My world double door

Chapter 320 I have so many people

"People like him should not exist in human society."

"He is no longer a human being, no one wants him to appear!"

"We will never be allowed to live on earth with such people!"

"The murderer wants others to apologize to him. He is delusional!"

"What kind of thing does he think he is? He just wants so many of us to publicly apologize to him by posting a video!"

"We will never give in to murderers!"


The impact of Li Yang's video was so great, and its scope of dissemination was so wide, that voices full of dissatisfaction resounded throughout the United States.

They discussed with indignation, talked passionately about their thoughts and expressed their voices.

The more interesting thing is that the elite areas and rich areas are quiet, while only the ordinary areas and poor areas are filled with such teams.

"We want murderers to see our power. Just talking is not enough, we must take action."

A white girl wearing a baseball cap found a group of friends who also expressed dissatisfaction with Li Yang's video through social software, and expressed her thoughts: "There are already many protest teams in other cities, and we must also organize our own protest teams. "

"Mila is right. I also have the same idea. We must let this yellow-skinned monkey see how powerful we are. Does he think he is God? Everyone must listen to what he says!"

Another white girl spoke up and clenched her fists angrily: "We must not only form a protest team ourselves, but also prevent the ruler from apologizing, never bow to him, and even ask him to apologize to us!"

"He forced the video to play on our mobile phones. This seriously violated our privacy and killed so many people. It is a heinous crime. We should sentence him to death!"

"You're right, Karin, murderers should be sentenced to death. Let's organize a team to protest with a hunger strike!"

Hearing what the second white girl said, Mira's eyes lit up and she spoke hurriedly. Then the two of them looked at the friends who had gathered around them, and they quickly reached an agreement. Then we made banners together at home.

Under the command of Mira and Karin, they printed a screenshot of Li Yang's photo in black and white from the video and hung it on a banner. After carrying the banner, they first recorded the video, led by Mira and Karin who organized them to gather together, and shouted Li Yang was scolded and scolded.

After cursing, the video was uploaded to various social platforms, and then they held banners together and walked around the bustling streets of American cities while shouting slogans.

"We will never apologize to the murderer!"

"Humankind doesn't need him!"

"The murderer should be put in jail and sentenced to death!"

"Our world does not need him, and we will never live with such people in the world!"

"Protest, protest, protest, hunger strike!"

Already a little agitated because of Li Yang's video, the street with more people than before became more lively as they paraded.

Li Yang's video was too domineering, and there were many people who were opposed to it, so when they saw their parade, some people were quickly attracted to it. They felt that their slogans spoke to their hearts, and they were immediately attracted. go.

Mira and Karin walked on the street all morning with a few friends they first met on the Internet. The number of people who joined their team quickly expanded, reaching hundreds of people, and there were some small ones in the process. Groups join them.

The team expanded to so many in one morning, which made Mira and Karin very excited. They used a hunger strike as a way to lead the huge team and sat on the ground to save their energy at the door of the residence where the powerful people lived, but it was written The flags of various declarations have not been lowered at all and are still held on the flagpole.

Among the hundreds of people, one after another posted information about their protest on social media. During the protest, more and more people quickly joined in.

When one day passed, the number of people outside the leader's office directly increased to 10,000!

The increase in the number of people made them more confident. While they continued to attract crowds of people crazily, they sat outside the ruler's office and continued to protest.

News media were attracted one after another and put their protest on the news. Under the general trend caused by Li Yang's video, it quickly attracted the attention of groups of people and gathered to join them.

"We will definitely succeed in our protest!"

Mira and Karin's faces flashed with pride. The day after tomorrow was the expiration of the three days Li Yang said. They didn't believe that Li Yang could really do anything.

No matter how powerful he is, there are so many people here.

Mira and Karin couldn't help but smile.




Li Yang doesn't care about the crazy hotness in the United States, because it's just as hot in his villa.


On the sofa in the villa, Li Yang kept kissing Peng Feifei, and Peng Feifei's face turned red.

It wasn't until it got dark and Peng Feifei couldn't bear it anymore and her belly was bulging that Li Yang slowly stopped.

With another soft sound, Li Yang pulled out, gently helped Peng Feifei tidy up, and let her go back to sleep under the quilt.

"Feifei, Feifei, what's wrong with you? Why haven't you heard anything all day?"

