My world double door

Chapter 198 You can do whatever you want

It's not that warm in April, but Zuo Yanting's home has the air conditioner on, so it's not cold even if she's only wearing a thin cheongsam.

There is a warm light in the house. After all, it is not bright enough if the windows and curtains are closed and the lights are not turned on.

The cheongsam has slits covering the front and back of the legs, and a thin layer of brocade cloth covers the white, tender and slightly upturned buttocks.

The soft flesh on the buttocks was kneaded by big hands and changed into various shapes, sinking and bouncing constantly.

The straight and soft white legs were slowly stroked back and forth by the palms of the hands. The white and tender muscles where they traveled were dented inch by inch, and then bounced up again.


Zuo Yanting was touched by Li Yang from the door to the sofa in the living room. A blush appeared on her delicate face. When she saw the call coming from her mobile phone, she stretched out her finger and shushed Li Yang to signal to be silent.

"Why, what should I avoid here? It's not someone else's call?"

Seeing Zuo Yanting's appearance, Li Yang asked with a smile on his face. As he asked, he put her on the sofa and stretched his fingers from the buttocks inside the skirt and through the collar.

"No, it's because Sun Zhuo has not been on good terms with me these days. I'm afraid that he will see you and come back to ask for something from you."

Zuo Yanting raised her head, her chest tightened slightly, she loosened the clothes around her neck, looking at the expression of the man in front of her, she pursed her beautiful mouth and said.

"Oh, why did the relationship become so bad? What does he want from me?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise. He couldn't help but grab the roundness of his palm and sit next to Zuo Yanting. He took her and sat her in his arms. He stretched his palm along Xiao Bai's neck and asked curiously. .

When the white and straight buttocks were sitting on Li Yang's lap, the soft flesh was sunken. His hands couldn't help but stretched forward to hold Li Yang's neck to steady his body. Two slender white legs came from the side and stretched forward to sandwich Li Yang. Zuo Yanting took a deep breath and puffed her lips delicately: "He... When he was with me, I felt relaxed. In fact, I didn't even feel him coming in..."

"Slowly, all the debts he owed have been paid off, and his heart has changed. He doesn't want to accept such a thing anymore, but it has come to this point. He is getting divorced..."

Zuo Yanting said with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, obviously a little embarrassed about her change.

But she knew who brought this looseness, so she could say it shyly in front of Li Yang.

"You mean we can share adversities, but we can't enjoy blessings together?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, then looked at Zuo Yanting, a smile flashed across his lips, and he felt a little surprised.

Zuo Yanting was developed by him to the point where she could adapt to his shape, so her former husband naturally felt relaxed when he came back.

They used to be tight, but now they don't feel it. Such changes made Sun Zhuo depressed, and he started to think about divorce...


Zuo Yanting bit her lip, turned around and muted her still-ringing phone, then turned around and looked at him with a flushed face.

"Then what does he want from me?"

Li Yang smiled when he saw the woman's emotional look, reached out to lift up her skirt, grabbed her small buttocks with his big hands and kneaded them, and still asked with some doubts.

"Maybe I need a house or a car from you. He said before that he sold all his RVs for me. Now he can give me to you, but you have to give him a house and a car."

Zuo Yanting looked at Li Yang cautiously, looking a little embarrassed: "I...I know that a house here is too expensive, and I am not worth the price, so when I heard you were coming, I paid him out first. "

"I see... Then why don't you go out by yourself and take him out?"

Li Yang raised the corner of his mouth and asked softly.

"People, people know that you want to be in my house..."

Zuo Yanting spoke shyly, then looked down at him with an embarrassed face.

To satisfy my interest, I would rather take this risk...

Li Yang smiled softly: "How big was the house Sun Zhuo sold for you before?"


Zuo Yanting knew that Li Yang was very powerful and felt his palms digging into her butt. She couldn't help but raise her buttocks and waited for Li Yang to put his hands under the slit of the cheongsam before sitting down again and moving slightly. He was about to speak when he suddenly heard a noise from the kitchen. He turned around and was surprised to find Sun Zhuo walking out of the kitchen.

"It's just a small house with two bedrooms and one living room, only 80 square meters. It's really a piece of cake to buy a house like this with your ability!"

"Mr. Li, I don't ask for any more work. I have deleted all the evidence I collected about you. Now I beg you to give me a house like this. I will give you a key to this house in the future. You can come anytime you want." , I can leave anytime I want, and I don’t care if I do whatever I want.”

Sun Zhuo walked to the living room with excitement and spoke to Li Yang.

"Sun Zhuo, didn't you go out? Why are you still at home?"

Zuo Yanting exclaimed in surprise when she saw him suddenly coming out. She couldn't control her body and straightened back. As a result, she was unsteady and almost fell down. Fortunately, Li Yang hugged her in time to stabilize her body and then gave her a hand. She fell into Li Yang's arms, lying on top of him, and was hugged by Li Yang's delicate figure.

