My world double door

Chapter 319 Different reactions

"Mr. Li Yang, you are here, please come in, please come in."

In the community room, Chen Li was overjoyed to see Li Yang, whom he hadn't seen for two and a half years, agreeing to come to his home to play. As soon as they met, he opened the door and said enthusiastically to Li Yang.

"Husband, who is here?"

A confused question came from behind Chen Li. Yuping, who was wearing a simple home skirt, walked to the door and looked out strangely. When she saw Li Yang, she was stunned for a moment, then she pursed her lips and looked at herself. My husband glanced at me and turned around to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing that Chen Li was so happy to come to his house to play, Li Yang couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face. He looked at Chen Li's wife Yuping who was leaving his sight and immediately said with a smile: "It's okay for me to come. I just have to work hard on your wife.”

When Chen Li heard this, a cheerful smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Mr. Li Yang, don't be formal. No matter what the hard work is, what's mine is yours. You can do whatever you want to your wife."

"That's all, you're welcome, you're welcome."

Li Yang chuckled softly when he heard this, walked up to Chen Li's house, and looked towards the living room next to the door. Chen Li's wife Yuping was sitting on the sofa in the living room, playing with her mobile phone without raising her head.

"I'm not being polite, I'm not polite. When you come here, it's your own home. You can play how you want."

Chen Li closed the door with a smile, then pulled Li Yang to the living room, smiling at Li Yang and saying as he walked.

"That's very polite."

Li Yang said with a smile. When Chen Li heard this, he pulled Li Yang to sit next to his wife Yuping with a smile on his face. Li Yang's big body sat on the sofa. The sofa cushions dented under the weight, and one person who couldn't sit firmly moved towards Yuping. Ping leaned against her, and Yuping's body swayed to the other side, then she sat upright, still playing with her phone with her head down, without saying a word.

Li Yang also sat upright and looked under the hem of Yuping's long white home dress with cartoon patterns. The hem only covered half of her calf, and a pair of pure white cotton socks were worn on her ankles. , wearing a pair of home cloth slippers under the cotton socks.

Looking up, the lotus-rooted arms exposed on both sides of the skirt are tender and white. The neck above is slender and delicate with a little collarbone. Above it are beautiful ears and delicate profile. The white and tender oval face is tight and expressionless, lowering the head. Looking at the mobile phone played with by two bare hands.

"Come on, come on, drink some tea, drink some tea."

Chen Li brought a cup of tea brewed with fine tea leaves to Li Yang, and said to Li Yang with a smile: "Have you eaten yet? Do you want me to order something from the hotel?"

"That's not necessary. I've already eaten. Just have some tea."

Li Yang withdrew his eyes from Yuping, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said with a smile.

"Here are some snacks and candies, but we don't have much fruit at home. I'll go out and buy some fruit for you."

Chen Li observed what was happening and ran over to bring some things over. He smiled and said, talking about fruits, he couldn't help but add: "But the fruit shop is quite far away from us. It may take me a long time to get back from this trip." , please forgive me for any slightness."

"Hey, it doesn't matter when you eat it. I'm not in a hurry to eat it."

After Li Yang finished drinking the tea, he put the tea cup on the table. When he saw Chen Li brought another snack, he immediately smiled and said.

"Hey, it's okay if you're not in a hurry. It's okay if you're not in a hurry."

Hearing Li Yang's voice, Chen Li nodded and smiled. He stood up while smiling and talking. Li Yang immediately stood up and walked him two steps away, all the way to the door and to the elevator. Chen Li hurriedly saw the elevator coming. Let him go back and take the elevator down alone.

"This boy is so polite."

Li Yang looked at the elevator where Chen Li left and chuckled. Then he shook his head and turned back from the elevator. He went all the way to Chen Li's house. He closed the door and walked to the living room to find Chen Li's wife Yuping putting her mobile phone on her legs that were tightly together. He was holding a tea cup and drinking water. When Li Yang came in, his eyes rolled to the side, revealing the whites of his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Li Yang smiled and sat back down, sitting down next to Yuping. He picked up the teacup and took a sip. Yuping didn't move, but put down the teacup and looked to the right, leaving it to Li. The whites of Yang's eyes were wide, and he raised his bare hand to pick up a tissue on the coffee table and wiped the water droplets from his mouth.

Li Yang turned to look at her, with a smile on his lips. His eyes moved from Yuping's feet in white socks to her face little by little, looking at her slender body, and then slowly closer to her cheek.

The hot breath exhaled from her nostrils hit Yuping's smooth left face as Li Yang came closer. She moved unnaturally and wanted to move away, but the next moment Li Yang hugged her shoulders and leaned towards him. He kissed her on the cheek.


Yuping closed her eyes and nodded softly. The next moment, Li Yang sat down and pushed her down on the sofa.

