My world double door

Chapter 273 Begging for mercy (please give me monthly votes)

Kolster, a piece of frozen soil completely covered with ice and snow, with heavy snow falling all year round. On top of this frozen soil that is difficult to disperse even if the sun rises high, there is a tall figure with snow-white skin and a plump body wearing a thin blue skirt. , a noble woman walks barefoot on the ice.

She is Gullah's wife, Wen Mier!

Surrounding the exquisite and noble woman are a group of dwarves with strong auras and vigilant looks to protect her and repel the intruding ice monsters from time to time.

At a certain moment, the woman's round and full crystal jade toes paused on the ice and snow, and she suddenly turned back and looked at the human domain, her brows furrowed.

"Gele, dead."

The woman's snow-white swan neck was twisted, and the slightly exposed mountain peaks were extremely straight. She finished in a low voice, and then she suddenly rose into the sky with a solemn expression. A piece of ice flashed past and disappeared.

"The origin of Kolster's mutation has a deep connection with the dark power outside the world. This time the exploration ends here. My husband has died, so I will retreat first."

A voice resounded in the air, and the leader of the dwarf team guarding her frowned solemnly.

‘The dark sky is approaching. Someone dares to kill the magic master at this moment. Who is so fearless? ’




In the space teleportation area of ​​the human race's public domain, as the space fluctuated, a wooden house-shaped space moving magic device appeared from the area, followed by several immortals with broken armors and tired bodies walking out of the magic device.

"It's been such an eventful time."

Prince Lule took back his magic weapon and looked at the exhausted appearance of his companions. He couldn't help but shake his head and sighed with some emotion.

"Li Yang's matter is a big deal. Killing a magic master during this period, even if his own inheritance is fully activated, is still a big deal. But after all, it was the group of people in the Gule family who provoked him first. They He is unscrupulous, arrogant and domineering."

The immortal witch who followed Rule shook her head and spoke proactively.

"Our energy has been restrained by the attack of demons from outside the territory, and we lack the energy to pay attention to internal matters. The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say anything more."

Rule shook his head, and then a flash of amazement flashed in his eyes: "Compared with this, I am actually more curious about what kind of inheritance Li Yang got, and he actually had such terrifying combat power in a short period of time."

It was difficult even for him to kill a dark magician who had transformed fifteen times in a crushing manner, but now it was allowed to be done by a guy who was a super extraordinary person not long ago. Rule still finds it a bit incredible.

"Although this matter is indeed unbelievable, I'm afraid the Snow Queen is already on her way back. Gullah also has an heir who is doing evil outside. This is Gullah's only surviving heir."

"Ice Queen Wenmier's physique is too noble. Even if Gule became a magic master, she could not have children with her. However, Wenmier has always regarded the children born by Gule and the maid as her own. If you If we don't dissuade Li Yang before the Ice Queen arrives, I'm afraid the two of them will also have a conflict by then."

An immortal ranger walking aside shrugged his shoulders: "Li Yang has always been ruthless and ruthless in his work. The Ice and Snow Queen is the most beautiful immortal in the human race, and Li Yang is the best genius. If a conflict breaks out between the two of them, No matter which one dies, I think it’s an unbearable price.”

"More than that, Gele has many close friends, who are all dark magicians as crazy as him, or dark knights. Gele was killed by Li Yang, and they also have demands. This last heir is what they need. Buffer steps.”

The immortal warrior in the team also spoke with a solemn expression: "This matter needs to be handled properly."

"Crossing racial borders is a big deal. Even the Ice Queen needs to go through a series of reports and procedures. She will have to wait another three hours at the earliest before she can return here."

Rule nodded, and after speaking, he looked forward with a twinkling look: "Let the last heir of Gelu prepare an apology. I will personally take him to apologize to Li Yang in order to gain understanding. Even if he is seriously injured, as long as he Get rid of Li Yang's anger first, and then there will be room for discussion."

"This method is indeed good. Although Li Yang has such terrifying power due to his special inheritance, he has never absorbed the immortal aura after all. After all, only by absorbing the immortal aura of gold and reaching the level of magic master can he truly feel it. Know the world.”

The magic master standing in the middle of the team nodded and said in agreement: "He lacks a complete understanding of the world, so he might do something. The Ice Queen only has one heir, so she will definitely protect her with all her strength. With the Ice Queen's domineering power, she might bring this heir directly to the door, but it would be good to get him over before that so that Li Yang can calm down his anger to a certain extent."

Rule's immortal team finished talking to each other, but they did not go directly to the remaining houses in Gullah. Instead, they waited there for a while. Not long after, a space teleportation vehicle arrived and took a man wearing The young man in fine clothes and a gloomy face was sent down before he set out to bring him over.

The knight who exuded the aura of darkness on the carriage looked up at the Lule team and said in a deep tone: "The Immortal of Darkness is watching here. This time, Li Yang must apologize to the heirs of Gulle, otherwise it will cause The dissatisfaction of the Immortal Dark Court!"

"Knights who have studied the power of darkness, there is no need for you to speak about this matter."

Rule, who was wearing silver armor, snorted coldly. After his voice fell, the two-winged white horse beside him spread its wings. Holy power surged from its body, and looked at the dark knight in front of him in one breath with Rule.


The Dark Knight snorted, then turned around and took his Dark Pegasus onto the carriage, stepped into the space transmission channel and turned back.


