My world double door

Chapter 200 Finally back

"Hey, honey, why are you turning on the air conditioner at home?"

The door of the 65-square-meter dwelling opened. Zuo Yuefen's husband opened the door and felt the heat in the home. He spoke in surprise.

Nowadays, few houses in Linhai City have no heating, and unfortunately, their house does not have one...

Fortunately, there is an old air conditioner that can be used during the coldest and hottest times of the year, but other than these times, it is not used much most of the time because it is a waste of electricity.

In April, although it was still a little cool at night, their home almost never used air conditioning. Zuo Yuefen's husband was ready to go home and drink hot water to keep warm. He didn't expect that the room would be so warm when he arrived.

"The child is very cold. I just wanted to take a bath, so I opened it. You can go and take a bath too. There is food in the pot."

Zuo Yuefen looked at her husband who came back with a smile on her face. Her husband nodded and looked at Zuo Yuefen and found that her face was particularly rosy and pleasant, with a bright look.

But he didn't think much about it. He just nodded in agreement and went to take a shower. He felt that his wife was in good spirits because she just took a shower. In addition, he spent the afternoon playing with her sister today, which made her feel relaxed. reason.

When they got to the bathroom, they found the washing machine running. Although they were a little confused as to why the clothes that had just been washed yesterday were being washed again today, Zuo Yuefen’s husband, who was exhausted, didn’t think much about it and took off his clothes and put them next to the washing machine. After putting it in the basket, I rinsed it off under the shower.

After rinsing, Zuo Yuefen's husband, who was exhausted, ate dinner in a hurry, spent some time with his son, played with his mobile phone for a while and then fell asleep. He had no extra energy to be intimate with his wife.

Fortunately, his wife didn't bother him today, and they both fell asleep quickly while lying on the bed.


In the evening, it was dark. Zuo Yanting's husband Sun Zhuo, who had been looking at the house all day, came back from outside happily and excitedly. When he got home, he found his beautiful wife sitting in Li Yang's arms, looking at something on his mobile phone.

He carefully poured a cup of hot water for Li Yang, and then saw the two hugging each other and ignoring him, so he smiled to himself and went to wash up.

Not long after, he came back from the shower and went back to the room to rest happily. After a while, his wife was carried into bed, and Li Yang also got in.

Sun Zhuo quickly moved aside and moved to the bed to make room.


After doing this, he was so confused that he didn't know what time he had reached. There was finally no movement around him, and Sun Zhuo fell asleep with a sigh of relief.

The night passed unconsciously while sleeping. He slept until the early morning of the next day, when Sun Zhuo was awakened by the movement around him.

He blinked, turned around and looked around, only to see his wife, who was wearing a white stand-up collar sweater, being held and kissed by Li Yang who was lying on the bed. The movement just now came from when Zuo Yanting moved. .

He turned over again and continued to stare for a while, before the two people next to him finally got out of bed.

"Be careful~"

After getting off the bed, Zuo Yanting exclaimed and was picked up by Li Yang with one arm holding her hip.

Zuo Yanting exclaimed, her white and tender arms hurriedly hugged Li Yang's neck, and went to the bathroom to wash up with him.

"You prepared this."

When they arrived at the bathroom, there was a faint sound of Zuo Yanting assigning new toiletries to Li Yang, and then the two of them laughed and cleaned up together. After they finished washing, Sun Zhuo slowly got up and washed up.


The sound of cooking came from the kitchen. After washing up, Sun Zhuo went to the living room and found that his wife, wearing a white stand-up sweatshirt and black yoga pants, was being held by Li Yang from behind while cooking in the kitchen. He hurriedly helped clear away the dishes and waited until the meal was ready. After that, he went to serve the rice and dishes with a smile.

During the meal, Zuo Yanting sat next to Li Yang and fed Li Yang cordially, chatting and laughing. The clothes on his upper body and the yoga pants on his lower body were not flat, and Li Yang never stretched out his hands. The intimate look made Sun Zhuo look away involuntarily.

It wasn't until the meal was finally finished and Zuo Yanting was carried back to the bedroom with a scream that Sun Zhuo put away the remaining dishes and washed the dishes while listening to the sound of kicking in the bedroom. After washing his chopsticks, he put on his coat, turned around and left home.


Not long after Sun Zhuo left, the doorbell rang outside the room. Zuo Yanting hurriedly got up and opened the door. Her sister Zuo Yuefen had changed into a windbreaker and was standing outside the door with an embarrassed look on her face. She immediately smiled at Zuo Yue. Fin let in and closed the door again.

