My world double door

Chapter 308 Needs to be digested

"When that Li Yang appears next time, it will be time for us to prepare to launch."

"Even if he doesn't show up, we will directly test him for another two and a half years at most."

"You should believe in the strength of our country..."


Beside the green belt of the community, the excited Cao Qiang and the smiling Westerner chatted for half an hour before pretending to say goodbye to each other casually.

Cao Qiang turned around and continued walking along the stone path in the garden of the community to other places, his eyes full of divine light.

Thinking about the words of the person he just heard, Cao Qiang's heart was full of motivation. He has been in contact with him for two and a half years. Do you know how he has spent these two and a half years?

The people at home guarded him as harshly as a prisoner, and he could not even leave the house. The ever-present hatred and unstoppable fear in his heart made him tremble all over.

If these Americans hadn't contacted him and given him a glimmer of hope, he didn't know what he would have become in such an environment.

His wife and mother kept him under strict supervision at home. Although his sister said she was afraid that he would anger Li Yang and lead to his death, since two and a half years ago, his mother Fang Fen, his sister Cao Xue and his wife Chen Xiaolan came together After going to Li Yang's house for a party and sending him messages, he felt that everything had changed.

His mother, wife, and sister are no longer what they used to be. There is no resentment in their hearts for the destruction of the Cao family, and they have turned to obeying Li Yang.

Even if I love Li Yang, I love him even more.

Cao Qiang felt that for Li Yang, how they would continue to treat him was a question.

If one day, he and Li Yang fight each other, and his mother, sister, and wife happen to be there...

Cao Qiang couldn't even imagine that scene.

It can be said that whoever wants Li Yang to die first in this world must be him.

However, he didn't have this opportunity before, but now...this opportunity has come.

No matter how awesome Li Yang is, he can still outperform the entire United States!

When he thought of these, Cao Qiang felt enlightened.

"I don't know what other methods these Americans are talking about."

Cao Qiang muttered in his heart, feeling that the pores all over his body were relaxing, and he left the green garden of the community comfortably and briskly.

All the way back home, looking at the camera in the room, Cao Qiang flashed a smile.

In order to ensure that he did not cause trouble at home, Chen Xiaolan bought a camera from the Haohanxingyu Group and installed it at home to monitor him. However, he had already contacted people in the United States, so after explaining the situation, in order to reassure him, he would use technology every time The staff helped him get this ordinary camera, so that Fang Fen, Cao Xue, Chen Xiaolan and the others could only see the scene of him staying at home.

"Spying on me, people are going out, so what's the use of installing a camera?"

Cao Qiang looked at the camera, chuckled happily, then sat on the sofa and clicked on the controller to return the camera to normal, and then started playing the game leisurely.


In the garden of the community, what Cao Qiang didn't notice was that after he left, a monitor that looked like a tree stick quietly flew into the air and disappeared quickly where he was chatting with the American spy.

In a mysterious space somewhere, pieces of video data are stored here, and the newly generated one is exactly the scene of Cao Qiang talking to himself and walking around in front of the camera.

On the other side, there are all videos related to the United States.

The human-like intelligent brain watched all this quietly and continuously categorized their videos and various information.

"Hey, do you understand? These advanced medical equipment of Haohanxingyu are definitely plagiarism. This is definitely plagiarism of our American medical technology. This infringes on our sacred intellectual property rights. Otherwise, with his small private company, How is it possible to make such a powerful medical device in such a short period of time!”

"I understand, just like robots, they must have stolen our trade secrets by unknown means. Otherwise, our company has been researching robots for so many years to reach this point. How could they suddenly be so ahead of us? many?"

"You're absolutely right. In the automotive industry, plagiarism must be plagiarism. Otherwise, how could they develop such a high-quality engine?"

"Yanhuang people have always liked to do disgusting thieves. I think we should publicize this kind of thing so that their own lower-class people know what kind of people their country is."

In a secret office, the U.S. capital controllers gathered together to discuss intensely with each other. When they were enjoying themselves, they even stood up and spoke, praising the wisdom and outstanding vision of their colleagues.

"Ahem, be quiet."

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a strong secretary in a suit walked into the room and said something, followed closely by an American with a hooked nose who strode into the conference room.

