My world double door

Chapter 215 Mom!

On the third floor of the shooting gallery, Li Yang looked at the tall figure with a half-smile. The lower half of his plump chest was exposed with a deep ravine. His snow-white shoulders, collarbone and two arms were exposed together, and a silver necklace hung on his slender neck. , the dark purple long skirt suddenly narrowed down along the plump breasts and tightened around the slender waist, and then the curve widened and stuck to the plump hips, and then went down to the slender legs, and the open gaps revealed the faintly exposed legs. The skin is completely white and tender.

"you're right."

Zhao Mengyi couldn't help but bite her lip as Li Yang looked him over. Then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and snapped his fingers with a chuckle: "However, there is no need to bring these guys here. They can all die at home."

After speaking, Li Yang snapped his fingers, deliberately causing the [Breeding 9] artificial intelligence to reveal a screen visible to everyone.

"Show the location of all [Cao Family] related personnel. Anyone with records of unforgivable behavior as defined by me will be killed."

Li Yang said casually, and then a large video block appeared in the air among the wide-eyed eyes of everyone on the field, and in it were men and women with casual faces.

Cao Qiang's eyes widened as he looked at Zhao Mengyi who spoke, then suddenly turned his head to look at the aerial pictures. His eyes widened when he recognized the people inside.

Everyone on the field was immediately attracted to the picture in the air following Li Yang's voice. Their eyes were filled with excitement for a moment, especially Zhao Mengyi. She clearly saw the figure of someone she knew in it, and her eyes widened slightly. Some.

The tension in Fang Fen's expression as she fell to the ground disappeared, and turned into disbelief. When she saw the images in the sky, her expression changed again, and a blank expression appeared in her eyes.

"Bang bang bang..."


The next moment, screams and collisions sounded in the shuddering eyes of everyone. The figures displayed on the screen dimmed quickly like lit candles blown by the strong wind, and the people inside were also in their presence. Death occurred quickly in sight.

The various bizarre ways of death inside made everyone's heart beat slightly faster.

"This is true or false."

Wang Qiang, who was beside him, swallowed his saliva and spoke subconsciously, but seeing Li Yang's look, he knew that his question was in vain. He immediately covered his mouth silently and hid aside without uttering a word.

Zhao Mengyi, who was standing there with a wonderful expression, could not help but puff out her chest and stand up straight. The bodyguard beside her let go of her arms and did not run around. Instead, she stood there and looked at Li Yang with bright eyes.

"No way, this is impossible."

On the other side, Cao Qiang's mother Fang Fen watched familiar people die in front of her eyes. She shook her head unbearably and even had the strange idea of ​​whether she was dreaming today.

She stretched out her hand and pinched her thigh, and the pain immediately flooded into her heart. She couldn't help but feel slightly sluggish, but then she thought again: Could these videos be fake, and was this Li Yang made to scare people?

Are those mechas VR products?

As soon as the idea came to Fang Fen's mind, she heard a roar. A moment later, a huge spaceship appeared in the empty space on the roof of the building with their stunned expressions, followed by a group of people tied with ropes from the belly of the spaceship. Falling down, through the big hole opened by the mecha before leaving, he landed in the empty space near them inside the shooting gallery.

As they landed, a small mecha fell from the sky and sprayed some mist on them, causing these people to wake up faintly.

"Uncle, third uncle...eldest brother, second brother, nephew..."

Fang Fen looked at the men who appeared in front of her with trembling eyes, and recognized them all instantly, with an incredible look in her eyes.

"Grandpa, Third Grandpa, why are you here?"

Cao Qiang, who was tied to the ground, opened his eyes when he saw a group of people appearing and couldn't help shouting. This voice made the Cao family members who were still a little confused come to their senses. After looking around in confusion, His expression changed slightly and he looked to Cao Qiang aside.

"Isn't this a hadron? What's going on?"

"Fuck, who the hell are you? You dare to tie me up?"

"Who the hell tied me up, let go!"

In an instant, this group of people went crazy, each one yelling and yelling. It wasn't until they noticed the bodies of Cao Gang and A Run on the ground that their expressions suddenly changed and they stopped making noise.

"This friend made us all faint and brought him here. Is it your work?"

A middle-aged man in the crowd took a deep breath, walked to the front and looked at Li Yang, who was smiling and spinning the gun. Although he was tied up, there was not only no fear in his tone, but a kind of anger.

"Isn't it possible that you did it yourself?"

Li Yang chuckled softly, then turned around to look at Fang Fen, who looked a little absent-minded, and Cao Qiang, who looked confused behind him, then turned to look at him and said: "You should be the whole Cao family, I don't know. What's so cool about you guys, can you let me see it?"

"Especially you, this Young Master Cao Qiang, didn't you say that I will definitely die, and my family will also die? Well, now that all your Cao family are here, tell me, how can you make me Did you die miserably with my family?”

As Li Yang spoke, he walked up to Cao Qiang and patted his face. The smile on his face became brighter: "You are the second person in my life who wants to threaten my family. If your answer today is not To my satisfaction, you and your family members will die miserably."

