My world double door

Chapter 225 Here I come!


The mecha, which followed Li Yang's fighting habits, burst out with terrifying speed in an instant. The mecha's lower limbs kicked the heads of all the protective team members and adjutants. The sound of heads exploding in the entire floor space was heard in succession. By the time The mecha reappeared on the ground, and with the terrifying sonic boom and whirlwind all around, the office area was instantly in chaos.

"Cough cough cough~~"

Five-star General Keira's body was thrown to the ground. The long-term suffocation made him cough continuously, and he looked at the mecha that appeared in front of him with a shocked and frightened expression.

"You said you don't allow anything that you can't control to appear?"

The mecha squatted on the ground and spoke in Li Yang's usual tone, glaring coldly at Admiral Keira who was lying on the ground with a frightened expression: "So, now that I'm here, so what?"

"Create a security service to destroy us? What can you do to destroy me?"

"Is it because the bomb cannot be activated at all under our control, and even if it is physically activated, it will be intercepted in the air?"

"Even my outer armor can't break the missile?"

"Or is it your ridiculous and arrogant self-confidence?"

As the mecha spoke, its head approached Keira's eyes little by little, and its voice was full of coldness.

"No, I didn't, I..."

Keira shook her head crazily and spoke with a trembling body, but before he could finish his words, the mecha punched him in the head, and his body instantly fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.


"Keira is just a white glove you launched, but you should also remember that finding you is no more difficult than finding Keira."

"We can kill him easily, and we can kill all of you easily."

"Your ridiculous capital is as fragile as paper in front of us."

On the flat screen, the scenes that happened in the monitoring room were played in front of the controllers in suits or pajamas. Cold voices came from each mecha or exoskeleton. The next moment, they were covered in cold sweat. Amidst the frantic nodding, the tablet was scratched to pieces.

"From now on, you will enter the primitive stage where all technological equipment except hazardous equipment cannot be used 24 hours a day. This is the punishment and response you deserve for what you have done."

A cold voice came from my ears. The next moment, the mechas and exoskeletons instantly rose into the air and merged into the spacecraft that appeared in the sky like fighter planes. Only the corpses of the guards were left on the ground, and they followed closely behind. Some people discovered that they had become invisible and disappeared into the sky.


The controllers, covered in cold sweat, collapsed to the ground. When they came to their senses and stumbled to their feet, they discovered to their bewilderment that they couldn't even turn on the lights.

"Oh, Farke, Farke, Farke!"

"Which bastard came up with this idea, Farke! Farke! Farke!"

"What the hell is this, Falk!"

Amidst the shouts and shouts of collapse, the entire area has completely entered a state where no technology can be used. Everyone collapsed and yelled, but to no avail.

Lighters, candles, and matches are in short supply.




And in Yanhuang Heyang City, there was also a voice that was as loud as theirs, and it was sharper, louder, and more unbearable.

Facts have proved that it makes sense for celebrities to become celebrities.

At the very least, this voluptuousness, this tenderness, and her slim and beautiful figure are truly beyond the comparison of ordinary women.

Li Yang walked the famous lady back and forth, experienced it up and down, and truly felt every difference in the famous lady. It was not until 10:30 that night that he was satisfied and stopped today's communication.

In the meantime, he was only willing to spend three seconds to learn about [Huanyi]'s response method and the results of the United States, and then he was plunged back into a completely different experience.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to heat up the food and then go eat?"

Zhao Mengyi's physical loss was very serious. Li Yang knew that it would be difficult for her to eat by herself, so he thoughtfully addressed the powerless socialite beneath him and asked softly with a smile.

"No, I'm full."

Zhao Mengyi rolled her eyes charmingly. She had enough to supplement her nutrition today, but how could she still eat the food?

Meeting a man she didn't know well was like this. This was a scenario she had never thought of.

"Also, you can't eat too much at night."

Li Yang nodded very understandingly, then rolled his eyes, feeling that it was not very satisfying, so he summoned another spiritual power and integrated it into Zhao Mengyi's body, sweeping away her fatigue and recovering her physical strength. She rolled over.



Zhao Mengyi had not spent such a long night in an unknown amount of time.

So exhausted that she waited until 12 noon the next day before waking up from bed. She was so exhausted that she went to brush her teeth and wash herself. She looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly felt miserable. He pursed his lips sadly.

It was so miserable. It was the first time she knew that women could be so tired.

It’s so hard to be this lady.

After she finished complaining bitterly to the mirror, she finally realized, where is Li Yangren?

I quickly took out my phone and saw a message on it.