Seeing this man appear, the place fell silent for a moment, staring at the man who appeared without blinking.

"Everyone, I know what you want to do."

After arriving at the office, the hook-nosed man spoke with a smile. After he finished speaking, he looked at a group of capital controllers who were looking at each other and knocked on the table: "But, you may have started to prepare for this, but what exactly?" It will be done when the time comes, and we will have to wait until we notify you.”

"Two and a half years from now at the latest, or within these two and a half years, whenever this person named Li Yang appears, he will start taking action."

"How to do it specifically...just do it according to what you like."

The hook-nosed man spoke with a smile. After he finished speaking, everyone in the office immediately laughed. Then they couldn't help but salute the big capitalist and general in front of them, who was much bigger than all of them. Then they looked at each other's smiles. Each of them left the office.

Seeing them leaving, the hook-nosed man showed a meaningful smile. He gently turned the coins in his hand and murmured in a low voice: "No one can be above us, and no one can disobey us." the rule of……"


In the aircraft carrier, the humanoid intelligence silently saved the surveillance video and placed it in the general category "To be determined by the owner's tendency".

Then he checked all the weapons of each country and found that a military square in the United States that was still of some value was not cleaned up. He immediately issued an order for them to clean it up so that it would not be used in the future.

[Keep waiting to find out everything...]





Waves of golden immortal energy continue to pour into the body, magic power, and soul, guiding the three to undergo a deeper transformation.

The mana in the dantian filled the dantian again and again. After the fourth return, it continued to return crazily until the ninth return, and then slowly stopped.

At this moment, the soul, body, and thunder magic power that had been continuously absorbing the immortal energy to improve its essence finally stopped improving and slowly stopped.

Li Yang opened his eyes on the bed, and a ray of immortal golden light flashed in his eyes, and the aura on his body became calmer.

Feeling one's own body, the physical body's cultivation has reached twelve transformations, and is very close to the thirteenth transformation. The soul's cultivation has reached the thirteenth transformation, not far from the fourteenth transformation. The thunder magic power has also undergone twelve transformations, and is ten years away. Three transformations are only one step away.

Moreover, the genetic power is supplemented by the immortal metal, the magnetic field power increases greatly, and the body's strength reaches a new height.

At the same time, the mana in the body returned to its original state nine times, resulting in drastic changes that were not even recorded in the "Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra".

It would be no exaggeration to say that everything in my body was earth-shaking!

But what makes Li Yang a little worried is——What is the situation of his nine returns?

Although the life force has been growing, according to the records of the "Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra", three returns to the life force have reached the foundation building perfection. So what happened to his nine returns to the life force?

Inexplicably, Li Yang thought of what Elder Chen said in the world of immortality. He might not be able to enter the golden elixir?

Could this be the problem?

He couldn't help but continue to feel the new power in his body.

"Husband, why did I reach the early stage of immortality despite doing nothing this year?"

While Li Yang was thinking in his mind, Ai Xia's somewhat confused voice sounded, calling him out of the state of realizing his very condensed foundation-building magic power. He immediately opened his eyes and faced Ai Xia's confused voice. With a look on his face, the corner of his mouth suddenly smiled, followed by a slight movement of his eyes.

The number of times his foundation-building mana returns has increased inexplicably. Although he can't figure out the reason, the quality of his foundation-building mana is improving, and his lifespan, foundation, and even his cultivation qualifications are improving. This is a real good thing.

That being the case, why not keep going and see where this situation ends up?

Moreover, his soul, magic power, and body have made so many breakthroughs in just the first practice, and they will still remain at their peak several times in the future. The benefits of physical improvement after the foundation-building mana is restored will also take time to be fully realized. Show, so why not continue?

"Because my husband has a magical talent. This talent can make me and anyone of the opposite sex happy, so that both of us can improve ourselves at a much faster speed than usual practice."

Li Yang spoke with a smile, and after speaking, Ai Xia's expression suddenly became astonished: "There is such a talent in this world, but our immortal energy seems to be absorbed too quickly, and some of it is not round enough. It seems that we need to spend time to adapt. Digestion."

"Not round enough?"

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, then stopped raising the gun, subconsciously felt the immortal power in his body, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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