My world double door

Chapter 286 Tutoring English (you can skip it if you don’t want to see the car)

"Feifei is here, come on, come in quickly, everything in the room has been arranged."

Li Yang looked at Peng Feifei, his eyes focused on a beautiful woman beside her that he had not seen before, and then his smiling eyes passed over the familiar girls behind Peng Feifei one by one, and he said with a smile.

"Well, brother Li Yang, let me introduce to you. This is my teacher Zhang Yuanyuan. You can just call her Teacher Zhang."

When Peng Feifei saw Li Yang appear, she smiled and pulled her English teacher Zhang Yuanyuan, who seemed to have become unassertive in an instant, to Li Yang, opened her arms and threw herself into Li Yang's arms passionately, kissed him hard, and waited until she let go Zhang Yuanyuan smiled and pulled her ears, turned red and wanted to hide shyly, but she held her face up and anxiously showed her beautiful cheeks to Li Yang. Zhang Yuanyuan came to Li Yang and introduced her.

Many of Li Yang's women are white and beautiful. They are as white as some actresses who have beauty special effects turned on all over their bodies. For example, Dai Yueming, Chen Qian, and Chen Na in the room are like porcelain dolls. Taste.

————Especially after being together with Li Yang, under the effect of some serious sects' exercises, she became whiter and more refined, and Peng Feifei's face was no exception, and she was equally astonishingly beautiful.

But Zhang Yuanyuan is different. Her skin color is normal yellow skin color, but her face is delicate and beautiful. Even though she is not white, she still has a unique charm.

This is why when she was momentarily embarrassed by Li Yang's feeling that made people panic just by looking at her, the shyness that arose in her heart was not to avoid, but to hold back her shyness and muster up the courage to spread her face. The reason for lifting it up.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang. I'm glad you can come to my baby's birthday dinner."

Li Yang then smiled and let go of Peng Feifei, and said to Zhang Yuanyuan who stretched out her palm.

He knew very well why this woman was so shy when she saw him, and her heart jumped wildly, and she could hardly control her emotions. She was already a sixth-level genetic extreme evolver, plus a super extraordinary person, and an immortal foundation-building practitioner. Even if he doesn't have a serious skill like the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing], he will have that strong natural attraction to the opposite sex.

This kind of attraction is like the sun burning in the empty night, which will make every person of the opposite sex have an uncontrollable urge to get closer and fall into their arms.

But he didn't care, very calmly.

After all, this kind of attraction was deliberately activated by him in order to be happy today~~

"Hmm, hello, I'm also very happy to come to your home for the dinner with Feifei."

Seeing Li Yang's outstretched hand, Zhang Yuanyuan's heart beat wildly, strong shyness and joy hit her mind together, her cheeks were red and hot, but she resisted the thought of avoiding it, raised her gooseneck slightly, and covered her beautiful body More beautiful parts were displayed in Li Yang's sight. He took the initiative to stretch out his soft bare hands and stuffed them into Li Yang's thick hands. He spoke to Li Yang in the gentlest tone while controlling his voice.

"Hahaha, come in. Speaking of which, you are the first to arrive."

Li Yang laughed, shook Zhang Yuanyuan's hand with a smile, and then called to her roommates Peng Feifei and Li Ling, six beautiful girls in short skirts, and walked to the villa with Peng Feifei.

"Why don't you see Chen Na, Chen Qian and Dai Yueming?"

When we arrived at the lobby of the villa, we saw that there was no one in the beautifully decorated space. Peng Feifei and Zhang Yuanyuan, who was wearing a red dress and had red cheeks, walked to the sofa in the lobby and sat down with the sisters. I asked curiously.

Zhang Yuanyuan sat between Peng Feifei and Li Yang, with her upper body erect and her round butt half sitting on the edge of the sofa. Her knees were facing Li Yang and she leaned on the back of the sofa. She raised her head slightly, as if there was no trace of it. Looking at Li Yang, he didn't realize that he was very close to Li Yang, and his knees almost touched Li Yang's legs.

"The three of them are putting on makeup and getting ready in the room. Let's sit and chat first."

A faint fragrance penetrated Zhang Yuanyuan's nostrils. Li Yang smiled and looked at Zhang Yuanyuan who couldn't help but approach him: "What subject does Teacher Zhang teach?"

"I teach English."

The bright red dress that covered her upper body to her navel swung back. The tall Zhang Yuanyuan's upper body leaned forward slightly, and she was a little closer to Li Yang. She said with a smile on her face: "You boys generally have a headache in English, right?"

