed in his heart. Although the pure physical power of the six transformations was powerful, it could only jump and glide at most, and could not borrow power in the air. Only when the thunder magic in the body reaches an advanced level can it fly freely with the power of magic.

However, his thunder magic power is different from ordinary magic power. Perhaps he can fly freely in the sky after he reaches the level of an intermediate magician.

"There are only the last ten bottles of the basic magic power enhancement potion left, which is just enough for the gene potion to be used up."

Li Yang felt the physical strength in his body becoming stronger after taking ten bottles of the second-level perfect potion. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he felt the thunder magic in his body and couldn't help but nod with satisfaction. .

The hundred bottles of potions he purchased at the beginning were almost used up as he continued to practice. However, the increase in the magic power in his body was also very gratifying.

It's just... there's still a long way to go before the third transformation.

"Next time I go to the second world, it's time to change the potion."

Li Yang felt that the effect of the basic magic power enhancement potion on him was somewhat weakened, so it was time to switch to a higher level after using it this time.

In addition, basically all the potions he purchased before have been used up. He has used up all the [Concentration Liquid], and the delay potion has also been used up during tonight's practice. He will wait until the second-level perfect gene potion is finished. , it’s time to go to Megawatina to stock up.

Of course, you can’t avoid giving money~

Li Yang shook his head, and then he couldn't help but curl his lips slightly when he thought about going to Iceland soon. He suppressed his impulse and went back to sleep contentedly.

In the blink of an eye, the next day dawned.

The sun shone through the treetops of the forest, illuminating the tent that was propped up. The embers of mosquito repellent incense burning around it were put away. Li Yang, Peng Feifei and Li Ling quickly picked up the garbage on the ground and took it away, and then drove Rush to the airport.

After coming out of the virgin forest, the fatigue and fatigue of the two little girls Peng Feifei and Li Ling were swept away. Li Yang was also in a very good mood. He drove to the airport in a very good mood all the way.

But Li Ling looked at Li Yang and Peng Feifei next to him from time to time, with a strange look on his face. Peng Feifei also pursed her lips and snickered from time to time, making Li Yang wonder whether Peng Feifei had told them about the two while camping these days. Li Ling.

But since they didn't speak, Li Yang naturally wouldn't say anything to bring trouble to himself, and drove to the airport as if he didn't see them.

All the documents needed to travel to Iceland had already been processed by the artificial intelligence and his subordinates. Li Yang went to pick up his things and boarded the transfer to France.

When they went to France, in addition to being a transit point, they also wanted to take a trip. Although Li Yang was not interested in this place, the two girls were obviously yearning for the romantic France.

Li Yang didn't care, so he applied for documents for a few more days and took a first-class flight to France.

The plane lasted twelve hours. After getting on the plane, Li Yang, Peng Feifei and Li Ling played around for a while, and then all three of them lay down on their seats and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already the early morning of the next day, August 9, 2024.

The plane landed slowly from the sky. Li Yang calmly got off the plane with the enthusiastic Li Ling and Peng Feifei, and set foot on the land of Bali with the two romantic little girls.

They first went to the hotel to put down their belongings, and then rented a car. Li Yang drove to the commercial street in Bali. When they reached the roadside, they parked the car in the parking space, took out the key, and headed there together. In the mall.

After the three people got out of the car and left, a black man in sportswear passed by their car, stopped, looked around, then quickly opened the car door with the key, got into the car, and after a while his face was full of joy. Leave with a bunch of stuff.


"What is he going to do?"

On the other side, Li Yang and Peng Feifei were visiting major brand shopping malls. When they came out from a famous luxury shopping mall with shopping items, the three of them suddenly saw a dark-skinned man unbuttoning his belt next to the store. Peng Feifei He suddenly spoke in astonishment, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man take it out and start peeing against the wall.

"Holy shit."

Li Ling uttered a curse word and couldn't believe that this was a scene he saw in romantic Bali. Peng Feifei also hurriedly covered her eyes, full of disbelief.

'Why is his so small? ’

‘It turns out that not every boy is the same size as brother Li Yang. ’

Two strange thoughts came to Peng Feifei's mind, and then she blushed and shook her head, wondering how she could think of these things. She glanced at Li Yang secretly and hurriedly dragged Li Ling away from here.