Yuping couldn't get up after being pushed down like this. She closed her eyes tightly, frowned, and her whole body smelled different.

It wasn't until it got dark that she finally had the chance to get up. She took a deep breath and ran to wash up hastily. She changed her clothes and returned to the living room. Unexpectedly, she was held in Li Yang's arms again.

At this time, Chen Li finally bought the fruits. He went into the house and enthusiastically washed the fruits and gave them to Li Yang to eat. He also wanted to keep Li Yang for dinner, but when Li Yang saw Yu Ping looking so tired, he refused. Agreeing, she said goodbye to him with a smile, let Yuping, who was resting on the sofa, have a good rest, turned around and left the community.

Chen Li sent Li Yang out enthusiastically. When he came back, he hurriedly cleaned up the traces everywhere in the room. Then he sat next to Yuping, rubbed her legs and shoulders, and looked at Yuping's neck several times. Li Yang left a strawberry mark and hurriedly ran to pour her a cup of hot water, feeling secretly distressed.

On the other side, after Li Yang left Chen Li's house, he flew straight to Zuo Yanting's house.

It was getting dark, Sun Zhuo had just finished cooking, and Li Yang went home to have dinner together. After Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen took a bath, they went back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed to rest.

"Hey, husband, I'm sleeping at Yanting's house today and I won't go back."

While resting, Zuo Yanfen took out her mobile phone and called home, considering she wanted to stay here for the night.

"Yeah~tomorrow, go back tomorrow."

"Okay~ I won't say anything anymore, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

After a brief communication, Zuo Yanfen felt that she could no longer control herself and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Sun Zhuo outside the bedroom shook his head when he heard the movement in the bedroom. Knowing that he could not fit in the bedroom, he ran to the guest room to sleep alone.


The night flew by in the blink of an eye.

The next morning, the early morning rain and dew covered the grass tips, and a beautiful day began again.

After Li Yang woke up, he first exchanged some questions with Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen, and then had breakfast together. Seeing that both sisters were very tired, he couldn't continue to mess with them.

So I flew to Shenhai Zhen School alone and found my little girlfriend Peng Feifei.

"Ah, hubby, you are finally back!"

In the villa, Peng Feifei was sitting on the sofa reading a book, wearing cool pajamas. When she suddenly saw Li Yang coming back, she was stunned for a while, then she was deeply surprised. She stood up and threw herself into Li Yang's arms and spoke excitedly.

"So happy to see me back!"

Li Yang took off Peng Feifei's pajamas, then carried her to the sofa and said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, he kissed the excited and pretty Peng Feifei, whose face was red with embarrassment, and clamped Li Yang's legs between her legs. His head was gasping with excitement: "Of course I'm happy, stinky husband, you haven't come to see me for two and a half years since you left, and everyone misses you so much, wuwu~"

Peng Feifei trembled all over as she spoke, and was so excited that she shed tears.

"Smelly husband, do you miss me?"

Peng Feifei's face was red. Seeing the sweat on Li Yang's face, she wiped it with a tissue and then said with a pout.

"Tell me if your husband misses you."

Li Yang sighed when he saw that Peng Feifei had grown to be twenty-one years old. He stepped forward and took her little hand to feel it, which immediately made Peng Feifei's face turn red with embarrassment.

"Husband, what have you been doing in the past two and a half years?"

Peng Feifei hugged Li Yang's neck emotionally and asked with a red face.

"My husband has something very important to be busy with. Maybe he will give you a big surprise after a while."

"Husband, be gentle, be slow, I am not so used to it. Feifei is yours. You can have whatever you want. You can always want Feifei. There is no need to be so anxious. Slow down, good husband, good husband... "


Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns, let alone not seeing each other for two and a half years.

The little lover, who had not seen Li Yang for a long time, was thinking a lot, pouring out her lovesickness crazily. She was unwilling to separate from Li Yang even when sleeping, and would not let Li Yang leave her boudoir.

Li Yang had no choice but to happily spend the second day in Peng Feifei's boudoir, but while he was happy, he felt that although Peng Feifei was clean, she was already twenty-one years old, and he also had many feelings and new ideas in his heart.

"Time is really ruthless. No matter how busy you are, it will continue to take away lives from people..."

‘I don’t know if the special version of the life-extending potion that the apocalyptic world asked them to develop is ready. ’

Li Yang whispered in his heart that when it got dark the next day, he did not rest as usual. Instead, he waited for Peng Feifei to regain her energy before falling in love, and when she was tired, she slept, day and night.

However, during Li Yang's happy time, these times in the United States were not happy at all.

Most people and cities were quick to issue public apologies as early as day one.

But there are still some people who are dissatisfied.

"Who does this guy think he is? Do I have to listen to what he says?"

"He shouldn't exist on Earth!"

"Humanity doesn't need him!"

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