My world double door

Chapter 218 The Cao family is finished

"What a useless piece of trash."

On the third floor of the shooting gallery, Li Yang shook his head when he saw Cao Qiang fainted. He stood up and waved to ask the bodyguard to take him to the hospital before going to eat.

Several bodyguards immediately followed Li Yang's order and lifted Cao Qiang up, driving him to the nearest hospital. Li Yang turned around and looked behind him. He saw Fang Fen and Cao Xue heaving a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but smile. He held the two women in his arms with open hands, turned around and strode downstairs, followed closely by Wang Qiang and the remaining bodyguards.

‘He was sent directly to the hospital. ’

Zhao Mengyi's eyes flashed behind her, and she hurriedly followed.

It's past three o'clock and they haven't eaten yet. Everyone except Li Yang is already very hungry. Fortunately, Wang Qiang has already prepared to entertain Li Yang. Now adding more food is just a matter of greeting. He complimented him all the way. Li Yang, who was following Fang Fen and Cao Xue downstairs, walked from the third floor to the first floor. As soon as he passed the last flight of stairs, he suddenly heard a cell phone ringtone.


Li Yang followed the voice and saw that it was Cao Qiang's cell phone. He raised it curiously and looked at it. When he saw the name of the caller in the note, he couldn't help but look curiously at Fang Fen beside him. He stretched his hand to the curve of her hip and asked She gestured and asked, "Do you know who Xiaolan is?"

"She is my daughter-in-law, Qiangzi's wife."

Fang Fen looked at the call message, opened her dark red lips and responded softly, blinking at Li Yang's eyes.

"Cao Qiang's wife?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Fang Fen. When he saw her eyes blinking at him, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hard on the lips.

The soft and moist touch greeted her, and Fang Fen snorted. Li Yang tilted his head back before letting go. He looked at her moist lips with a smile, and handed the phone in his hand to her: "You pick it up. Let’s see what she has to say on the phone.”


Fang Fen nodded with moist lips, obediently took the phone from Li Yang, clicked answer, and turned on the speakerphone at Li Yang's instruction. Li Yang saw her taking the phone and let go of Cao Xue on the right. , walked behind her and held her in his arms, slowly stretched his hands from her legs to the front and caressed her casually, resting his head on her shoulders and listening to the information coming from the phone receiver.

Cao Xue saw the call from her sister-in-law and leaned over to listen.

"Hello, Xiaolan?"

After answering, Fang Fen held up the phone with her left hand, touched the back of Li Yang's hand with her right hand and slowly reached it between Li Yang's legs, and took the lead in asking softly.

"Hello? Mom? Why are you answering the phone? Aren't you going to the mall with Xue'er? Why is Cao Qiang's cell phone here? Oh, forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Mom, you happen to be here. Can you tell me what happened? Did Cao Qiang cause some trouble when he returned to the mainland? Why was our home sealed?"

As soon as the call was connected, a very urgent female voice came from the other end. Fang Fen opened her eyes in surprise and couldn't help but look up at Li Yang who was holding her. Cao Xue on the side also looked at him blankly.

When Li Yang saw them all looking at him, a smile appeared on his lips, and he pinched Fang Fen's leg flesh with his hand. Fang Fen responded hurriedly: "What's been blocked? Can you tell me clearly what's going on?"

"I don't know either. Many enforcement officers came and said that all our property, except for our personal belongings, no longer belongs to us, but to a man named Mr. Li Yang. They said that it has not been there since I received the notice. I can’t even drive my car anymore when I have the right to live at home, and I was asked to pack up my belongings and leave quickly, so as not to affect Mr. Li Yang’s mood during his stay???”

A confused voice came from the other end of the phone: "Moreover, they actually have very formal documents. I called the government to confirm, but the result was the same. I thought to myself, how could something like this happen to our family, which is so good? , did Cao Qiang make a big mistake when he went out today? If so, can the family do something to solve this problem quickly? "

"All my money is frozen now, I can't get my family business back, and I can't even afford food. What should I do?"

The sound of the phone call came out, and Fang Fen and Cao Xue were stunned on the spot.

Wang Qiang and Zhao Mengyi, who were standing behind, instantly became extremely excited. Was the Cao family's property transferred to Li Yang?

In this short period of time, when Li Yang had done nothing but mess with Cao's family, the external affairs had actually been dealt with to this extent?

This is the Cao family, the top family in Linhai City, and it was dealt with so simply?

What does this mean?

Li Yang's energy is too terrifying!

The two of them thought of this at the same time, and what followed was a strong excitement. Wang Qiang was thinking about how to arrange a program for Li Yang to build a relationship. Zhao Mengyi was already thinking about how to make Li Yang more... Have dinner comfortably.

"Hey, it was executed so quickly?"

