My world double door

Chapter 251 Damn Genes

Li Yang twisted his body, but no matter how he twisted, he could not get rid of the feeling of discomfort. He couldn't help but frowned and found that Sheng Li, Di En and the three elves among the elves also felt this way.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on the elf princess Aisia, and found that although her brows were furrowed and her beautiful body was trembling slightly, she did not twist her body awkwardly and awkwardly like the others. He immediately raised his eyebrows to restrain himself. Resisting the urge to twist around.

‘What the hell, why is this princess so charming? ’

Li Yang cursed secretly in his heart, thinking that the other party that Seson said before was the son of the perfect water element. This was the first woman he had ever met who gave him such a strong desire that he could hardly control his impulse.

Damn it, it’s all because of the genetic potion and the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing], it’s so unorthodox.

Otherwise, how could a pure and kind person like him want to have sex with someone else as soon as they meet!

"Try to practice. During the process of practice, we will adapt to the laws of the world here faster."

Noticing Li Yang's gaze, Ai Xiya explained in a low voice with a smile on her face, and then reminded her two teammates who were so uncomfortable that they could hardly control themselves, so they endured the discomfort and took the initiative to sit cross-legged on the grass at the entrance of the valley. .

"Thank you princess for the reminder."

Li Yang replied with a smile, and then reminded Sheng Li and Di En. The two of them immediately suppressed the awkward and uncomfortable feeling, sat cross-legged at the entrance of the canyon and began to try to practice.

Li Yang also sat cross-legged on the ground silently, and activated the thunder magic in his body.

It is very difficult for people who feel awkward to enter a peaceful state of practice. Fortunately, the few people present are not easy-going people. Even if they have such a strong sense of awkwardness, they quickly enter a state of practice.

The magic power in the body circulated in circles, fighting against the strong discomfort coming from all directions. Amidst this confrontation, the day quickly entered the evening.

Everyone couldn't help but opened their eyes a little tiredly, and found that the strange awkward feeling had disappeared a lot, but there was still an awkwardness.

It's just that this feeling of running energy in the body and fighting against the awkwardness really makes them a little tired after a day. Except for Li Yang, who has abnormal resilience, no one else can stay here any longer.

Everyone else had left, so Li Yang naturally couldn't continue practicing here. When he noticed that the Elf Princess, Sheng Li, and Di En had also left, it didn't take long for him to get up and exit the area.

After leaving the canyon entrance and coming outside, the awkward feeling immediately disappeared, making everyone who had been inside for a day feel light and comfortable.

They returned to the team along the route, then said goodbye to each other, mounted their horses and followed their team, turning back in the direction they came from.

Before returning, Li Yang looked back at the elf princess emphatically, then turned back silently and hurried on, following the knights and the two immortal teams back to the important border town.

"I believe that you have deeply experienced the strange things in [Golden Valley] today. Eat well, have a good rest at night, and wait until tomorrow to go back."

When he arrived at the accommodation, Rule pointed at the soldiers who came to deliver food, smiled and said to Li Yang and the others: "It will take you a few days to fully adapt to the place, which is why we will take you there in advance. The reason for coming here.”

Li Yang nodded silently upon hearing this, then took the food and returned to the room to rest.

Before going to bed, Li Yang did his daily practice. After a day of feeling awkward about practicing, he no longer wanted to continue practicing. He put the practice aside and started practicing while lying on the bed.


After a night of silence, the next morning, Li Yang and the others got up early and continued to the [Golden Valley] under the leadership of Lule's team and Di'en's team.

Riding the magic horse, he continued to move forward. When the entrance to the [Golden Valley] appeared in his sight, the team of [Elves] also appeared in his sight.

Also appearing at the same time was a group of dwarves whose height was no more than 1.3 meters tall, but had muscles all over their bodies, riding on fanged demon pigs.

Li Yang's eyes were slightly surprised as he looked at the dwarf group opposite the entrance of the [Golden Valley] in the opposite direction of the humans and elves. The configuration of this group of dwarves was very similar to that of humans and elves, and they also had more than ten breaths. A strong man who tested and a cavalry regiment arrived, leading three young-looking dwarf geniuses.

The dwarf tribe seems to be very talented in the physical body. Each dwarf's physical body is very strong to the naked eye, at least beyond the average level of the human race. Their weapons are mainly big swords and big axes.

"Oh, cunning humans, fickle elves, you are always one step ahead of us."

Three dwarves riding fanged demon pigs emerged from the crowd. The small eyes above the nose of the wine trough looked at humans and elves left and right. The only dwarf in the center holding a staff muttered: "You are not carrying Do we have some kind of agreement against the dwarves?"

"Humans, elves, and dwarves are all just races that respect life. How could they take targeted measures against the dwarves?"

Hearing the words of the legendary dwarves who came out from the crowd, Rule and the captain of the legendary team that protected Earth came out and looked at the dwarves with a smile and said: "On the contrary, not only will we not target the dwarves, we will always be allies. Allies, since you are here, why not join us in guarding the disciples as they practice at the entrance of the valley?"

"There is only one enemy of all living races, and that is the demon race!"

