My world double door

Chapter 254 What to do

Chapter 254 What to do~

Walking to the hill where the teleportation started, several geniuses who had gathered here in advance focused their attention on Li Yang.

The elf princess and another beautiful female elf looked at Li Yang with big eyes. Li Yang also looked at them with a smile, and an idea came to his mind.

How can I get these two female elves to have sex?

Oh, damn, genes and [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing] distorted his thoughts again!

"You are so brave, you are the last one to come back."

As if noticing Li Yang's gaze, Leslie, the elf master next to Elf Princess Axia, couldn't help but whisper to Li Yang: "Aren't you afraid of the demons?"

"What should come will come sooner or later, and what should be faced must be faced. Even if you are afraid, you must do your own things well first."

Hearing this, Li Yang's heart moved, and he showed a very calm look on his face. He spoke calmly, and then looked at Elf Princess Aisia with a smile on his side: "Of course, it's not too late for me to come back, isn't it? , after all, it’s just evening now.”

"Everyone is worried about the demon clan, so they all came back a little early, but you are right about one thing."

Princess Aixia looked at Li Yang and spoke with a smile. After speaking, her eyes shifted from Li Yang to the others with a solemn expression: "[Golden Valley] is only this big in total, and there are two immortal ferocious beasts. It’s an absolutely forbidden area.”

"You have a clear view here. The demons' perception of life is worse than that of a pig's nose. No matter where we hide, they will find us and launch an attack. Instead of hiding here and there, it is better to set up our formation here and wait until the opponent The moment he appears in this world, before the other party has time to react, he launches an attack first."

A flash of determination flashed across Aisia's beautiful expression: "Destroying the enemy to the greatest extent is the best protection for us!"

"I think that's why we all want to put the meeting point here."

As Asia spoke, her beautiful eyes scanned everyone on the field at the same time, and everyone couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words.

"The demons can only appear at night, but the [Golden Valley] opens in the early morning. This is an opportunity given to us by God. Only by relying on this opportunity can we win by surprise."

The first genius of the dwarves looked very serious, and immediately spoke: "I am the perfect berserker of the dwarves. I have reached the level of a super berserker. I can withstand pressure for you. Among my companions, There is a super scout with advanced scout qualifications who can detect the opponent before he enters here, and the other companion is a super arcane master who can provide high arcane damage!"

Berserker? Scout? Arcanist?

Li Yang looked at the three geniuses of the dwarf race in front of him with some doubts. The Holy Power on one side observed their words and explained to him via voice transmission: "The berserker is the evolution system of the warrior, the scout is the evolution system of the ranger, and the arcanist is the evolution system of the ranger. The evolution system of magicians, these professions have undergone a new transformation among the dwarves, and their level classification is also simple and crude, directly matching the level of magicians."

Li Yang glanced at the voice transmitter beside him, Sheng Li, and he was sensible.

"I am a super water magician, with the talent of being a perfect son of the water element."

The Elf Princess Aisia raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but look at the dwarf's first genius who looked much more elegant than the other dwarves. She nodded slightly and said, "It can bring about a powerful blocking effect."

Are you so concerned about talented people?

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Elf Aisia thoughtfully, guessing the princess's personality and preferences.

"I am a super beast master, possessing the talent of a high-level soul child."

Another female elf with a velvet belt in her hand spoke shyly, touching the rabbit beside her as she spoke: "This is my super phantom beast. It has a strong psychedelic effect on beings with souls. It can be used at critical moments." Control a strong enemy who rushes in for everyone."

"I am a True Power Ranger. With a living longbow, I can provide combat support to everyone and resist the enemy's approach."

The only male elf in the elf family spoke in a low voice. As he spoke, he touched the long bow with both hands. There was a flash of magical light, which was obviously very powerful.

After the introduction of the two races, they couldn't help but look at the human race, especially Li Yang, who was the most arrogant of the human race.


Seeing everyone's eyes gathering, Li Yang showed a smile on his face. He glanced at the elf princess Aisia inadvertently: "I have a special inheritance, and I am a thunder mage who has reached advanced perfection!"

As Li Yang spoke, he revealed the magic power of thunder and the power of the strange demon soul from his body. He chuckled and said, "My attack power, defense power, speed, reaction ability, and control ability are all very good. I can bring them to everyone." Come for full support.”

Ai Xia couldn't help but look at Li Yang twice, her expression calm.

Li Yang knew from Lu Le that although Thunder Mage was rare, it was not completely extinct.

What is truly extinct is the Thunder Mage who has reached the level of Magic Master!

Even the Super Thunder Mage barely exists in the world.

Therefore, Li Yang was not surprised by Aixia's calmness.

The calmness on her face continued until Sheng Li and Di En behind Li Yang spoke.

"I am a perfect knight, and my cultivation has reached the level of an earth knight. This is my four-winged dragon horse. It is also a super magical beast and has the blood of a dragon."

Shengli stroked the mane of his four-winged dragon horse with a smile on his face: "My mobility, attack power, defense power, and support speed are all very strong. I... you can think of me as someone better than Li Yang." A weaker Li Yang."