"Mr. Li, you have a lot to say. In the past, my life changed too drastically and I became dirty. I'm sorry for you. I did some rubbish things and made some rubbish requests. Don't mind me!"

Sun Zhuo looked pleading: "Now I just want to have a house here again and a place to live. You can do whatever else you want!"

"Sun Zhuo, you..."

Zuo Yanting turned around from Li Yang in surprise and stood up from him. But after hearing what he said, she opened her eyes again and slowly sat down in Li Yang's arms, lifting her body upright. Her delicate little butt was put back on Li Yang's palm, and most of it was covered by Li Yang's big hand. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her, thought about it, and leaned against Li Yang again. Sun Zhuo pressed close to Li Yang's arms.

"When you were changing clothes, I snuck back just because I wanted to confess my feelings to Mr. Li."

Sun Zhuo looked at his little wife who was sitting in his arms with Li Yang holding her buttocks, and pinched his fingers: "Mr. Li, look, how about..."

Sun Zhuo made a difficult gesture, his head slightly lowered, not daring to look at Li Yang's smiling gaze or his wife's wide-open eyes. He silently lowered his head and looked down, focusing his eyes on the white and tender calves and feet exposed under the skirt of his wife's cheongsam. Li Yang's slippers, Li Yang's trousers and white sneakers clinging to the back of her white legs.

In his gaze, his wife's white and tender calves were tucked in by Li Yang's black trousers, and her small slippers were bulging inside with her white sneakers.

"I know what you did before, and how you do it now has always been in my eyes. What you do now is pretty good, but it doesn't matter, because the people you contacted are all mine. You should be lucky. You didn't send it yourself, otherwise you would have died unexpectedly by now."

Li Yang's voice came from behind his wife. Sun Zhuo's figure trembled, and he scratched his trouser legs in fear.

"Mr. Li, I..."

Sun Zhuo hurriedly raised his head, only to see a big hand holding his wife's chest and pushing her back. Zuo Yanting turned her head to the side and fell on top of Li Yang, panting. As soon as he said his words, Li Yang was Waved to interrupt.

"How are you? It doesn't matter. I just have one thing to ask you. Have you considered this matter?"

Li Yang chuckled softly: "If I think about it carefully, I will have more fun with Zuo Yanting in the future."

Zuo Yanting's breathing increased slightly after hearing this, and she couldn't help but press her body against Li Yang. She looked closely at Sun Zhuo in front of her with a flushed face, and there was actually some expectation in her expression.

"Mr. Li, thank you sir for having a lot of money. I have thought about it clearly!"

Sun Zhuo heard the words and spoke hurriedly and excitedly. After speaking, he lowered his head and saw Zuo Yanting's calves being flipped onto the sofa. The pair of legs wearing white sneakers and black pants were stretched out inside. separate.


During lunch time, Sun Zhuo's face flushed and he excitedly took out a card and left.

At home, Zuo Yanting watched him leave with a complicated expression, then turned around and was carried into the bedroom by Li Yang.

"What, you regret it?"

When they arrived in the bedroom, Li Yang's voice sounded in her ears. Zuo Yanting felt the held earlobe and shook her head slightly: "No, it's just a nagging feeling that something that has been with you for a long time has suddenly left."

"Being with you, I...I feel very happy..."

Zuo Yanting's face was flushed, and while she was talking, the man carried her to the bed.


Zuo Yanting took a deep breath and looked at him with blurry eyes. Then she thought of something, bit her lip, and said softly: "Do you still want a woman? I have a sister, and there are some difficulties at home. I want to find one." For a kind-hearted person like you to help me, I think instead of asking others to help me, I should come to you. I wonder if you are willing. If you are willing, I will call her over after lunch and you can take a look first."

"Oh, your sister?"

Li Yang raised his head in surprise and asked softly while pressing forward.

"Well, my sister is thirty-five this year. She is not too old. Although she has a child, she is still pretty. If you are interested, can I call her to come and have a look?"

Zuo Yanting turned her hands back and grabbed the quilt with all her strength. Her legs were limp and she lay on the bed. She raised her neck in discomfort.

I couldn't help but think about the situation when Sun Zhuo came in and didn't feel anything at all. He took a deep breath, feeling confused and somewhat relieved.

Li Yang was incredibly strong, but Sun Zhuo was just an ordinary man who had been overworked for many years and had damaged his body. This gap was normal.

"Then just call her over and have a look. Nothing annoying will happen, right?"

Li Yang pressed forward hard, causing Zuo Yanting to take a deep breath, and her body froze motionless. After two seconds, she came back to her senses, gasped and gritted her teeth and said: "This is what she wanted... …”

Asking for monthly ticket

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