My world double door

Chapter 257 Princess: No!

Before entering the valley, Li Yang took out the 'Fire Crystals' needed by the dwarves and the 'Spring of Life' needed by the elves collected yesterday, and exchanged them with the 'Bright Grass' in their hands. Then he stood up with a smile and said: "Including today, this place will be closed in four days. I hope everyone can get a satisfactory harvest."

"Thank you."

After hearing Li Yang's words, everyone on the field nodded silently, and then watched Li Yang's figure rising into the sky to search for other ferocious beasts.

Then the rest of the talents shook their heads, knowing in their hearts that the first place in this competition must be this powerful and unparalleled number one genius of the human race. However, the opportunity to get gold so easily is really rare. Even if you don't get the first place, They won't give up either.

Shengli and Dien went to search for the ferocious beasts respectively, and the dwarves also retreated in groups. The elf princess Aixia looked at the direction Li Yang left, turned around and led her elf team into the jungle.


In the next few days, Li Yang continued to fight and fight with the ferocious beasts every day.

Of course, he was not contaminated by the area where the two immortal ferocious beasts were, and he did not dare to go there.

Ever since he learned about the existence of things like the 'Forbidden Curse', Li Yang is now very taboo about the power of these immortals in this world, that is, the magic master level, and will not easily provoke them.

But even in this situation, there are still a large number of ferocious beasts waiting for him to fight.

After fighting again and again, Li Yang's body and soul power were fully developed. Not only was his power control more subtle, but his quality and quantity were also improved.

During this process, batches of gold were looted by him, along with a large amount of 'bright grass', 'spring of life' and 'fire crystal', three special items needed by the three tribes.

A large amount of gold was directly filled with the space bag that Li Yang received from the Demon Soul inheritance, and the Bright Grass was filled with several others. Fortunately, Li Yang bought a lot of [space bags] after becoming rich, otherwise there would be no place to put these things. .

The search continued until the night of the fourth day, when Li Yang stopped in front of a kiwi fruit tree growing by a pond that he had seen during the day.

Beside the bright, wide and calm water pool, a small fruit tree, only about two meters high, grew, full of apple-like fruits.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the moonlight around this fruit tree is many times stronger than that in other places, so that even under the bright moon, it seems to be emitting moonlight, which is quite bright.

"Is this absorbing the power of the sun and the moon?"

Li Yang looked at the fruit tree with some surprise. After adjusting the invisible surveillance video, he found that the tree also had sunlight gathering during the day. He couldn't help but speak and looked back and forth above the fruit tree.

Then he thought about it, picked one of the fruits, and silently sensed it. Under the powerful perception, he could clearly feel the rich vitamin energy and strange pure power inside.

Some are like a mixture of the magic power of the sun and the magic power of the moon, but it is a hundred times purer than the magic power cultivated by humans. Even ordinary people can eat it.


He opened his mouth and took a bite. It was fragrant, crispy and sweet, and the juice filled his mouth. Li Yang continued to eat the whole fruit. He felt an extremely pure and refreshing magic power pouring into his body from the outside in, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Good stuff."

Li Yang looked at the fruit tree in front of him with gleaming eyes. Then he thought about it and decisively took out a book of advanced earth magic from a [space bag] to learn on the spot. Then he used his soul power to cast earth magic to remove the main roots of the fruit tree. All the soil was moved out, and the fruit tree was also stored in a space bag.

The fruit of this fruit tree has a mediocre effect on him, but if he takes it back and lets his parents, sisters, and his own women take it, it will be something awesome.

Speaking of's time to prepare some perfect potions for the family and women to take.

"Don't worry, let's wait until the matters here are settled."

An idea flashed through his mind, and Li Yang didn't think it was a good thing for them to have too much power. It would be good if they had the power of a basic perfect genetic potion, and then all the other abilities were added to lifespan and vitality. Otherwise, the real world would be too It's not good to be messy.

It will be even better when he finds a technique in the world of immortality that is suitable for the general public to practice and can prolong life and recover from injuries.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang moved and rushed into the jungle like a fierce dragon.

Night is originally a taboo time for the three tribesmen who normally enter the [Golden Valley]. They basically can only rely on the magic circle prepared in advance to survive until daytime, and then take action.

But now, all the demons who entered the [Golden Valley] have been killed by Li Yang, so naturally the night has become a time for activity.

In this way, one night passed, and Li Yang's space had more gold and bright grass.

In this world, Li Yang has basically snatched away all the more powerful beasts below the immortal beasts in the entire [Golden Valley], and the rest are small mid-lower beasts with little gold.

Li Yang was not picky about food either. He cleaned up the relatively strong ferocious beasts again. He didn't stop until noon when only some small shrimps were left. Then he came to the exit with a smile and looked at the hanging hanging The light gate in the sky sat there with a smile on its face, waiting for the other teams to come back.

Only three hours later, Sheng Li and Di En came back one after another, and Li Yang waved his hand to let them leave first.