As soon as Peng Feifei was put on the bed to rest, anxious inquiries came from the door lock of the villa. Li Yang turned around and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

But I saw a little beauty wearing a brown plaid miniskirt, white stockings on her legs, women's small black leather shoes on her feet, a yellow shirt and a fashionable jacket on her upper body, a little beauty wearing black stockings covering her hips, and a girl wearing The beauties in loose black trousers stood side by side at the door of the villa, with anxious expressions on their faces.

Surprisingly, they are Peng Feifei's three female roommates of the same age: Gan Ruxue, Meng Jiayu, and Qiao Mei.

"I came this morning. Feifei has been busy with me and has no time to read the news. She is sleeping now after a long day."

Li Yang smiled and spoke, and the voice was transmitted to the ears of the three girls through the speaker on the door lock. They were stunned for a moment. When they realized that it was Li Yang's voice, they were very happy. They were about to say something, When he saw the door of the villa in front of him opened, he immediately stopped talking and ran to the villa with his long legs excitedly.

As the three women ran in, the door of the villa closed automatically. The three of them walked through the villa yard and came to the villa living room. At a glance, they saw Li Yang standing in the living room on the first floor of the villa, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

"Brother Li Yang, where have you been in the past two and a half years? We all miss you so much."

"Brother Li Yang, give me a hug."

"Brother Li Yang, I miss you so much."

The three girls couldn't control their emotions and hugged Li Yang forward together. One held her left arm, one held her right arm, and one hugged her waist. They raised their heads and looked at Li Yang, their cheeks red.

Their first man was Li Yang. After being taken over by Li Yang, they never had an affair with any man again. Under such circumstances, they had not seen Li Yang for two and a half years, and they were all regular men. When you are a young girl, you can imagine how painful the life is, and how painful it is, naturally you will miss her too much.

"My brother has been busy outside for the past two and a half years, but now he finally has some time to relax."

Li Yang looked at the three girls and sighed in his heart. He held them in his arms and walked to the sofa, while explaining softly.

"Brother Li Yang, we have been interning from our freshman year to our senior year. You don't even know how much I miss you."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the three girls all pouted. One of them was wearing a miniskirt, white stockings, and black ladies' small leather shoes. Gan Ruxue said softly.

"You miss your brother, and your brother misses you too."

Li Yang carried them to the sofa and stopped. Hearing Gan Ruxue's voice, he couldn't help but put his hands through her back and legs, picked her up and laid her on the sofa in front of him. Then his eyes changed from Gan Ruxue's to the sofa. Snow swept back and forth across her body, her right hand slowly touched from the white stockings on her ankles to the hem of her miniskirt, and she spoke with emotion.

Feeling Li Yang's movements, Gan Ruxue hurriedly took off her thin coat, revealing her slim and beautiful inner wear, and looked at Li Yang with moist eyes.

Li Yang moved his hands slightly, and Gan Ruxue's legs that were together immediately parted, allowing him to reach inside and stroke her miniskirt. Li Yang's right hand didn't stop, and his left hand touched Gan Ruxue's little face, and his palm moved from her soft Slowly brushing against his cheek, his thumb touched the soft lips, intoxicated and devoted.

Next to her, Meng Jiayu, who was wearing a black silk hip-hugging skirt, and Qiao Mei, who was wearing drapey black trousers, blushed. Li Yang smiled slightly, without favoring one or the other. Then he hugged Meng Jiayu's black silk legs with his right hand and placed her on Gan Ruxue's side.

The sofa is very wide, even if six people can lie down there is no problem, but it is very empty for two people. After putting Meng Jiayu down, Li Yang touched her pretty face with his left hand, and caressed and played with her long black stocking legs with his right hand all the way to the skirt that covered her hips. There is no stopping.

Then he put Qiao Mei on the other side, pulled her wide-leg trousers to the crook of her legs, exposing half of her white legs, and also played with them.

The three beautiful girls had extremely delicate bodies. They wore white silk miniskirts, black silk hip-hugging skirts, and wide-leg pants, each with different charms. Li Yang played up and down for a while, and finally enjoyed the same. Waiting for the three girls to look at Li Yang His eyes were about to be drawn, so Li Yang jumped up and pounced on Gan Ruxue in the middle. While placing his hands and legs on Meng Jiayu and Qiao Mei, he kissed her hard on the lips.


Gan Ruxue snorted lightly, and opened her eyes the next moment. Her panting hands couldn't help but hug Li Yang's neck, exerting a slight force.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Almost failed the trial

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