"I am a perfect warrior. My cultivation has reached the level of a leyline warrior. I can provide everyone with indestructible leyline defense."

A smile appeared on Di En's face, and as he spoke, a strong earth-line power flashed around him, making people clearly feel the rich and terrifying earth-line power.

"The perfect knight, the perfect warrior...the number one among humans?"

Aixia was stunned, her eyes swept from Sheng Li and Di En, and finally fell on Li Yang. She said in astonishment: "As far as I know, if you are just a senior thunder mage, it doesn't seem to be a super perfect aptitude." His opponent?"

"Princess, don't worry too much. When Li Yang defeated us, he didn't even use his thunder magic and good soul cultivation. He just relied on his own physical strength and special inheritance to defeat me."

Before Li Yang could speak with a smile on his face, Shengli on the side couldn't help but speak with emotion, and Di En nodded in agreement: "His power is so powerful that my defense has no effect at all."

So strong!

Princess Aixia couldn't help but look at Li Yang in surprise, and then she couldn't help but lightly opened her red lips: "You are the first creature I have ever seen that can defeat an extraordinary person of the same level with perfect qualifications with a body with ordinary qualifications. indivual."

You are the first woman I have ever seen who is so good-looking.

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, he nodded slightly and said: "My inheritance is indeed somewhat special. Even if someone with the same level of cultivation wants to surpass me, it will be difficult for him."

Li Yang now has a clearer positioning of the fifth-level genetic medicine. An ordinary fifth-level genetic medicine evolver is stronger than an ordinary super transcendent. And he has reached the limit of the fifth-level genetic medicine technology, even if he is perfectly qualified. When a Super Extraordinary reaches the pinnacle of a Super Extraordinary, he is at best on par with him, and may not even be as strong as him.

Don't look at the competition between him and Sheng Li. He only punched him back with the help of the horse, but the gap between them was a huge gap, proving that even if Sheng Li relied on the power of the four-winged dragon horse, he could still defeat him with one punch. He was also crushed.

Even if the Holy Power reaches the peak of the Earth Knight, it will still be at a disadvantage in a duel with him.

Dien, same thing.

However, without this world's combat skills, it would be really difficult for him to defeat the two of them... But similarly, they would not even think about defeating a fifth-level extreme genetic evolver in the physical realm.

Just don't use the fatal flaw of genetic evolvers, soul attacks.

Therefore, he didn't think there was anything wrong with saying this.

"It's incredible. My name is Hall. I'm glad to have a mysterious teammate like you!"

Hearing Li Yang's voice, Hall, the first genius of the dwarves and the perfect berserker, couldn't help but speak to Li Yang. The other two geniuses of the dwarfs around him also followed suit.

"Inge, nice to meet you!"

Super Scout Yingge, who has advanced scout qualifications, couldn't help but smile at Li Yang.

"Thor salutes you!"

Super Arcanist Thor spoke to Li Yang with emotion on his face. Only he with ordinary qualifications knew what kind of pressure it was to face such a group of perfect qualifications.

However, under such pressure, it was Li Yang who won the first place of pride!

"This is not an important thing. Instead of thinking about this, it is better to think about how we will attack the demons teleported here later."

Li Yang smiled and nodded at the three dwarfs, then looked at the three elves with the same wonder in their eyes, and said with a slight smile: "I don't know any magic circles, I don't know. Do you have any preparations?"

"I have a magic circle given by my mother that can bring together the power of all of us."

Elf Princess Aisia spoke proactively, and then showed the magic circle she got from the Elf Queen.

The elves are different from the humans. They only have one queen, so the magic circle given to her daughter by the elven queen is naturally extraordinary. After seeing Aixia's magic circle, everyone decisively chose her magic circle, and Form immediately at the entrance.

There are two cores of this magic circle. One is undoubtedly Princess Axia who is most familiar with the magic circle, and the other is naturally Li Yang.

The advantage of this is that even if one of the two of them breaks away from the formation, the formation will still be able to operate, and Li Yang is naturally very satisfied.

Everyone got ready, and saw that the sky was slowly starting to get dark. Everyone swallowed various magic potions. The elf princess Ahir and the dwarf super arcanist Thor all used various beneficial magics. Superimposed on everyone.

At the same time, under Li Yang's suggestion, they arranged a lot of triggering magic arrays. As soon as the demons appeared, the magic arrays would automatically trigger, causing heavy damage to them.

With such preparations, it didn't take long for it to get dark.

"The demons are coming!"

Only ten minutes after dark, the dwarf super scout Inge suddenly let out a loud roar.

The demons are coming!

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and their eyes seemed to be scanning the place with a faint light. The dark night was as bright as day in the eyes of these extraordinary beings.

The next moment they lifted their spirits, a chilly, biting aura filled with madness and agitation suddenly fell from the sky.


The life with a cold and biting breath immediately triggered the triggering magic circle on the ground as soon as it landed, and in an instant, fierce flames and sharp gold magic illuminated the sky.



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