It wasn't until he disappeared that the two-winged white horse snorted, put away the sharp aura of the immortal monster on his body, and put away his pure white wings.

"Son of Gullah, you'd better recognize the reality, obey orders, and maybe save your life. Otherwise, even if your mother comes back, you may not be able to survive."

The immortal warrior behind Rule looked at the young man in gorgeous clothes who came down, and said sternly: "Now put away all your arrogance and domineering. As obedient as the dogs around you were to you in the past, you will be so obedient to Li Yang later." Be obedient, otherwise, no one can help you."

"Li Yang can easily kill your father. At least he already has the power of the [Supreme One]. It is impossible for him to bow his head in this matter. It may not be a good thing for your mother to ask you to come back, but since you have come back, we will I will give you one chance, and only one chance, so that Li Yang will not kill you immediately."

The Immortal Ranger stared at him and spoke with great pressure: "Be mentally prepared. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck, otherwise, you will die without rebirth!"

The young man in fine clothes had gloomy eyes. He forced himself to collect his thoughts, suppressed the haze in his eyes, put on a humble face, and nodded silently.

"It seems that Gullah's son is finally normal."

Rule looked at his changes and said with a chuckle: "This saves us from having to do it ourselves."

After Rule finished speaking, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked towards Gele's mansion. The immortal team around him and Gele's son couldn't help but look up there.

"It seems that this is really a troubled time...but it may not all be a good thing."

Rule pursed his lips, a smile flashed across his lips, and then he looked at each other with the people in his team, and quickly led the young man in rich clothes towards Gele's mansion.


The magic circle guarding the Gullah Mansion was abandoned five hours ago.

Only five hours after the Guardians of the Seven Kingdoms left, the aura of two super thunder magicians suddenly rose up, and one of them was still rising steadily. In just a blink of an eye, the aura surged several times, even in Gullah. Thunder was drawn from the originally peaceful sky above the mansion!


"Hahahaha, today, I will become immortal in one fell swoop!"

Along with the sound of thunder passing through, a short-haired figure rose from the mansion, straight into the sky above the thunder, laughing loudly in the thunder, and in a moment, a stronger aura burst out from him, and in an instant It caused continuous thunder to break through the darkness and roar down in the sky.

Another figure took advantage of the momentum and landed in the thunder together. The lightning on his body was also flashing, but he was much calmer than the short-haired young man who was roaming freely in the sea of ​​thunder.


Thunder was rolling, and the aura belonging to the Thunder Magic Master suddenly rose from under the thunder, instantly attracting countless surprised and delighted eyes below.

"A Thunder Magic Master was born!"

"It's not Li Yang, it's that Gu Chen!"

"I never thought that on the eve of darkness, a Thunder Magic Master would actually be born!"

The guardians of the seven countries jumped out of their country's embassy one after another, looking up at the thunder being pulled down from the sky above Gullah Mansion, and the short-haired young man who was laughing wantonly in the thunder and flying endlessly, with shocked expressions.

They were just one of them, and everyone in the entire city who knew how precious Thunder Mage was was shocked and surprised. In an instant, the news was quickly transmitted to various countries like snowflakes.

The birth of a Thunder Mage who has reached the initial level of Magic Master, the entire human race must be shocked by what happened today!

The appearance of the Thunder Mage in the early stage of the Magic Master means... there is hope for the Perfect Thunder Mage!

But what no one noticed was that the second figure under the thunder had a twitching mouth.

"This is so outrageous..."

Li Yang felt that the dozens of mechas in the Qiankun Bag that had been replenished in the apocalyptic world had all exhausted their energy. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw Gu Chen excitedly swimming in the thunder.

He originally just wanted to help a group of opponents break through to the early stage of Super Thunder Mage, but he didn't expect that this guy would directly break through to the early stage of Magic Lord...

"The stronger the power of thunder in the human world, the easier it will be to break through the shackles of the power of darkness and come to the world. From now on, our practice will be smoother!"

"I will keep your help in mind, Gu Chen. I have made a huge breakthrough and it is no longer suitable to practice this method. My body is the thunder locator. I will travel to various places for the training of other thunder mages. We will see you someday!"

Gu Chen quickly flew through the thunder and lightning, swallowing up the thunder in a short time. He excitedly spoke to Li Yang, and when he finished speaking, he showed no regrets, turned into lightning, and left quickly in excitement.

"This guy……"

The corner of Li Yang's mouth twitched as he looked at Gu Chen, who turned into lightning and left his sight extremely quickly. He shook his head slightly, and then felt a little relieved that he had broken through to the early stage of the super mage's thunder magic.

Fortunately, I didn’t get nothing.

"Li Yang, congratulations on your breakthrough to the level of Super Thunder Mage, and your cultivation has improved again."

While he was sighing, a group of familiar auras approached. Li Yang looked back and saw that the Immortal Team of Lule from the Lion Kingdom appeared in sight with a young man in gorgeous clothes with a familiar aura, looking up at him and smiling. Open your mouth.

"Have the demons left? Are you okay?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, then fell to the ground with a smile, and couldn't help but look at the young man in gorgeous clothes.

"We have nothing to do. The border has been supplemented by a large amount of 'bright grass' you brought. The demons cannot invade the border city where the immortal magic array is deployed."

Rule said with a smile, and then pointed to the young man in fine clothes beside him: "We are here this time to ask for a favor for him."

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