My world double door

Chapter 304 Queen: I can do it too

"A transcendent person with the ultimate physical body without the power of immortality."

On the throne of the main hall of the Elf Palace, the Elf Queen Tilfa, wearing a golden dress and a golden veil, frequently felt Li Yang walking towards him with a smile amidst the cheers and cheers of the Elf people on both sides, and her heart surged.

Could it be that a new road is about to emerge?

An extraordinary path that can take into account the cultivation method of immortal power?

'Perhaps, his soul power and the energy in his body also have such unique aspects, but I can't feel it...'

'Wait, is this the power that left the writing on Aisha's neck? ’

Suddenly, the Elf Queen felt a unique aura, which made her eyes move slightly, and her hands, which were like mutton-fat white jade, gently clasped together.

After the competition among the clans, in order to declare his ownership of the Elf Princess and the Elf Beast Controller Leslie, Li Yang used a mysterious power that transcended magic to leave his name on their necks.

At first, such a small thing did not attract too many people's attention, but when Aisia and Leslie returned to the Elf Kingdom, the names left behind were not erased the next day. The elves felt that something was wrong. When Immortal Ranger Sirson went to Leslie and Aisha and used his Lightning Ranger power to help them erase them, he instantly felt that this power was unusual.

His Flash Ranger power has reached the perfection of immortality, absorbing the golden immortal energy and completing a transformation of equal quality. However, when expelling this power, he still felt an extremely strong resistance.

Under the premise that Li Yang was still a super transcendent, the power he left behind actually made him, the Flash Ranger, feel difficult to deal with.

‘This is a brand new power that transcends magic. ’

After this judgment came to his mind in an instant, Ranger Seson lost his composure. He gave up the idea of ​​completely expelling this tenacious force. Unexpectedly, this force turned around and automatically recovered after a short time.

After witnessing this scene, Serson immediately brought Aisha and Leslie to the Elf Palace to meet the Elf Queen. Waiting for him was the Elf Queen who had already noticed this power.

The memory of this power flashed through her heart, and the Elf Queen's eyes showed a glint of light.

When I just saw this force leaving names on the necks of Leslie and Aisia, I didn't feel anything. But when this force gathered in groups and appeared in one person, I felt it instantly. Big difference.

If the power of water and fire in the ordinary world is just a reflection of the water and fire elements, and it is the magic power of water and fire that extends these ordinary powers, then this special power is like the source of magic power.

‘Could this be the secret of why he became so strong? ’

The Elf Queen's eyes flickered as she recalled some of the gains she had made from her frantic research on the power on Aisia's neck this year, and silently suppressed the relevant information in her heart.

'A path beyond magic...'

Elf Queen Thielfa looked at her daughter Aysia sitting in front, her eyes flashed across her neck where Li Yang's name was still imprinted, and a deep light flashed in her eyes.

‘What is it that makes you such a womanizer? ’

‘Is it a disguise? ’


The elf queen's deep eyes were filled with light, and she straightened her chest.

She is more charming and charming today than before.

Even with the blessing of the Divine Tree of Life, it is difficult for her to understand the origin of such a power.

If Li Yang is really as womanizing as he seems, Thielfa herself can't accompany Aisia to be his woman.

This will help her further research on this power.

With all these thoughts flashing through his mind, Thielfa suddenly looked towards the entrance of the hall.

Outside the majestic Elf Palace, the cheers of the people roared as the winner of the race for hegemony slowly walked outside the palace.

Across the corridors of the palace, the deep and majestic Thielfa and the light and noble Aisia looked through the corridor of the main palace and looked at Li Yang, who turned around and walked into the palace.

"We are happy to welcome the human race's consort Li Yang to marry Princess Aisia!"

The elf officials who had been standing at the palace gate raised their voices and shouted the moment Li Yang appeared in the palace gate. The elf princess Aisia and the elf queen Thielfa who was sitting on the throne behind stood up from their distinguished seats. , arrived at the entrance of the magnificent main palace, which was ten meters higher than the entrance of the palace, and saw more clearly Li Yang, who was standing underneath the palace gate, his eyes shining as they appeared.

And behind Li Yang, two female elves appeared around a corner.

In their sight, the female beast master Leslie and the secret elf Raphael appeared behind him, one on the left and one on the right.

However, they all changed from virgins to women.

"Queen Thielfa and Princess Aisia welcome the arrival of Champion Li Yang, and invite Li Yang, the leader of all clans, to come to the main hall of the Elf Palace to complete the princess's wedding ceremony!"

The elf officials guarding the door saw Elf Queen Thielfa and Princess Aisia standing on the steps of the main hall together, and they immediately shouted again.

A normal wedding ceremony must be witnessed by hundreds of officials and have a dinner together, but the marriage between Li Yang and the Elf Princess is not normal at all, so all the procedures will naturally have to be changed.

Like now, it is the best way to take into account the feelings of both parties.


The moment the elf official's voice fell, Li Yang's figure soared from the entrance of the royal palace like a dragon, and suddenly landed in front of Elf Queen Thielfa and Elf Princess Aisia.

"Hey, hello, my baby Aisha and the noble Elf Queen Thielfa."

Li Yang looked at Ai Xia who still had his name on her neck with a smile on his face. With a smile on his face, he wiped away the writing on her neck with a wave of his hand. As the light circulated, the writing on Ai Xia's neck disappeared. There was a rolling sound of sonic boom behind him.

Fortunately, there is an extraordinary magic circle in the Elf Palace. The sonic boom that can tear apart ordinary human houses did not have much impact on the entire Elf Palace.

"Hello, Li Yang, the genius of the human race."

Elf Queen Thielfa's face was covered by a pure white inner and golden veil, and her face had no expression, but her pair of deep and beautiful eyes curved up. After speaking, she stretched her palms forward: "From now on, our Elf Princess Aisia, you can officially take her back."

[Elf Queen Reference Picture]

[Note: What you imagine is the best, all pictures are for reference only]

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