Taking Zuo Yuefen into the bedroom, she saw the naked Li Yang in the bedroom. Zuo Yuefen lowered her head and was still a little embarrassed, so Li Yang pushed her directly onto the bed.





When you are happy, time always passes very quickly.

Although Li Yang would go to the apocalyptic world every night and knock over Bi Yueyue and Chang Yanyan to practice dual cultivation with full effects, and practice magic to consume energy, but even in this kind of satisfaction and consumption, at the minimum level After a few days of playing, Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yuefen couldn't stand it anymore.

As it happened, the departure time for the finals of the Magic World Lions Competition was coming soon, so Li Yang temporarily declined the arrangement prepared by Wang Qiang, found Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu to play with for two days, and returned to the Magic World before the departure time.


Cabro City.

The results of the second round of knockout have already come out. Tomorrow morning is the day when the city lord Master Xiyang will lead the top three in the second round of knockout and Li Yang, who is guaranteed to advance to the finals, to the royal city to participate in the finals.

However, Li Yang disappeared for more than ten days in a row. Reidel, who was a little anxious, couldn't help but come to the yard where Li Yang lived this morning to ask about the situation.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the door of the courtyard and heard the sound coming from inside, he felt relieved.

"Sister, sister, this master is so powerful. I, it seems, it seems..."

"Oh, sir..."

"Master, do it to your aunt, do it to your aunt..."

The screams of Lisa's eldest daughter and second daughter could be clearly heard from inside the yard to outside. As the two of them reached the physique of an apprentice-level transcendent, the sound became more and more penetrating, so that Even from across the house, Redel, who was standing at the door of the yard, could hear it.

"What an enviable power."

Hearing the voices inside, a hint of envy appeared in the eyes of Leder, who was just an ordinary person, but then he thought of something and a strong passion emerged. He then rubbed his hands and called the slave at the door. : "When Mr. Li Yang is done playing, remember to tell him to come to my place for lunch and eat magic fish."

After saying that, Redel hesitated for a moment: "If Mr. Li Yang hasn't finished playing by noon, then let's call it dinner."

"Understood, Master Redel!"

The servant at the door spoke respectfully, and then a smile appeared on Redel's face, and then he waved his hand. After learning that Li Yang had returned, he did not stay here too long, and turned around directly from Li Yang's small courtyard. Left and returned to his residence.

In Li Yang's courtyard, Lesa's eldest daughter's begging for mercy lasted for more than half an hour after Redel left, but Lesa's younger daughter was not so lucky.

"Oh, sir, 伱, do you already know that I have advanced to become an intermediate ranger?"

Mrs. Lisa, who originally wanted to give Li Yang a surprise, couldn't help but exclaimed, and couldn't help asking Li Yang in confusion.

"Do you still want to hide it from me?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth. He didn't know the ranger's power, but the powerful perception of the genetic evolver allowed him to instantly feel her changes, so he naturally matched the corresponding power. In this way, he Naturally, you will know.

"Li Laishi, I don't mean to hide anything. I just want to give you a surprise. I didn't expect that you are so powerful. Oh, I am so powerful..."

Mrs. Lisa, who was lying on her stomach, pursed her lips, called herself by her current name, and gasped loudly.

And Lysa's little daughter on her back had already closed her mouth tightly, unable to speak at all.

"Sure enough, people just have to be diligent."

Li Yang thought to himself, and grabbed the second daughter of Lisa with emotion.



At dusk, Li Yang, who had been practicing diligently all day, comfortably let go of Laisa's wife and daughter who were limply hugging each other, stretched out of the room, and heard the report from his servant.

"Mr. Leder held a feast of devil fish at home and said he would talk to you if he had anything to say to you when you were done."

When the servant saw that Li Yang was really busy and didn't come out until it was dark, he couldn't help but think that it was indeed the case, and then said to him respectfully.

"Oh, Redel's magic fish?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and a smile appeared on his lips: "Okay, I understand."

I haven't eaten magic fish in the past 20 or 30 days, and I really miss the taste. Li Yang smacked his mouth and set off for Redel's residence on the other side. Not long after, he saw Redel hurried over.

"My Lord Li Yang, you are finally back. Tomorrow morning is the time to leave for the finals in the royal city. However, I haven't seen your return here yet. You don't know how anxious I am."

When Leidel saw Li Yang's eyes brightening, he hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his hand: "This time there is a big news in the royal city. There is a perfect knight who has reached the advanced level of perfect knight. This person may be you. Strong enemy!"

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