My world double door

Chapter 207 Back to reality, someone must have used magic.

Although Master Xiyang had thought about Li Yang winning the championship, he still felt very happy when it was really going to happen.

After all, the perfect knight has not appeared for many years. For a perfect knight who has contracted a four-winged dragon and horse as a mount, and whose own cultivation has reached the advanced level of perfection, it is hard to overestimate him.

Although Li Yang's inheritance is special, it is still unknown whether he can defeat the perfect knight who has been famous in everyone's mind for a long time.

Fortunately, now it seems that he can defeat him, which is undoubtedly a happy thing.

Li Yang smiled and nodded in agreement upon hearing this. In fact, with his current ability, even if he does not go back to rest, his condition can be quickly restored to full within a few minutes.

The super energy intake and super recovery power inherent in his genes are too abnormal. This is also the fundamental reason why he can compete with two players continuously without interruption.

However, since there is nothing to do, he will not waste time here.

Saying goodbye to Xiyang with a smile, Li Yang turned around and left the arena. As for Master Xiyang, since the other player was still in a difficult competition, he wanted to stay here to accompany him.

After returning to his residence, Li Yang had nothing to do and continued to practice his second purely physical combat skill on the martial arts field: [Destruction]

However, he was not in a hurry to start practicing [Destruction] right away. Instead, he took the first step and stacked the already consumed [Heavy Slash] to three levels.

Under the influence of [Super Recovery] and [Super Ingestion], he quickly superimposed his power to three levels in his arm, but the difference from the last time was that this time he superimposed it on his left arm.

After three times of [Heavy Slash] were superimposed, and after the body's depleted energy and blood quickly recovered by absorbing various energies from the air, Li Yang began to practice the offensive combat skill [Destroy].


One day passed in the blink of an eye, and the next day came quickly. Li Yang went to the arena as usual. Sheng Li, who had just arrived and recovered from his injury, immediately decisively challenged him again.

Li Yang didn't care and came to the ring to compete with him.

This time, Shengli used all his strength from the beginning. The breath of the dragon and horse sitting on the four-winged dragon horse and his own various abilities were brought into full play, and every collision was very cautious.

However, under Li Yang's strong power, he continued to fight for three hours, and was finally defeated by Li Yang's unexpected [Heavy Slash] and won.

On that day, no one dared to challenge Li Yang. After the challenge time was over, Li Yang went back to continue practicing [Destroy]


On the third day, Li Yang came to the arena again, but Shengli was still dissatisfied and challenged him immediately.

This time, Li Yang had been entangled with him for a long time. When he unexpectedly used [Heavy Slash] to attack, he instantly transformed into nothingness to dodge, thus rendering [Heavy Slash] ineffective.

He was about to use the power of the magnetic field to attack the holy power that had become empty and weakened, but the opponent immediately returned to normal and kept attacking him excitedly.

This time, the two were wrestling again. Just when Shengli was feeling proud and thought that Li Yang had nothing to do, he looked up and saw red light emerging from Li Yang's eyes.

【Heat sight】!


The heat vision attack directly hit Shengli's forehead, causing him to be teleported out by the magic circle on the spot.

Everyone was shocked by Li Yang's ability once again displayed, and no one dared to challenge him that day.

Until the end of the game, Li Yang successfully won the first place.

"Congratulations to Li Yang for winning first place in the Lion Competition and becoming the King of Lions!"

"Congratulations to Shengli for winning second place in the Lion Competition and becoming a Lion of the Kingdom!"

"Congratulations to Tang Li for winning third place in the Lion Competition and becoming the Lion of the Kingdom!"

With a fierce announcement and a regretful look from the red-haired Ranger Brown, this grand event came to an end.

On the spot of the announcement, the little princess of the Lion Kingdom, Hera, who had already reached the level of a high-level wood magician at the age of sixteen, personally presented Li Yang with the ultimate first prize: a super protective magic weapon!

And he was granted the status of a great noble of Li Yang Kingdom in public.

After the game, a banquet was held in the palace, and the king personally hosted a banquet to celebrate Li Yang and the others winning the top three in the Lions Championship. At the banquet, the head of the Crow family, who was born in Raeder, came to Li Yang in person to congratulate him.

"The Human Race Competition will not start until a month later. In the meantime, you can practice those three combat skills more, and they may be able to play an unexpected role by then."

Guyu Crow, the patriarch of the Crow family, smiled and said to Li Yang: "Especially [Destroy]"

"Thank you for your advice!"

Li Yang's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled and nodded his thanks. Gu Yu shrugged his shoulders, and after saying a word, he stood up with a smile and went to socialize with other nobles.

Li Yang glanced at other places on the field and found that the beautiful little princess Hera who was giving him the award had been looking at him, and he couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Oh, our little princess, look, this handsome lion king is smiling at you."

Next to Hera, a graceful lady with a charming smile spoke to the little girl next to her in a low voice: "How about it, if we marry him in the future, will our little princess be very happy?"

