My world double door

Chapter 268 Come, kill me!

In the magical world, it's just getting dark.

A bold figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the human race's public domain city.

"The time is just right."

Li Yang looked up at the sun that had just set its last rays of light, and grinned.

After he tested his genetic power in the early morning, he left the apocalyptic world. The time in the magical world and the apocalyptic world were reversed. The apocalyptic world he left early in the morning was just dark when he arrived in the magical world.

This time happened to be when he left the magical world a few days ago.


"Hey, is this the pig dog appearing?"

Among the Geler family, Geler, who was talking to his son dotingly, suddenly raised his eyebrows. His powerful perception made him instantly feel a familiar breath appearing in the sky. He looked up and saw, Immediately overjoyed.

"Son, daddy, go kill this pig and dog for you!"

Geler shouted low, and Leah on the ground realized what had happened, and suddenly her whole body trembled with excitement: "Dad, don't beat him to death yet. When this pig-dog family gets together, I will slowly kill him!"

"What a good pig and dog, do you know you have made a big mistake and come here to die!"

"But it's too late. If you dare to mess with my son, even if it means death, I will bring your whole family to chop him into pieces and feed them to the dogs!"

Li Yang, who had just returned to the magical world, suddenly heard a loud shout rising from the city. He immediately raised his eyebrows and looked back at the setting sun in the west. Looking down, he saw a figure exuding a strong aura of dark magic. A cold and fierce aura rushed straight at him.

The late-stage sorcerer, Geler!

Li Yang's eyes glowed red, and he held the two magic swords tightly in his hands. He clearly felt a dark force attacking him from all directions - the attack he had received inexplicably before.

But at this moment, before this force could get close to his body, it was resisted and dissipated by his powerful biological energy fluctuations, and had no effect on his body.

At the same time, the breath that I felt so suffocating and heart-pounding before was now like a breeze blowing on my face.

Ordinary magic masters are no match for the sixth-level peak gene evolvers, just as he thought!

"Old Pig Dog, let me show you who the Pig Dog is."

A dazzling and terrifying red light suddenly shot out from Li Yang's eyes, and in an instant, the bright red heat vision suddenly hit Gele's body flying towards the sky.

Level 6 heat vision!


A terrifying roar instantly erupted in the sky above the city. Before the red heat sight came, Gulla instantly felt a strong crisis and released a shadow shield to resist. The shadow shield and the heat sight clashed and instantly produced a strong explosion. collision.


The moment the two collided, the magic shield was destroyed by the heat vision. Gullah groaned and crashed to the ground under the impact of the heat vision.

"Kill me? Kill members of my family?"

Li Yang looked at Geler, who was hit by the heat vision and instantly broke his defense and fell to the ground, with a cold smile on his lips.

"Come on, kill one and let me see!"

Li Yang roared angrily, and the next moment he held swords in both hands, his eyes continued to release heat vision, and his figure rushed to the ground like a meteor with unparalleled speed.


The defensive magic array deployed in the town opened in an instant, helping the city withstand this terrible pressure.


Li Yang's eyes continued to release heat vision. The terrifying energy pressure made Gelu fall on the magic circle covering the city and almost suffocated. Li Yang's body quickly shortened under the heat vision, and its power became stronger. In the process, it suddenly hit Geler, causing a roar instantly.

Dive impact speed: Mach 980!


The terrifying impact, under the constant attack of the heat vision, instantly hit Gele and a stream of blood mixed with internal organs spurted out from his mouth. His face was ashen, and he looked at the young man stepping on him in horror, not daring at all. I believe that this young man who was unable to fight back with one blow was a magician who was injured by his immortal magic power just a few days ago.

"You can't even catch this guy? Then where do you have the courage to call me a pig or a dog?"

Li Yang withdrew the terrifying scarlet heat vision in his eyes and looked down at the magic master who was stomped by his fall and vomited blood. A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly felt that there was no need for weapons to deal with this kind of garbage, so he moved his swords towards [Qiankun Bag] is closed, and the right leg is raised high back.


As the sound fell, Li Yang's right leg quickly emerged from the phantom, and he hit Gule's head hard. With a terrifying sonic boom, Gule's head felt like it was struck by lightning, and his eyes instantly went blank. The body suddenly fell to the ground on another street in the distance.


The city's magic circle was passively triggered by the terrible power attack. Geler fell in the defensive light of the magic circle and raised his head with difficulty to look at the figure walking towards him step by step. He let out a light ugh in his throat and couldn't control it. He vomited out a large mouthful of blood, and his brain seemed to be filled with a swarm of bees, buzzing non-stop.

"You are so weak. You are so weak. You can't even catch my kick. You are so weak. What makes you dare to be so arrogant!"

Li Yang seemed to be walking slowly, but he arrived in front of Gele very quickly. He looked down at the magic master who was knocked unconscious by him, grinned, shook his head and whispered, after saying that, he suddenly kicked out .