"It's true. My English scores were the worst before. Every time I memorized a word, I had a headache."

Li Yang smiled and nodded. As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Yuanyuan's beautiful body little by little: "The word that I remember most clearly right now is Ebondai (give up)."

"Hahaha, how come I am familiar with this one word among so many words? It really belongs to you."

Zhang Yuanyuan burst out laughing when she heard Li Yang's words. As she spoke, she couldn't help but lean forward a little further. Her knees covered by black wide-leg pants touched Li Yang's legs. She placed her right hand across his knees, her fingers still there. He put his hand on Li Yang's lap, rested his left elbow on his knee, supported his chin with his palm, and lightly covered his mouth. He looked at Li Yang with a bright smile and bright eyes: "You must have given the teacher a headache at that time. student, right?"

When Zhang Yuanyuan was speaking, the fingers of her right hand were placed horizontally and tapped on the back of Li Yang's leg, which was only in shorts. Her shoulder wrapped in a red coat involuntarily touched Li Yang's shoulder. In addition, she was speaking to Li Yang. , the hot breath hit their cheeks, making Zhang Yuanyuan's beautiful cheeks full of blush.

His heartbeat was speeding up, his breathing was slightly heavy, and the surrounding environment seemed to be blocked.

"Of course, it's a pity that the English teacher in my class at that time was an old man, not a beautiful girl like Teacher Zhang, otherwise my English would not be so bad."

Li Yang responded with emotion, looking at Zhang Yuanyuan who was looking at him with a bright smile, and asked with a smile: "Are there any students in Teacher Zhang's class who give you such a headache?"

As he spoke, he lightly touched Zhang Yuanyuan's fingers with his right hand, touching the back of his bare hand and feeling a soft warmth.

"No way, how beautiful is she?"

When Zhang Yuanyuan heard Li Yang's words, she immediately shyly leaned into Li Yang's arms and touched Li Yang's chest lightly with her bare hands: "There are no students in my class who don't like to study."

"Really? By the way, I still have English papers from my previous school days in the room. Teacher Zhang, would you like to take a look at them?"

Li Yang smiled slightly, suddenly remembered something, and said hurriedly to Zhang Yuanyuan.

"Ah, it's true. You still keep this. Let me take a look at it."

Zhang Yuanyuan's eyes moved and she asked in surprise. After speaking, she couldn't help but stand up.

"Okay, let's go. I'll take you to have a look. Feifei and Teacher Zhang are going to exchange some English knowledge. You guys wait here. Someone should be here later."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, stood up from the sofa, told Peng Feifei, and then walked towards the villa bedroom with Zhang Yuanyuan looking at Peng Feifei with a smile and curiosity in her eyes.

"I didn't expect that you still hide the old papers."

Zhang Yuanyuan followed Li Yang to the villa bedroom and couldn't help but speak. After opening the door, she moved her round legs wrapped in black wide-leg pants and walked in curiously: "Where is it?"


Li Yang followed Zhang Yuanyuan into the room, closed the door with a smile, and stared at Zhang Yuanyuan in the room, who was looking away from him towards the bedside table in the bedroom, curiously flipping her hair, and slowly touched the quilt from behind with her palms. There was a slight pinch on the round butt wrapped in black wide-leg pants.

Zhang Yuanyuan immediately looked back at Li Yang, fell back and lay on the bed.


With a soft sound, the black trousers were taken off, revealing his slender, round and clean legs. Li Yang threw himself on Zhang Yuanyuan. Zhang Yuanyuan's pretty face was hot, and she looked at the man stiffly.

"Teacher Zhang, my English is not good. Can you give me some in-depth tutoring?"

Li Yang's voice whispered. Zhang Yuanyuan's whole body felt hot listening to his words. Before she could recover, she was led to raise her hands and take off her upper body clothes. The next moment, she was pressed down by Li Yang and fell into the trap. Among the mattresses.

Just as he was about to speak, his soft lips were kissed hard.

"Well, which ones do you want to tutor?"

Zhang Yuanyuan's head went blank, and her eyes were straightened by the kiss. She didn't speak subconsciously until she was kissed hard by Li Yang.

"How do you say no and yes?"

"oh, no"

"oh, yes"

I wrote the manuscript in an Internet cafe. I hope everyone is satisfied with it.

I didn't want to write it like this, but the environment changed and I wrote it in one go... There will be another chapter on driving, and then I will go to another world.

Also, please join more book club groups to communicate. Location: Seven Points Introduction

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