Sheng Li and Di En guessed something from Li Yang's movements, looked at each other, and left silently through the light door.

After a while, the three geniuses of the elves returned to the entrance and saw Li Yang greeting him friendly.

"Beautiful elf princess Aysia, this is the 'spring of life' I collected. I hope it can be of some help to you."

With a smile, Li Yang took out a small amount of a large amount of 'spring water of life' that he had collected, and said to the elf princess 'Asia'.

In addition to the 'Spring of Life', he also had a lot of 'Fire Flame Crystals' in his space bag, but he didn't know if these two things had any other uses, so he didn't exchange them all for the 'Bright Grass' they collected.

Instead, I decided to take it out and ask if there was any other use for it.

"Oh, thank you very much. This is the 'Bright Grass' we collected. There are not many. I hope it can help you."

Seeing the spring of life that Li Yang took out, Elf Princess Ai Xiya showed a smile on her beautiful face. Then she took out a bunch of bright grass from her space bag and put it on the ground. She smiled and talked to Li Yang. Exchanged 'Fountain of Life'.

"You're welcome. After all, I have one more thing to do."

Li Yang smiled and took away the bright grass that the elf princess took out, and then said kindly: "My dear elf princess, I want to rob, please hand over everything you have on you."

"Uh, what?"

After hearing what Li Yang said, the elf princess was stunned and couldn't help but ask.

"I said robbery."

Li Yang looked up at the beautiful elf princess with a kind smile.



An hour later.

"Dear Princess, how can I be sure that this bellyband and underwear are not space equipment?"

In the dark cave, the elf princess with disheveled hair was breathing rapidly. Her face turned red and she looked at Li Yang who was almost leaning on her to question. She gritted her teeth and said, "You, this robber, is it a space device? You have already seen ten times of mental strength." Minutes!"

Li Yang's mental strength is more than just his bellyband...

"Ahem, okay then, dear Elf Princess, I don't mean to offend. This is a human dress. Put it on. Don't let others see your beautiful body."

Li Yang coughed dryly and silently took out a set of tightly wrapped clothes and handed them to the elf princess Aixia.

He even took his own clothes away and was unwilling to give them to her again!

Aixia glared at Li Yang, then grabbed her clothes to cover her body in shame and anger, and rushed out of the cave.

"Dear Princess, don't forget that your 'spring of life' is contained in this [space bag]."

Li Yang picked up a space bag with a smile on his face. The elf princess who had just rushed out had to turn back, gritted her teeth and took the [space bag] from Li Yang's hand, then turned around and left without looking back.

"Oh, Aisia, don't you want your clothes? Otherwise, if you go out wearing these clothes, it will be easy for others to misunderstand our relationship."

Li Yang took out the Elf Princess's clothes again and spoke with a smile.

Elf Princess Aisia paused for a moment and had to turn back again. Then she saw Li Yang's smiling eyes, pursed her lips, took the clothes and left again.

Li Yang looked at Aisia's back and shook his head with emotion, then rubbed his hands and looked at Leslie, the other elf genius in the cave who looked panicked.

"Dear Leslie Beast Master, how can I be sure that your underwear is not space equipment?"

Li Yang looked at the female elf master lying on the ground in front of him, with a pure smile on his face.

"You, when you were looking at Princess Axia, you were already looking at me at the same time."

Leslie bit her lip and spoke urgently in a low voice.

"But, I feel like just looking at it doesn't work."

Li Yang came closer and spoke to the female elf beastmaster with twinkling eyes.

"What do you want to do? You can't..."


Three minutes later, the female elf beastmaster, who had been seen clearly, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and left the cave without looking back.

Li Yang walked out of the cave with a soft smile, looked at the male elf who was tied up in a daze outside the cave, took his hand away, and let him go.

"Don't you need to check my clothes?"

Seeing Li Yang's movements, the male elf cautiously spoke in a low voice. Li Yang curled his lips and said, "Go away, do you have space storage equipment on you? I already knew it."

"Oh, okay, okay."

The male elf was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly turned and left.

"Oh, what a wonderful journey."

Li Yang stretched comfortably, then raised his eyebrows, looked at the three dwarf geniuses who also hurried over from the forest with a smile, and said with a bright smile: "Dear dwarf brothers, you I have a lot of the required Fire Crystals here, do I need to exchange them?"

"Oh, sure, I have a lot of bright grass here."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Hall, the perfect berserker of the dwarf tribe, nodded with a smile on his face and took out a bunch of bright grass from his space storage magic device and exchanged it with Li Yang for the fire crystals they needed.

"It's really good."

Li Yang accepted the Bright Grass with a smile on his face, and then said with a kind face: "There is one more thing I am embarrassed to say."

"If you have anything, just ask."

Hall looked at the shy smile on Li Yang's face and said with a smile.

"Okay then, I said - robbery."

Li Yang thanked him for his understanding, and then said: "For the sake of the spirits of the dwarf seniors, the gold is only one-third of yours."



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