My world double door

Chapter 209 Inferior Farmers Cao Family

At Zuo Yanting's house, a burst of phone conversation came, and it could be heard that the person on the other end of the phone was very solicitous.

"Director Wang, hey, weren't you busy before? Okay, let's meet this time."

Li Yang answered Wang Qiang's call and couldn't help but shook his head and responded with a chuckle. After speaking, Wang Qiang hurriedly said that he was waiting for him to come now.

"Okay, then just wait for me, I'll be there in a minute."

When Li Yang heard Wang Qiang's impatient voice, he smiled and spoke softly.

He didn't go to the previous invitations. Now with the successful construction of the Haohanxingyu Electromagnetic Factory in Heyang City, the first-generation battery can give the car a long range of three thousand kilometers, and charging only takes one hour. can be filled.

Even in severe cold areas, it can reach 2,000 kilometers and takes one hour and twenty minutes to charge.

The emergence of Haohanxingyu's first-generation battery directly caused an earthquake among car companies. Now, after confirming the authenticity of the matter, major manufacturers are seeking cooperation as soon as possible. Every day, companies come to observe and beg to sign contracts. The team is coming.

Anyone with a brain now knows that another awesome company is about to rise rapidly, and with the vigorous promotion of [Entertainment Video], even ordinary netizens know this.

Many trams would not be sold if they did not promise to replace batteries at low prices for users.

This has also caused many tram car companies to complain, because the backlog of inventory cannot be sold because of the Haohanxingyu Battery Factory.

But no matter what, everyone with a discerning eye knows that another new technological star is rising.

Not to mention that some well-informed people know that Haohanxingyu is engaged in batteries, which does not mean that they only engage in batteries. The series of industries that Haohanxingyu Company is entering are simply mind-numbing in the presence of battery factories. .

With this development, Li Yang has attracted the attention of more and more upper-class people, and his sense of mystery has become more and more intense.

Similarly, his worth and status have also skyrocketed, so much so that Wang Qiang now attaches more and more importance to maintaining his relationship with Li Yang, and now he wants to call him out every now and then to exchange feelings.

Li Yang finished talking to Wang Qiang with a smile on the phone, looked down at Zuo Yanting who was working hard, bent down and patted her: "Okay, stop being busy, you have lost your energy for a long time, take a good rest at home, I Go out and have some fun.”

After Li Yang finished speaking, he asked Zuo Yanting to get up. She hurriedly endured the exhaustion to tidy up Li Yang's clothes and sent him out. After seeing Li Yang off, she breathed a sigh of relief, went home and lay down on the bed to let her husband give her Relax with tea and water and massage.




When Li Yang came out of Zuo Yanting's house, he saw a group of strong bodyguards waiting for him in the parking space.

Looking at this group of ordinary bodyguards, Li Yang was a little helpless. He had a sense of absurdity that bodyguards were protecting Superman's safety, but he knew that this was also a special arrangement for him as the security company was becoming more and more successful.

Before, he went and left at Shenhai Zhen without having time. Now he arrived at the Linhai City headquarters. After learning about his news, he naturally sent someone over as soon as possible.

Furthermore, having bodyguards meant that he would not have to do many things by himself. It was also a status symbol, so he did not refuse. He just waved his hand and let them drive, and they arrived at Wang Qiang's place in a short time.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since the last party ended, and Li Yang was really looking forward to it.

"Mr. Li, you're here. Come in quickly!"

Li Yang had just arrived. Wang Qiang, who had been standing on the roadside waiting after making the phone call, hurriedly jogged over to greet him happily. Li Yang got out of the car with a smile and looked around strangely: "I said this is not a suburb. , why are you waiting for me here?"

"Hehe, isn't this just for fun? You've almost finished it. I want to show you something different this time."

Wang Qiang said to Li Yang with a beaming look: "There are real guys here. It is the best shooting range in Linhai City, and there is a bathhouse and teahouse next to it. If Mr. Li is interested in shooting a few shots, let's shoot a few shots first." After playing, go straight to the bath and drink tea.”

"Otherwise, just go and drink tea and take a bath?"

Wang Qiang had a smile on his face, and Li Yang smiled lightly: "Let's have fun with a few shots first."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Wang Qiang led Li Yang inside with a smile on his face. Li Yang walked in with a chuckle. The bodyguards around him were paying attention to the situation with smiles on their faces and followed closely at a safe distance to ensure Li Yang's safety.

"Mr. Li, ordinary people can't get tickets to this shooting range. It's for private membership. I worked hard to get it. It's definitely worthy of your status."