[Mr. Li Yang: When I wake up in the morning, I see you are still sleeping. I will go out to play first. You have a good rest at home, eat well for lunch, go to the spa to relax, and then wash yourself clean. I will come to see you in the evening]

Seeing this news from Li Yang, Zhao Mengyi's legs shook. She hurriedly put down her phone and went to the kitchen to cook a big meal of tonic soup to fill herself up. Then she changed her clothes and ran to a health care shop to recover. Then she returned home and fell asleep. .

After finishing the spa treatment, Zhao Mengyi was white and tender from head to toe. There was no one else in the bedroom. She directly threw her fair and tender body on the bed, and her plump and beautiful legs pressed out a human shape on the soft mattress. Mark, the upright buttocks were drawn inward where they connected with the thighs, and a plump flesh was squeezed out from the edge of the ultra-short home pajamas, which complemented the white sheets.

However, Zhao Mengyi wanted to sleep, but someone didn't want her to live in peace.

[Zhang Sheng: Do you know, the Cao family is finished?]

[Zhang Sheng: You are such a bitch. You dress up coquettishly every day and make flirtatious glances. It is your blessing that I want to fall in love with you. If you still don’t obey, why, let’s see what you can do now]

[Zhang Sheng: Either you come here and fuck me obediently tonight, or you don’t want to hang out here anymore]


When Zhao Mengyi woke up, Li Yang had already gone out.

The next human race competition in the magical world will start in more than ten days, so he naturally needs to relax before then.

Of course, practicing while relaxing is indispensable. He is a very obedient person. Since the head of the Crow family, who is so awesome, advises him to practice the [Destruction] skill well, he naturally focuses on practicing this combat skill.

With his current cultivation level and sufficient energy, he sets aside time to practice every night when others are sleeping. Now he has initially mastered the [Destruction] record. With his powerful body, he can learn these pure physical skills. Combat skills are not difficult in the first place, not to mention that the previous two pure physical combat skills [Psychic Step] and [Heavy Slash] lay the foundation, and with high enough soul power to cooperate, learning will be faster.

Although it is a preliminary mastery, in the next ten days or so, if you practice diligently every night, it will not be difficult to become proficient when it is time to set off. It is also very important to be relaxed enough to participate in the competition.

Besides, he couldn't relax the progress of Qi refining either.

[Destroy] [Demon Soul Cultivation Notes] [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] are the three skills he focuses on practicing now. Each skill can be guaranteed to have enough time to practice, and [Demon Soul Cultivation Notes] practice a few skills every two days. It only takes ten minutes, and the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] is even more convenient. He practices diligently while having fun, so he is not in a hurry.

After having a simple breakfast and enjoying some delicious food early in the morning, Wang Qiang arrived and took him to the place he prepared with a smile.

On the way, Li Yang thought about taking the time to go to the apocalyptic world in the past few days to buy a robot corps, and to truly realize a space combat fortress, so that he could do things more conveniently.

While thinking, he took Wang Qiang's car and soon arrived at an underground parking lot in a community.

Wang Qiang took Li Yang to the elevator in the underground parking lot and went straight to the top floor. After a while, he came to a relatively spacious floor. After looking around, Wang Qiang smiled and took Li Yang to a house with a door sign hanging [1205 】Outside the room with the house number.

"Dong dong dong~"

Wang Qiang stood in front and knocked on the door. Li Yang stood behind and watched curiously. He found that the doorbell did not even ring. He looked at the cat's eye. After a while, a woman's eyes appeared in the cat's eye looking out, and then a dark red The door opened, revealing a slender woman with long hair, wearing a casual shirt and black slim jeans, welcoming them in with a smile.

Li Yang first looked at the woman's buttocks and saw that the hips were wide and curved. Then he moved to her chest and saw that her breasts were wide. Then he moved to her face and found that the woman had a small beauty mark on the corner of her lips. She had a gentle appearance. You Youyou couldn't help but smile and walked toward the door under Wang Qiang's guidance.

When he walked to the door, he saw the woman looking at him with a smile. Li Yang smiled and stretched his hand between her legs to touch her. The woman immediately leaned against Li Yang and followed without resistance. He walked in, and Wang Qiang closed the door behind him, locked it, and then followed him in with a smile.

"Brother Li is here."

"Hello, Brother Li."

"Hello, brother Li!"

Li Yang smelled the shampoo-like fragrance of the woman next to him, touched her hips and walked into the room. Immediately, three women dressed in different clothes walked up to him. One of them actually had a fluffy tail on her back. .

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