The captains of the three immortal teams of the elves also rode out of the team on green horses and looked at the dwarf immortal with a serious expression: "In addition, we, the elves, are by no means a fickle race. We just follow nature."

"Following nature is not an excuse for fickleness. Otherwise, why would you abandon the covenant between the two races and move from the land of [Colster] to your current location."

The dwarf immortal snorted disdainfully, then looked in the direction of the humans and taunted him again: "Why, do you also want to argue that cunning humans are not cunning?"

"The sudden transformation of [Colster] from an oasis into a frozen wasteland is a disaster for heaven and earth. The elves will migrate when they find it difficult to survive, just like the humans will choose to adapt to changes in order to survive."

Lule smiled and said: "There are always people in our human race who are very loyal, kind, brave, selfless, and perseverant. So why should we argue about being cunning or not?"

"Humph, I guess what you said is nice."

The Immortal Dwarf snorted when he heard the words, and the Elf on the other side squinted his eyes and said: "The Dwarves are still so cunning and mean in their speech, and their mouths are extremely bad. This habit is as deep-rooted in the soul as your temperament. Stubbornness will not .”

"Although our words are ugly, we have never done anything indecent in our actions. Unlike you elves, who are high-sounding on your lips but treacherous behind your back."

The dwarf Immortal responded disdainfully, and what he said made the elves couldn't help but snort: "Ignorance, ridiculous!"

"Okay everyone, since the dwarves have arrived, it won't take long for the demons to arrive. I think you don't want the geniuses of your tribe to have not adapted to the laws of the [Golden Valley] before the demons arrive."

Rule looked at the quarrel between several people, shook his head helplessly, sighed softly and spoke.

"The genius of our dwarves is not as delicate as you flowers living in a greenhouse."

Hearing Rule's words, the dwarf immortal snorted, then glanced at the human and elven teams, and said casually: "Since you want to protect together, let's cooperate."

With that said, Immortal, who was holding a staff in the middle of the dwarf tribe, waved his staff and immediately led the dwarf tribe towards the [Golden Valley]. When they reached the edge, the three young dwarf geniuses entered directly into the [Golden Valley] Among them, they guarded in place.

Rule couldn't help but shook his head, and then he also brought people closer. He let the geniuses of his own race and the geniuses of the elves gather together and entered the [Golden Valley], and then formed an formation with the elves again. method, leaving a supplementary formation gap.

The dwarves waited until their formation was completed and then came to the gap to arrange the formation as if they didn't care, forming one with the humans and elves.

On the other side, Li Yang, with Sheng Li and Di En, once again gathered with the three geniuses of the Elf tribe. He still actively smiled and nodded at each other with the Elf Princess Aixia of the Elf tribe. Sheng Li and Di En also joined the other two The geniuses of the elves nodded in greeting, and then stepped into the entrance of the [Golden Valley] together.

As soon as he entered it, the uncomfortable and uncomfortable feeling hit him again, but it was much lighter than yesterday. What surprised Li Yang was that the conditions of the newly arrived dwarves were similar to those of them who had been here for a day.

"Colster is a frozen wasteland, where the laws of the world are also different from the outside world. Dwarves have lived there for a long time, and their bodies are more adaptable to changes in these rules than ordinary races."

Seeing the confusion in Li Yang's eyes, the Elf Princess smiled and explained. After speaking, she nodded gently: "Let's start practicing too."

"Princess please."

Li Yang smiled and nodded when he heard this, and asked the elf princess to sit down first. The other party smiled slightly and also sat down to practice.

"Li Yang, why do you feel like you don't know anything except fighting?"

Shengli behind him couldn't help but murmured to Li Yang: "Have you not heard about the dwarves and elves? Although I have never seen dwarves and elves, these things should not have happened since the beginning of practice. Have you ever heard from a magic teacher?”

"Maybe this is why you can't beat me. You see, you spend so much time on such meaningless things every day, but I don't. If you don't lose, who will lose?"

Li Yang glanced at him and spoke calmly. Then he thought about it and it seemed that he had only seen a few elves in the Crow family. It seems that elves are very rare in the human kingdom. Shengli should have nothing to do with the Crow family, so Never seen an elf?

Guessing in his mind, after Li Yang finished speaking, he ignored the depressed Shengli and sat down cross-legged.

Shengli was depressed for a while, but quickly adjusted his state, and sat on the ground with his four-winged dragon horse to start practicing.

Amidst the full-body confrontation, the day passed quickly.

In the evening, the tired people couldn't bear the strange feeling, so they woke up Li Yang and went back each other. The same was true for the dwarf geniuses, but they obviously recovered more easily after leaving.

After returning, Li Yang practiced for a while as usual before falling asleep. The next day, he gathered outside the [Golden Valley] again.

This time, people from the elves, dwarves and humans arrived together. After starting his training, Li Yang found that the geniuses of the dwarfs adapted to the state of the [Golden Valley] faster than they did. He couldn't help but shook his head and devoted himself to training. among.

In this way, after eight days of adapting at the entrance of the [Golden Valley], the three Li Yang and the three geniuses of the elves finally fully adapted to the laws of the [Golden Valley].

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