Wang Qiang didn't pay any attention to the presence of bodyguards around Li Yang. As he walked forward, he introduced Li Yang with a smile on his face and emotion in his voice. Obviously, it was not easy for him to get the tickets here.

Li Yang smiled and nodded, followed Wang Qiang all the way inside, and led a group of bodyguards into the shooting range in front of him. The staff inside had naturally noticed them a long time ago, and after verifying the information, they respectfully invited They enter.


"Pa bang bang~"

The shooting gallery is divided into three floors. The space inside is very luxurious and spacious. On the third floor, there stood a young man who looked quite strong and fired three shots at the target in sight.

"Three spears are all ten rings. Mr. Cao, your marksmanship is getting better and better."

The score of the three shots was immediately displayed on the electronic screen in front. A woman wearing a high-end strapless dress, with skin as white and tender as snow, and silver earlobes with silver earlobes, looking noble and full of high-end atmosphere, stood beside her and applauded with a smile. Open your mouth.

"It's just a low-powered pistol, nothing interesting."

Cao Qiang casually put away the gun in his hand, then pulled out another super thick pistol from his waist, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Master Cao, Li Yang, the president of Haohanxingyu, is here."

Just when Cao Qiang was about to shoot, the butler beside him spoke in a low voice. He raised his eyebrows and looked back, only to see a handsome guy who was taller and more handsome than him and walked very stylishly among a group of people. Surrounded by people, he walked in from the entrance on the third floor.

Looking to the side, the famous socialite in Linhai City's eyes flashed when she saw him appearing. She immediately squinted her eyes and looked at him: "He is the Li who founded [Haohan Xingyu Group]" Positive?"

"Based on the few photos available, it is him who wrote seven world-class novels during his college years, programmed two world-class games, and successively founded the online writing platform with the highest traffic and the strongest strength in the country, the game platform, short video platform, and also founded a first-class security company, the genius of the world’s top Xing Energy Technology Company!”

The lady standing next to her wearing a dark green strapless low-cut dress looked at Li Yang walking over with twinkling eyes. She seemed to be deliberately attracting Li Yang's attention, and her voice was deliberately raised: "She is from a real farmer's family. A counterattacking figure, he is the most successful young man in the world."

The lady's voice was loud, which made Cao Qiang beside him raise his eyebrows, looked at her, licked the corners of his mouth, and continued to look at the person coming, but saw that the other person just glanced at him and lowered his gaze. He nodded to the lady beside him, turned around and walked straight away.

This made Cao Qiang raise his eyebrows again, and he couldn't help but turn the pistol in his hand: "A low-class man from the countryside just did some tricks on our territory to gain our attention, and he deserves to be called the most successful in the world. young people?"

Our territory?

Cao Qiang's voice was so loud that the lady couldn't help but look at Li Yang, who had just walked over. She pursed her lips and said with a forced smile: "This is also what others said."

"So, these low-class people just have no vision."

Cao Qiang kept turning the specially made high-power pistol in his hand and spoke in a coherent manner. Although his words were very slow and loud, even the lady on the side felt a little noisy, but considering this person's Even though he was born, he still stayed by his side with a forced smile.

Several bodyguards in Li Yang's group who had just walked over frowned and looked back at him. Cao Qiang turned his gun and looked over with a chuckle. Several bodyguards were angry, but they didn't stop walking. Li Yang still focused on protecting Li Yang's safety. While focusing more on this dangerous person, he followed Li Yang closely to protect his safety.

"Mr. Cao, after all, Li Yang is the CEO of a first-class group. We'd better formally negotiate with him about acquiring and investing in new energy companies."

A man who was following him saw that his mood was not right, so he quickly stepped forward and spoke.

Cao Qiang took a deep breath and put the large-caliber pistol into his holster: "That's right. You can't meet a tenant farming in the countryside. Let's go and follow him."

After Cao Qiang finished speaking, he strode over. The five or six bodyguards and assistants who spoke immediately followed him. The woman in a long skirt was relieved when she saw that he didn't go crazy and shot. Lips followed silently.

"Miss Mengyi, my young master just came back from the Middle East. It's a chaotic place there, so his personality is a little incompatible with our mainland. You understand."

The assistant took a step back and explained to the relieved woman with a smile. Zhao Mengyi showed a smile on her face and nodded hurriedly: "I know, it doesn't matter."

Saying that, Zhao Mengyi regretted contacting the Cao family, and could only follow their pace and walk towards the crowd who were already standing in front.

"Li Yang, founder and president of Haohan Xingyu Group, and I, Cao Qiang, are here to negotiate a deal with you on behalf of the Cao family."

I’m asking for a monthly pass, it’s really uncomfortable.

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