My world double door

Chapter 282 Chen Na’s Birthday

"You can't become fat after eating it all in one go."

Feeling the restlessness caused by absorbing too many high-quality thunder elements in his body in five days, Li Yang shook his head. Instead of rushing to continue absorbing, he sat cross-legged in the cave and began to silently absorb genes. Accumulate energy and cultivate the power of the soul.


The terrifying high-quality accumulated energy in the genes was quickly absorbed by the operation of the [Food Body Strengthening Technique]. In just over an hour, Li Yang's soul felt a burst of swelling, and he stopped absorbing it. , silently absorbed a few waves of spiritual power to calm the swelling in his soul, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's rest first."

Feeling the change in soul power, Li Yang secretly moved in his heart. He did not continue to practice here, but fed some magic potions to the Earthly Dragon to help it grow after it had recovered, and told it to hide its body here. , and with a movement of his body, he disappeared from the mountains.

In fact, with Li Yang's current strength, whether in terms of speed or combat effectiveness, even if the Earthly Dragon grows to its peak form, it will not be able to provide him with much help.

However, there is naturally a reason why Li Yang chose to accept it.

As the old saying goes, strength is temporary, but handsomeness is lifelong. Do you think any powerful god doesn’t have a mount?

Furthermore, the potential for the natural growth of earth-walking dragons is so great. If there is an opportunity to learn some of the inheritance of beast masters in the magical world in the future and cultivate it, if they get some corresponding inheritance in the world of immortality, maybe the earth-walking dragons can grow naturally. The extent to which it can grow is far beyond imagination.

Just like the peak physique of ordinary human beings, Li Yang has not grown to this terrifying level yet.


In the cave, the Earthly Dragon watched Li Yang's figure disappear, and spurted out a stream of hot air from his nose, and began to continuously mobilize his dragon power, washing his body and soul over and over again.

As it practiced, the power of the super monster began to emerge from its body bit by bit.

While the strength of the Earthly Dragon increases, the power of [Psychic Knowledge] also increases with its strength - never ending!

The Earthly Dragon didn't notice anything about this, and still lay on his back with peace of mind to transfer the dragon power in his body.


Heyang City, inside Li Yang's villa.

Dai Yueming, wearing simple fabrics, has white and tender skin all over his body. Two strips of cloth cover his shoulders, cross diagonally across his white and tender waist, and then divide to the left and right to cover his buttocks, closely fitting the fatness of his lower body. She made a tight skirt, which highlighted her round and round buttocks.

Turning around, she sat down on the brown sofa with her buttocks tightly wrapped by the skirt. She sat in a depression on the soft sofa, revealing the slightly wrapped peaks of her front body. Her white waist was separated from the front of the skirt. Some small slits add to the temptation.

Dai Yueming held up his mobile phone and frowned at the caller number on it. Then he thought for a moment and chose to answer. He asked with some confusion: "My ex-husband, Cao Bin? Why are you calling me?"

She and Cao Bin have been divorced for a long time. They have never contacted or met each other. Today, Cao Bin actually contacted her. Dai Yueming is really curious.

Hearing Dai Yueming's words, the man on the other end of the phone was about to say something. Dai Yueming suddenly turned his head and threw the phone away in surprise: "Husband, when did you come back!"

But seeing a tall and handsome man appear in the villa, Dai Yueming couldn't wait to rush forward as he spoke.

"I just came back and I was quite busy with some things. Fortunately, I'm done with it for the time being."

With a smile, Li Yang took Dai Yueming and picked her up with his hands on her hips. He kneaded her body with his hands and responded with a smile.

"Smelly husband, I left and didn't come back for more than three months, don't you think about it?"

Dai Yueming was held in Li Yang's arms, his hands immediately wrapped around Li Yang's neck, and he spoke with a sweet hum, looking at Li Yang with eyes that seemed to be dripping with tears.

"Think about it, you'll find out later."

Li Yang smiled and threw Dai Yueming on the sofa. Seeing the beauty as white and tender as snow lying on the sofa like a toy, he immediately opened his hands and started playing with her.

Dai Yueming was moisturized in a short time. As Li Yang leaned on her, she pushed her body forward under the pressure. Then she squinted her eyes and snorted softly. Then she noticed that she was with Cao Bin. The call was still going on and she hurriedly wanted to hang up, but was stopped by Li Yang. She looked back at Li Yang tremblingly. Seeing his expression, she immediately pursed her lips, picked up the phone and spoke into the phone: " Hey, Cao Bin, what do you want to say?"

"Oh oh oh, that's right."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal, but I, a little woman with a husband, can't make the decision. Why don't you wait for me to ask you and then call you when I have the result?"

"Yeah, okay, okay, let's talk about it later."

Dai Yueming made up for the sweat on his face. His face and earlobes were red as he continued the call to the end. Then he hung up the phone and looked back at Li Yang with a flushed face: "I hate my husband, oh, no, my husband is so good. So good, oh..."



Outside the villa, a handsome convertible car slowly passed the road and parked in the parking space, and then opened the door and stepped out of the car. A delicate and agile beautiful girl.

"Today is my seventeenth birthday, and brother Li Yang is not back yet."

Chen Na muttered, and Chen Qian, who was in the driving seat, got out of the car. Looking at her sister's face and body, which was more beautiful and delicate than her own in the sun, she couldn't help but have a smile on her face: "It's just a birthday, sister and Yueming Sister, isn’t she always at home with you?”

"Oh, do you miss Brother Li Yang?"

Chen Na muttered, her eyes rolling around. Chen Qian on the other side rolled her eyes: "I think you miss brother Li Yang all over. You wash yourself so clean every day, and you don't feel tired."

"No, sister, I just want to take a shower, take a shower."

Chen Na smiled sheepishly, then rolled her eyes: "I'm going to find Sister Yueming first. She must have prepared a birthday gift for me."

Chen Qian rolled her eyes and stretched lazily. She heard Chen Na's exclamation before she walked a few steps, and there were strange bursts of puffs and claps. She had a firm figure and hurriedly walked to the villa. Inside, his eyes were empty, but he saw Dai Yueming lying on the sofa with sweat all over his face, pain and joy on his face, and his sister Chen Na had been hugged by Li Yang and kissed Dai Yueming, and she suddenly said in shock: "Husband ,When did you come back!"

As Chen Qian spoke, she hurriedly changed her shoes and ran closer. Before she could reply, Li Yang took off her clothes and put them on her sister.

"I just came back. Isn't it right that I'm back? How are you? Are you happy?"

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face, and Chen Qian nodded her head in surprise: "Happy, happy."

"Ah, oh, brother Li Yang, it's my birthday today, and I want to lie on top."

"Wow, it's Nana's birthday today, okay, okay, come up top."


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