My world double door

Chapter 299 Flogging

"Tell me, where is my chance to enter the secret place?"

"Timed out and disappeared..."

"Okay, now you still want to get away with it, I'll let you fool it, I'll let you fool it..."

"Ah, ah, really, really..."

"Still quibbling..."

"Ah~ You can't, you can't do this, I am an official appointed by the royal city, you can't..."


The beautiful but slightly mean-looking female elf had a very tough mouth. Even in the face of Li Yang's attack, she denied what Li Yang asked, shaking her head and denying it wildly.

A line of clear tears flowed down from Luo Feier's cheek, adding a bit of flavor to the slightly mean and beautiful cheek. While she was crying, she shook her head wildly, stirring up her immortal soul power to attack Li Yang, trying to get out of this state. out of it.

But before she could get close to Li Yang, 10% of her immortal soul power was dissipated by the thunder magic attack in his body. When she invaded Li Yang's mental space, she was intercepted by magic power and dissipated 30%. The final 70% was the same when facing Li Yang. The power of the Thunder Demon Soul, which has absorbed the immortal aura, is no match at all.

Li Yang even attacked her with a soul holy thunder, which knocked her unconscious and stayed in place for a moment.

In fact, her behavior is understandable, after all...

The dense black forest connected with the green grass rising from the ground, and wisps of bright red drops stained the green grass, revealing the identity of the female elf.

Li Yang, who had just stunned Luo Feil with a soul holy thunder, was a little surprised. While he continued to attack without giving Luo Fei time to react, he tried to read the memory from her soul.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Even if the soul containing immortal power was in a dazed state, it was impossible to read information from the soul. Li Yang did not believe in evil and blasted the super holy thunder three times into the deepest part of her soul. The characteristics of the power of the demon soul. This made his soul power extremely effective in attacking Luo Fei's soul. Even though Luo Fei also had immortal power in her body, when she used all her immortal power to resist Li Yang, the immortal power had no effect on the demon soul. The force had no blocking effect at all.

The demon soul power containing the power of thunder severely peeled away the immortal energy defense in the soul, and exploded in the deepest part. Raphael rolled his eyes as he attacked.

But... there is still no way to read any information from her soul.

"Boom boom boom..."

The rumbling and powerful demonic soul power continuously impacted the mind of Raphael, who had already fallen into a state of confusion, leaving her in a state of confusion one after another. The attacks that penetrated into her soul again and again made her roll her eyes.

However, even though her soul was on the verge of collapse after being bombarded by Li Yang, she was unable to detect the slightest bit of information.

"It is indeed the so-called immortal power, the most advanced power in the world."

Under such circumstances, there was no way to read the opponent's soul state. Li Yang's eyes couldn't help but flash, and he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack. He just looked down at the immortal magic power in his body that was still subconsciously running to resist his continuous terrifying bombardment. The female elf continued to charge fiercely, causing her body to swing continuously. She couldn't help but understand why in this world, in so many battles, few people start with a soul attack.

He could clearly feel that the female elf's soul power cultivation level had at least reached the middle stage of the soul magic master. However, facing him, a low-level opponent who had only absorbed some immortal breath in his soul, she was taking the initiative. During the attack, he actually seized the opportunity and broke up her soul attack. Not only did she fail to use her soul power to attack her, she was even beaten back by him, completely losing the chance to resist.

The risk of soul magic actively attacking others is far greater than defending against attacks from others.

Thinking about it now, he was lucky that he used this method against the barbarians, and it was also a soul attack method used in the intelligent battle of the mecha. Otherwise, the soul attack would have been counterattacked... He may not have been the one to seize the opportunity. .

The more Li Yang thought about it, the more unhappy he became. He looked down at the mean-looking female elf Luofel below, kissed her mean lips hard, and probed hard.

"I'll kill you!"


The female elf in the immortal realm can play, even if it is her first time, her tolerance is very strong.

Facing such a female elf, Li Yang played with no mercy, and his various wanton tricks made the female elf's buttocks swell.

Luo Feier was nourished in the process, and her soul power gradually recovered, and she gradually returned to consciousness. However, when she woke up, she struggled less, her eyes were even a little soft, and there was a different look on her slightly mean face. Such charm.

As a result, Li Yang played with her for an extra month.

It wasn't until the third month after Li Yang entered the secret place that Li Yang let go of her and stood up with a smile.


Waves of soul power continued to emerge, and magic and spiritual power swarmed from all directions, helping Li Yang's soul power grow.

As a magician in the middle stage of Soul Magic Master, Luofel gave Li Yang very strong feedback on his soul, even worse than Leslie.

Although Leslie is qualified as a high-level magician, a soul magic master is also a real power practitioner.

Under such circumstances, the effect of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] is naturally uncompromised. The majestic increase in soul power caused Li Yang's soul foundation to grow rapidly. He pulled out of Luo Feier and felt the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra]. The power of the Sutra is running crazily, and the soul power becomes solid wave by wave and cannot be broken through.

————Without the power of immortality, his current soul power has reached the limit it can reach, and there is no way to increase it again.

Li Yang took out the gold from the [Space Bag] without changing his expression, and ran the [Immortal Cultivation Method] to quickly absorb the immortal energy in it.

Wisps of immortal energy were absorbed into the soul and merged with the soul as the [Immortal Cultivation Method] was running. The process was almost unbearable for Li Yang, but the speed was surprisingly fast.

The soul power provided by [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing] is continuously generated, which greatly promotes the absorption of golden immortal power. After absorbing several strands of immortal energy and the soul power has begun to initially change, Li Yang's soul power Progress has been rapid.

"No, it's too uncomfortable."

During the practice, Li Yang gritted his teeth, looked at Luo Feier, who was lying beside him and was all white, turned her over so that she faced the yellow grass with her back to the sky, and jumped over.

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