"Sir, has Qiangzi offended you? If you have any questions, just say it. We can discuss it easily. Our Cao family also has some energy. What he does alone cannot be implicated in us."

The middle-aged man walking in front twitched his mouth when he heard Li Yang's words, and then spoke in a low voice while holding back his emotions.


Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and Fang Fen beside him trembled. He turned around and saw that the middle-aged man who had just stood up and spoke had a big hole in his head, and his body instantly fell to the ground bleeding.

"I didn't ask you, what did you say?"

Li Yang turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged man's body with dissatisfaction. A young man from the Cao family stood up in shock and anger: "You little bastard, do you even know..."


There was a violent gunshot, and a ball of blood exploded on the head of the young man who stood up to speak. He fell to the ground dead with his eyes open.

Fang Fen's eyes widened, her eyelids trembled slightly, she held her daughter's arm tightly with her palms, and stared blankly at the two Cao family members who fell to the ground dead. On the opposite side, those Cao family members who had just been tied up did not dare to Looking at the corpses of middle-aged and young people who were killed as soon as they said they were killed, their expressions suddenly changed.

Half of the people showed anger, but looking at Li Yang who was still holding a gun, they all restrained their emotions and stared straight at him.

"Hey, I told you not to talk without asking you. Why don't you listen?"

Li Yang sighed, then looked at the dull-eyed Cao Qiang with a smile on his face, and patted his face: "Tell me, I'm asking you something."

"Do you know who you killed? Do you know what you did today? Do you know how powerful our Cao family is?"

Cao Qiang was lost for a moment, and finally raised his head, looking at Li Yang in confusion and asking.

"I know, it's the Cao family that was killed. I also know, I killed the Cao family today."

Li Yang smiled: "As for how powerful your Cao family is, aren't you waiting for you to open your mouth and let me see it? By the way, I haven't explored how your Cao family's word "Cao" is written. I'll wait for you. You have to see how I study with your own eyes, otherwise you won’t be interested.”

"Are you really not afraid..."

Cao Qiang murmured to himself, and Li Yang laughed and shook his shoulders: "Afraid? A trash like you dares to do this, what do I have to be afraid of?"

"Come on, watch carefully. Look at your Cao family. They are all here this time. If you miss this time, there will be no next time."

After Li Yang finished speaking, he stood up and patted Cao Qiang on the shoulder. Then he took out a submachine gun from the [Space Bag] and pointed it at the gathered Cao family, causing their expressions to change wildly. Fang Fen, who was sitting on the ground, had his eyes open. Shrinking, Wang Qiang suddenly shrunk his clothes and closed his eyes tightly. Zhao Mengyi looked at everything in front of him with wide eyes.

"See for yourself how awesome your Cao family is!"

Li Yang chuckled and whispered, and while his voice was still lingering in Fang Fen's ears, the muzzle of the submachine gun in his hand suddenly spurted out tongues of flame.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

The terrible sound of bullet shooting was connected in an instant, and Fang Fen and Wang Qiang's heads were roaring. Cao Xue was crying desperately, covering her ears and closing her eyes.

Until a moment later, the gunfire stopped, and the bodies of the Cao family fell to the ground. The blood stains all over the ground made people feel as if their eyes were all red.


All the bodyguards were blushing and breathing heavily. Wang Qiang took a sneak peek, looked at them with wide eyes, then hurriedly covered his head and squatted on the ground. Zhao Mengyi closed her eyes in discomfort after taking two glances.

Cao Qiang's eyes were red, his face was trembling, and he sat there motionless.

"Clean up the trash, it looks so annoying."

After firing a shuttle, Li Yang put away his submachine gun with satisfaction. Regardless of whether others would wonder how his gun came out, he whispered an order and the mecha immediately stepped forward to release the condensate. The temperature on the field It descended instantly, and a moment later the frozen objects on the ground were taken away and melted outside.

"Mrs. Cao family, it seems that you are not very good at relying on the Cao family."

Li Yang looked at Cao Qiang with a smile, and then slowly walked to the absent-minded Fang Fen. He lifted her panicked chin with his left hand, lifted her charming face, and revealed her panic-filled eyes. , with his right hand, he pinched her calf at the hem of her dark dress and slowly slid it upwards. He lifted the hem of her skirt to her knees to expose her white thighs, and lifted it up.

"Now, if you take the initiative, will I allow you and your daughter to live?"

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Li Yang's mouth. He looked at Cao Xue, who was sitting on the ground sobbing with his head buried and not daring to raise his head, and said with a chuckle.


Fang Fen took a few deep breaths and looked at Li Yang with her big, lively eyes. After her heart skipped a beat, she slowly raised her buttocks and sat in Li Yang's arms. She looked at Li Yang's eyes and hands again. Holding his left arm, he rested his head on his shoulder.

Li Yang smiled and took his right hand to touch her lips. Fang Fen raised her head and kissed Li Yang's lips actively.


"Mom, no!!!"

Cao Qiang opened his eyes and yelled in collapse.

Asking for monthly ticket

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