There was another terrifying roar, and Li Yang kicked Gele's lower body with his right foot so fast that he couldn't catch it. The pain was so painful that his eyes were about to burst out, and his body hit another magic circle on the street like a wild goose. .

"Weak! Too weak!"


This kick hit the lower body again!

"You are so weak, why do you have the courage to be so arrogant!"


This kick is still the crotch!

"Kill my whole family? Come on, stand up and try to kill me first!"


This kick, crotch!

"Stand up and kill me!"


This kick, crotch!

"Come and kill my whole family!"



"Get up and let me see your majesty!"



With this kick, my pussy exploded!


Geler's body was stained with scarlet blood, and his body fell on the magic circle like a rag. Horrible pain hit his mind, making his face blue and purple, as if he was stiff as a corpse.

"Pigs and dogs?"

Li Yang's face flashed with a cold smile. He walked slowly to Ge Le's body, bent down and squatted down, raised his hand to pat his face, and spat on his face.


The saliva of the sixth-level genetic evolver was very cohesive. After Li Yang spit it on Geler's face, it condensed and stayed firmly on his face. Then Li Yang lifted his foot and stepped on his face with the sole of his shoe.

"Now, who's the pigdog?"

Li Yang's eyes suddenly filled with red light, and he lowered his head suddenly, looking down fiercely at the green-black magic master who was stepped on by his soles.


The terrifying heat vision suddenly shot at Gelu's forehead, consuming the remaining magic power of Gelu's immortal golden nature.

"Tell me, who is the pig or dog?"

Li Yang shouted loudly, with a terrifying red light in his eyes.

Geler looked at the man with red eyes, his body trembled, and a hint of red slowly emerged in his eyes.

"Hey, if you still want to struggle, fuck you."

Li Yang saw that he was still mobilizing the last meager shadow magic power that was consumed by his attack. While feeling this special magic power that contained the so-called immortal power, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and the heat vision in his eyes suddenly struck. on his body.

The terrifying heat sight instantly attacked Geler's body. His shadow magic with golden immortal power automatically condensed into two pieces to resist the heat sight. The golden magic power could actually be in such a terrifying heat sight. Resist for a moment.

But that's where it ends.


There was a crackling sound, and the magic power on Gulle's body disappeared in an instant. The heat vision fiercely attacked him, penetrating his body without any hindrance, leaving two small holes.


The magic power was exhausted, and two small holes were punched in his body. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead due to pain, and he let out a muffled groan. However, instead of begging for mercy, he endured the pain and looked at him viciously. With Li Yang.

Every magic master is a perseverant and tenacious person. At the same time, their bodies have been nourished by magic all year round and have already become extraordinary. Therefore, even if the magic is exhausted, the balls are kicked out, and the heat vision makes two transparent holes in the body, A large piece of flesh was burnt black, but he was still able to remain conscious, and could even endure the severe pain and continue to look at Li Yang with sinister eyes.

"Okay, okay, you are so perseverant and tenacious in life."

Li Yang looked at Geler below, who was still strong after being so severely injured, and twisted his neck, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"Well, as the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog son. You are so tenacious and tolerant with your perseverance and vitality. I wonder if your son can be as tolerant as you?"

Li Yang looked at Gele with a stern look, and when he saw Gele's eyes widening in vain as he said these words, he couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, let me see your good son, the son you love so much, looks a bit like you!"

After Li Yang finished speaking, the power of the magnetic field in his body immediately carried Geler and flew up, flying into the night sky in an instant. Then, the powerful observation ability in his eyes swept the whole city, and he could distinguish the patterns in an instant. The specific location of the Le family was like a meteor falling from the sky following the trajectory of Ge Le's flight.


There was a roar, accompanied by a violent impact, and a magic array passively defended the entire mansion amidst the violent impact. However, without anyone in charge, the magic array suddenly collapsed after reducing Li Yang's impact force.

The magic circle that enveloped the Gullah family instantly shattered in the eyes of the severely injured Gullah.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Amidst the roar, a young man in noble clothes stayed in place in confusion. When he saw clearly that the man held by the figure falling from the sky was actually his father, he couldn't help but spoke in surprise, but his words were not complete yet. As soon as he fell, he felt suffocated. The next moment, Li Yang used a magnetic field to pinch his neck and suddenly brought him to his side.

"Hey, look, isn't this the noble descendant of Gel? He is so arrogant and domineering. Why can't he even say a word now?"

Li Yang pinched Leah's neck until his face turned purple before he suddenly let go of his arms, letting his body fall to the ground, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Tell me, what would happen if I hit you?"

Li Yang stepped on Ge Le's chest with his left foot, and supported his left arm on his left knee. He pointed with his right hand at Leah who was lying on the ground, and said with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth: "Will you die?"


Leah, who fell to the ground, breathed the air crazily and looked at Li Yang with her whole face reddened. However, Li Yang hooked his fingers and his body was lifted up by an invisible force. He suddenly faced Li Yang. He knelt on the ground facing Li Yang.

"I'm so scared. I beat you so badly before. Tell me, will I die?"

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