"This is Bali."

Li Yang looked at the black people and white people on the street who were accustomed to this, chuckled, turned around and took them both away from here.

After walking out of the store, Peng Feifei and Li Ling gradually woke up from their frenzy and began to notice the scene on the street. However, the more they looked, the deeper their frowns deepened.

With the packaging operations in the past few years, Bali's reputation as a romantic city has become more and more famous, making many people full of yearning for this city, especially these little girls.

But now when they came here in person, they noticed something wrong on the street.

Trash is piled everywhere, and rats can be seen scurrying about on the roadside from time to time. Not only black people but also white people stand on the street and urinate against the wall. Their qualities are completely broken.

After walking for a while, a black aunt suddenly stopped in the middle of the street. Then she frowned, spread her legs apart, took off her pants, and squatted on the spot.

"Shit in the street!"

Li Ling opened her eyes in disbelief, then turned her head away in disgust, and hurriedly led Peng Feifei and her brother to the place where she parked her car.

Peng Feifei also looked away speechlessly, stopped looking around, reached out and took brother Li Yang's hand and ran towards the stopped car, but when she got there, she stopped in place in shock.

But I saw the door of a parked car on the street had been pried open, everything inside had disappeared, and there was still a puddle of urine on the tire...

"Brother, let's not stay here anymore. What the hell is this?"

Li Ling spoke in a broken voice. Peng Feifei couldn't help but pursed her lips and hugged Li Yang's arm. Li Yang's face was also very pale.

"Is there anything important in the car?"

Li Yang asked in advance, and both Peng Feifei and Li Ling shook their heads.

"Just some cosmetics, clothes in the car, and some cash that is not convenient to carry, nothing else."

Li Ling spoke softly, but while speaking, he couldn't help but frown, and felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Okay, let the lessor take care of the car. Let's go back to where we live first and leave here tomorrow."

Li Yang shook his head, but in a very unhappy mood, he asked Zhinao to call up the monitoring system. It turned out that the monitoring system was broken. This disgusted him, so he had to call up the monitoring system for the invisible defense fortress and found out who stole it. Who urinated, and then asked him to cut off one of his hands and one of his feet to feel comfortable.

It only took a moment for Li Yang to get this information and issue the instructions. He shook his head and took Li Ling and Peng Feifei to take a taxi and walk towards the place where they lived.

Not long after, they arrived at their residence and the three of them got out of the car. At the door of the hotel, a young black man who was about to enter looked over with a smile on his face.

"Oh, two beautiful bitches and a yellow dog."


"what did he say?"

Li Ling was stunned and looked at the black man with disbelief. When he realized that these were three 'foreigners' who could understand English, the black man's expression changed and he turned around and walked back to the hotel.

Li Yang frowned and pulled the confused and angry Li Ling and Peng Feifei towards the hotel. When they arrived in the lobby, they met the black guy again.

Unlike at the hotel door, this time the other party and his seven black friends gathered together.

"Hey! Two bitches and a yellow dog."

As soon as the three of them reached the middle of the lobby, the black man at the door of the hotel spoke loudly to the three of them, and the black people around them suddenly burst into laughter and whistles.

"These two little cunts are so sexy. Do you want to lick my cunt?"

"Oh, look at that little butt, it's really a**"

"Hey, hey, this yellow guy seems very unconvinced. He seems to be angry. Oh, he is angry. I'm so scared, oh oh oh."

The eight black men talked to each other and surrounded the three people while talking. They rubbed their legs from time to time, whistled, and walked up to the three people with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, you little yellow-dog coward, let me sleep with the two girls next to you for two nights, and I'll spare you the chance to lick my shoes by your side. How about that?"

"Oh, I should let him lick his butt*, it will be exciting. Look at this yellow dog, hahaha."

"Maybe we can let him push his back."

A black man wearing a white hat with a playful smile put his eyes very close to Li Yang's eyes, and spoke with a fierce expression in his face full of joking.

The two black men next to him rolled their eyes and laughed together, adding to the atmosphere.

"What a bunch of rubbish."

Peng Feifei and Li Ling beside him looked angry but also frightened. Li Yang looked at the black man who stretched his face in front of his own and responded in English unhurriedly.

"Garbage should be buried in the soil."

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