My world double door

Chapter 314 My Earth

"Mr. Li Yang, you are here."

In the living room, seeing the person who walked in was Li Yang, Chen Xiaolan, who was wearing a black close-fitting nightgown, hurriedly put down the fruit plate in her hand and greeted him with a smile on her face. She asked why someone could enter their house. Any doubts about the matter disappeared immediately.

"Ah, Mr. Li Yang is here?"

As soon as Chen Xiaolan's voice fell, Cao Xue, who was sitting in the living room watching TV with her white legs crossed, heard the sound and hurriedly took back her white feet, put on her shoes and ran into the living room, looking at Li Yang in surprise.

"Mr. Li Yang."

Wearing a white noble nightgown, she felt more and more elegant. Fang Fen, who was lying on the sofa applying a facial mask, also hurriedly turned around and got off the sofa, quickly took off the face mask, wiped the skin care products on her face with a face towel, revealing With moist skin, when he saw Li Yang appearing in the living room, he stood up from the sofa involuntarily, his eyes brightening.

'he came? ’

Cao Qiang, who was sitting on the sofa, tightened his body, clasped his hands together and squeezed hard. He forced a smile on his face and looked at Li Yang who walked to his wife. At the same time, he smiled and nodded to show friendship.

Li Yang chuckled softly and did not answer. Instead, he walked up to Chen Xiaolan, who was wearing a pure black fitted nightgown. He reached down and grabbed the hem of the skirt that only covered half of his thighs. He lifted it up and immediately pulled out the skirt inside. The scenery leaked out.

As he put his hand up, he signaled to Cao Xue and Fang Fen, and then walked toward the bedroom with Chen Xiaolan, whose pretty face was slightly red after being pinched by him. Chen Xiaolan leaned against Li Yang and hurriedly hugged her with both arms. Li Yang's waist was stabilized, and Cao Xue and Fang Fen also raised their steps and followed in with smiles on their faces.


The bedroom door was closed. Cao Qiang clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. At the same time, he felt inexplicably relieved.

He then sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for the passage of time, watching the time go from morning to night. He made dinner by himself. After dinner, he saw that the bedroom door had not been opened yet, so he just The person lay on the sofa and rested quietly.

Before going to bed, various pictures and information kept flashing through his mind. Thinking back to the various contents that Americans had come into contact with, he couldn't help but think to himself.

‘I don’t know if the character model construction they did is of any use. ’

‘What kind of secret does this guy hide? He has shocked the whole country. ’

'Mecha, super intelligent...'

Thinking of one scene after another in his mind, Cao Qiang couldn't help but look at the closed bedroom door guiltily. When he saw that there was no movement, he lay down on the sofa to rest with a sigh of relief.


Cao Qiang, who was sleeping on the sofa, always had nightmares. Suddenly, he felt a palpitation in his heart. He suddenly woke up from his sleep and found that it was already dawn the next day. Seeing that the surroundings were still quiet, he couldn't help but relax. tone.

But the next moment, the bedroom door suddenly opened, and the sound of the door opening and closing made his heart tighten. When he looked up, he saw the bedroom door open, and the scene of his wife pressing on his sister, and his sister pressing on his mother came into view. , all three of them looked happy.

Cao Qiang's eyes darkened when he saw this, but the next moment, he saw the man who opened the door walking up to him with a half-smile, and his whole body froze.

"Are you afraid that I will find you?"

Li Yang looked at Cao Qiang, who was sitting stiffly on the sofa in front of him, and spoke with a half-smile.

"Ah, yes, no."

When Cao Qiang heard Li Yang's words, more sweat appeared on his forehead. He hurriedly shook his head to deny it, but Li Yang chuckled: "You want to take revenge on me, but it's useless to just do this."

After Li Yang finished speaking with a smile, a black iron object suddenly appeared in his hand and he slapped it on the table: "Don't you want revenge? Come on, I'll give you a chance to shoot me. This gun has bullets in it."

Cao Qiang stared stiffly at the revolver that Li Yang slapped on the table. He opened his eyes tremblingly, and knelt down from the sofa to the ground with a pop: "Mr. Li Yang, please spare me."

Cao Qiang's face was covered with sweat as he spoke, and his eyes looking at Li Yang were full of fear while his whole body was shaking.

He suddenly thought of a question: It was fine that he had not seen Li Yang for the past two and a half years, but why was it that such a big country as the United States couldn't find him even if it wanted to find him?

It would be fine if he was really dead, but now that he has appeared here in good condition and played with his wife, mother, and sister all day and night, what does this prove?