Behind Fang Fen, Li Yang, who was holding her, raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "I didn't expect the efficiency of the government to be so high this time, but thinking about it, everyone is working hard on this matter, so it will be done quickly. .”

"Li, Mr. Li Yang, is this really your order?"

Fang Fen looked stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Yang and asked stammeringly.

"It couldn't have been you if it wasn't me."

Li Yang chuckled softly and said teasingly. When the voice came out, Wang Qiang on the side became even more excited, and Zhao Mengyi's expression became even brighter.

"Ah, Mom, that Li Yang shouldn't be with you. Can you tell me what's going on? I don't know what to do now."

Li Yang's voice was transmitted along the microphone to the other side, followed by the distressed voice of Cao Qiang's wife from Cao Qiang's phone in Fang Fen's hand. Fang Fen pursed her lips and recovered from Li Yang's voice. You said quietly: "You don't know what to do, and I don't know what to do either."

"The Cao family is gone. Your father is dead. Except for Cao Qiang who is half dead, everyone else in the Cao family is dead. I can't do anything about your situation now."

"Mr. Li Yang is right next to me. Cao Qiang was shot three times and was sent to the hospital for treatment. He will be disabled in the future. The Cao family has no energy left. No one except Mr. Li Yang can save the house that was taken away from you." I can help you."

"The Cao family is over. Cao Xue and I are now Mr. Li Yang's women. If you have anything to say, please say a few words to Mr. Li Yang while you still can."

Fang Fen's tone was faint. After speaking, she raised her head and pressed her cheek eagerly against Li Yang's face. She put the phone's microphone to Li Yang's mouth and handed it to Li Yang's mouth. Li Yang watched Fang Fen send it to the side. With the soft lips on his face and the softness on his face, he couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her with satisfaction.

"Mom, no, you, what did you say?"

After Fang Fen finished speaking, it seemed that the amount of information was too large. The woman on the other end of the phone was a little confused, and asked in a voice full of astonishment.

"Your mother said that the Cao family is finished, and only I can decide your affairs."

Li Yang pecked Fang Fen twice and looked at the phone with a smile: "If you want to continue your current life and live at home, go and get a room in a nearby hotel, wash yourself clean, take off your clothes, and wait for me wrapped in a bath towel. Go, if you've thought about it, just give me a um, and I'll open a hotel for you, and you can just go and stay there. If you don't think about it, just don't say anything and hang up the phone."


The sound of handover came from the microphone. Chen Xiaolan couldn't tell that it was someone kissing. The person talking to her now was her husband's mother Fang Fen. Standing next to Fang Fen was the only one who had received her assets, named Li Yang. people.

'Your father is dead. Cao Qiang was shot three times and is being rescued...'

'The Cao family is finished...'

Under this condition, the few words Fang Fen said just now were like thunder exploding in Chen Xiaolan's heart. She didn't react at the first time, and asked in confusion. When the man's voice on the phone came, Come, she froze in place, nervously pinched the hem of her high-end skirt, and with a blank mind, she agreed: "Yes."

[I agreed, okay, the hotel room number has been sent to your mobile phone. A black car will pick you up in three minutes and will take you to the hotel door. When you arrive at the hotel, show your identity to the front desk and get the room card. Clean yourself up...]

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone. Chen Xiaolan didn't remember much. She just kept humming. She didn't wake up until the phone hung up. Then she received a text message on her phone. When she clicked on it, she found the room information and license plate number. Information and pictures.

As soon as she took a look, a black car parked next to her. She had a pair of license plates prepared by Li Yang for her. She bit her lower lip and looked back at a group of executives standing at home. , took a deep breath, stretched out his white and tender arms, and walked up to sit in the back of the vehicle.

The black vehicle drove slowly and soon stopped in front of an ordinary hotel. Chen Xiaolan showed her identity to the front desk. After a while, she received the room card and walked to the room alone.

After arriving in the room, I found that this room actually had a balcony with a large floor-to-ceiling window, and opposite the balcony of the floor-to-ceiling window was a hospital ward window.

She didn't understand why the room was opened here, so she hurriedly closed the balcony door and walked into the bathroom.




At the shooting gallery, after making a phone call, Li Yang carried Fang Fen and Cao Xue out of the building with a smile on his face and got into the back seat of the car. Wang Qiang trotted all the way and acted as his driver with a smile on his face, ignoring his own car.

A group of bodyguards boarded their own cars. Zhao Mengyi stood on the roadside and said goodbye to Li Yang enthusiastically: "Mr. Li Yang, walk slowly. I'm at home tonight and I hope you can come and try it."

"Okay, let's try it tonight."

Li Yang smiled broadly, and after he finished speaking, he motioned to Wang Qiang to drive.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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