Hera lowered her head, lifted her skirt and ran out of the back door of the party.

Li Yang looked at the king with a long beard, and occasionally stood up to make a speech, which won a round of applause. Then he waited for the banquet to end before getting up and leaving.

Returning to the competition residence, the participants respectfully told him that he was now a noble of the kingdom and had a mansion belonging to him in the royal city. So he said goodbye to Master Xiyang and came to a rather luxurious mansion in the royal city. among.

When he arrived outside the mansion, someone was waiting for him, and he personally gave him authority over the magic circle that enveloped the entire mansion, and then turned around and left.

Arriving at the mansion warehouse, a dazzling array of cultivation resources came into view, and dozens of volumes of books were placed on the shelves next to the warehouse.

Opening the books one by one, there are three types of soul super mage inheritance, three types of super magician inheritance, three types of earth knight inheritance, three types of earth line warrior inheritance, three types of true power ranger inheritance, and three types of super witchcraft inheritance.

Various extraordinary skills from basic to advanced are placed on the bookshelf in a systematic manner.

Li Yang opened these inheritances and looked at them one by one, focusing on the soul super mage inheritance. He was satisfied that no soul inheritance was stronger than the demon soul inheritance he received, but these three super soul magics waited until his soul power reached After reaching the super soul mage level, it can also be used as a means.

"With Demonic Soul Magic, since I have the magic power of thunder, I'm afraid very few magics can beat it."

Li Yang thought in his mind, and then looked at the more curious [Wizard inheritance], and found that although these wizard inheritances were similar to magic, they were even more peculiar.

For example, the super witchcraft [divine power], from the most basic [strength], to the junior wizard's [power], to the intermediate wizard's [power], to the senior wizard's [giant power], can be regarded as a unique magic.

However, these wizards only need to continue to practice these witchcrafts to continuously gain strength and witchcraft power from the witchcraft. The root of all this is to integrate these witchcrafts with themselves from the very beginning. One body.

"What a strange spiritual path."

Li Yang murmured in his heart that although he felt something magical, he already had magic power in his body and couldn't practice these witchcraft at all, so he just had an eye for it.

But that didn't stop him from being happy.

After reading the witchcraft inheritance, he checked other inheritances and marked all the useful ones that he was interested in, focusing on pure physical combat skills and soul magic, in one place.

Then he put all the books into his [Qiankun Bag] with a smile on his face, and then looked at the large number of marked practices piled on one side.

For him, these secrets are more important than these resources.

These materials are enough for three people with sufficient qualifications to practice from scratch to the level of super transcendent!

Li Yang's eyes focused on one of the fruits, which was only the size of a red date. There was a text introduction next to the fruit, and he instantly understood its meaning.

"The Spirit Enlightenment Fruit can give ordinary people without qualifications a chance to awaken and obtain cultivation qualifications..."

Li Yang smacked his lips, smiled and put it away emphatically, and then with a wave of his hand, he put away all the supplies in the room.

Then he wrote a note, went out of the warehouse, posted it outside the gate, and then returned to the mansion, where he disappeared in a flash.

There is still one month left before the Human Race Contest, so naturally he will not wait here.

When you return to the real world, you can first enjoy yourself and practice unscrupulously.

After these years of practice, his demon soul cultivation level has reached the level of an intermediate mage on the basis of a high-level perfect soul mage. It is the time when he needs to work hard to practice. In this royal city, how can he feel at ease on earth.




[According to our news report, a large amount of arms suddenly disappeared from a military warehouse in the United States. The total value of these lost arms was 10 billion yuan. According to the latest response from the local arms depot director, after careful investigation, they unanimously believed that this was very serious. It is possible that a magician stole it invisibly, and claimed that this is not the first incident of suspected supernatural power...]

Shenhai Zhen, wearing short shorts on her legs, pure white short sleeves on her upper body, and small white socks on her feet in home sandals, Peng Feifei was sitting in the living room eating grapes while scrolling through the content on [Entertainment Video], and Once I came across the information about the theft of the US arsenal, I couldn't help but open the comment area with a smile on my face, and like the most popular comments above.

Just as she was watching with interest, there was a sound of footsteps at the door. Peng Feifei looked back and saw Li Yang walking to the living room with a smile on his face and holding flowers in his hands.

"Ah, brother Li Yang, you are here!"

Li Yang gave the flowers to Peng Feifei with a smile on his face, took her to the sofa and pressed her on the cushion. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the video.

"These Americans are having enough fun. They don't even need the excuse of aliens, they just do magic, right?"

Li Yang, who had just returned from the magical world, put the flowers that Peng Feifei had placed on the coffee table. While taking off her clothes, he picked up the excited and blushing beautiful girl and kissed her. He silently asked Zhinao. Answer.

[These arms were lost due to resale by General James]

"Brother Li Yang~~"

I read a book before, and the idea of ​​writing about competitions arose, but now it seems that it is not suitable for me~~~

Also, please give me a monthly pass! ! !

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