Thinking again about the mechas that soared from the sky that day and the flying carriers flying outside, Cao Qiang's body became even more limp as he was covered in sweat.

"What a pustule. If I give you a chance, you don't even know how to seize it."

Li Yang looked at Cao Qiang and sneered, then glanced at him and calmly took back the revolver on the table: "In that case, then go mining and work in the mine until you die. It can be considered a contribution to the world.”

Li Yang said, pinched it casually, then flicked it, and threw the revolver, which was already in pieces, beside the trembling Cao Qiang. Suddenly, he no longer had the intention of killing him.

"When I get off work every day, remember to video chat with my wife at home and watch her listen to my words and play with me."

After speaking calmly, he turned and looked outside the room, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in front of Cao Qiang.

"Hoo, ho..."

Seeing Li Yang disappear from sight, Cao Qiang couldn't help but breathe heavily in the living room with his heart beating wildly. His eyes focused on the iron lump beside him that was rubbed out by Li Yang with his hands, and his pupils shrank for a while.

"Dig, dig..."

A burst of joy for the rest of his life rose up in his heart. Only then did Cao Qiang think of Li Yang's words. He opened his mouth and his body became limp. He stood up silently and looked at the master bedroom with the door open. He hesitated. After a while, he gritted his teeth and walked over to separate the stacked mother, wife and sister. He cleaned them up one by one and put on their clothes. Then he came to the living room with a sigh and covered his head in pain.




"Do you see clearly?"

In the grand room, the air was as heavy as mercury. An old man looked at the picture on the screen and asked softly with his eyes closed.

"It is clear that Mr. Li Yang was flying in the air and reaching Linhai City at an estimated speed of over Mach 1,000. He did not cause any damage to the surrounding environment while flying."

The assistant standing next to him responded in a low voice. Everyone in the room watching the video looked solemn.

"Now that you have seen it clearly, let's notify what needs to be announced, report what needs to be reported, and decide what needs to be decided."

The old man said in a faint voice: "After disappearing for two and a half years, he gave us such a big surprise when he appeared, and he didn't even say hello to us. It seems that Mr. Li Yang no longer cares about all the forces on this earth. It’s in my eyes…”

The people around looked at me and I looked at you. No one said anything and continued to pass the message upward according to the order.

"I heard that the United States has done some espionage activities. These things done by the other side's spies are not against the country, and we have no way to interfere. We must find a way to explain it clearly to Mr. Li Yang and spread the voice to his ears. "





In an office full of technology, people of all kinds are walking around the room. If someone proficient in data can integrate and calculate the English on various computers and paper documents in the office, a detailed data model of a person can be obtained.

Through this model, analyzing from various psychological and physiological angles, a person with detailed data, ranging from his emotions, anger, sorrow, and taste, to what kind of food he likes when eating, and what kind of opposite sex he likes when engaging in pornography, can be clearly known.

These data even include a lot of specific body data such as nerve reaction speed, strength, and speed.

A blond general sitting in the office looked at all this and felt quite satisfied. All of this was calculated by American spies through some clues of data feedback and through the inference of experts.

Every step is as precise as the most advanced technological product, and there is no room for error. However, such results have been successfully produced by their team, which shows how excellent they are.

"We will never allow forces outside of our control, and most importantly, to threaten our existence."

"To deal with such anti-human elements, we should severely strangle him in the palm of our hands."

The blond general couldn't help but repeat what he had said countless times before, and his eyes couldn't help but narrowed: "Since the plan has been thoroughly thought out, I don't think there is any need to wait for such a long time. Such a threat should not last more than a second. exist on earth.”

"Those spaceships may be stealing unknown resources on the earth all the time. This person may be an alien spy. The previous actions alone are not enough. If he doesn't show up, why not use his woman to test it, so that we can directly start the physical process?" action."

The blond general said, and the assistant beside him couldn't help but ask: "General, do you need to have a meeting to discuss it?"

"I guess no thanks."

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from beside them, and when they turned around, their expressions suddenly changed.

"After all, nothing can be discussed between dead people."

Li Yang's figure appeared in the room, his eyes glowing red as he looked at the situation around him.

The assistant and the blond general were about to continue saying something, the next moment.


The terrifying red light circled around, instantly turning the entire space into purgatory as if it were on fire.

At the same time, robots one after another, along with information and instructions, caused a bloody storm in the entire United States.

"It's true that if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink."

Li Yang crossed his arms, looked at the situation around him, shook his head helplessly, and flew up.

"From this day forward, there will be no room for a grain of sand on my earth."

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