My world double door

Chapter 339 Immortal perfection!

After overabsorbing the immortal energy, Li Yang also felt that the immortal power in his body was a little sluggish, but it was much better than the last time. One month was enough to return to normal, so it didn't hurt to take a month's rest.

Just in time to go back to Earth for a visit.

When they heard that they would be given a month's leave, Aisia and Luofel immediately breathed a sigh of relief and then returned to their normal state with a smile, but Leslie was a little bit miserable.

"Husband, can you rest for two more months? The immortal power in my body cannot be restored in one month."

Of all the people, only Leslie's cultivation level is still in the early stage of immortality, and her physique is only a high-level soul child talent. The reason why she was able to break through to the early stage of immortality this time is because she had already absorbed enough immortal energy and practiced before being supported by Li Yang. In order to successfully break through.

Now that she has suddenly absorbed so much soul power, it will take at least three months for her to return to normal. Under such circumstances, if Li Yang comes in a month, she will not be able to digest it at all.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, I will support Ai Xia's practice first, and let her and Luo Feier fuck her for a month. After I finish fucking them both, I will fuck you again."

Li Yang heard Leslie smile and reassure her that he would not be in such a hurry to fuck her.

Aixia's perfect qualifications are really powerful. Even though she has been working for more than three years, she still has a very powerful auxiliary effect and has a very long shelf life.

He had a hunch that if he was purely in the immortal realm, he might not need to do anything else. He only needed to fuck Aisia to successfully break through.

It's just that there is a relatively long span from the middle stage to the late stage and to perfection. Li Yang thinks that maybe he has to call the Ice Queen and Princess Hera to come here and work together.

As the saying goes, unity is strength. One person is small, but many people are powerful. If the five of them work together, Li Yang can better improve his cultivation!

Leslie finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Li Yang's arrangement. Then she accompanied Li Yang to play in the mansion with a smile on her face. She also visited the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms, and then dealt with some chores here. It wasn't until a few days later that she Watching Li Yang disappear.

"My husband is so mysterious."

Looking at Li Yang disappearing in front of her eyes, Ai Xia couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Even after working for so long, she still knew nothing about where Li Yang went after disappearing or the reason for his disappearance. It was difficult to guess. , she didn’t even know how he disappeared without a trace in front of her eyes without leaving any trace.

"Perhaps it is this mystery that allows him to achieve what he has achieved today."

Leslie on the side shook her head, with emotion in her expression: "Otherwise, how would it be possible for us to break through to the next level in just one year."

Ai Xiya couldn't help but nodded silently when she heard this. Such rapid progress in cultivation was still unbelievable even if she had perfect qualifications. No matter how much she thought about the calamity of the world, she couldn't help but feel lucky that someone like Li Yang appeared.

The two women chatted for a while and then took the slave girl Luo Feier back to the mansion and began to prepare various magic potions, magic weapons, magic circles, and magic scroll refining methods to prepare for her husband.

What Li Yang had mastered in the earth before was actually just some common knowledge, and if he wanted to make progress in the future, he would naturally need more profound refining knowledge. Given Aixia's status, this was not difficult. , I think this month is enough.




October 1, 2030.

Li Yang, who returned directly to the earth, looked at the time and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief at how fast time was.

This earth is getting farther and farther away from the 2023 and 2024 he is familiar with.

"After your cultivation has temporarily reached a certain level and is stable, you will have to live a good life on earth for a while."

Li Yang thought in his mind, and immediately moved his figure, crossed the space, and returned directly to his villa in Heyang.

Nowadays, most of the women he is most familiar with have moved here, except for a few outside. This villa, which has been expanded more than ten times, has become a real residence for him. There is no need to go there when he wants to find women. , just coming here is basically enough, so I came here directly.

On October 1st, the weather was very hot. After entering the central air-conditioned villa room, Li Yang went directly to a girl's room.

Chen Na, who was already twenty years old, looked the same as when she was sixteen. She was wearing a white and soft short skirt. She was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone and chatting with her friends. Li Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw this. He stepped forward and pinched Chen Na's two tender legs with both hands.

Chen Na suddenly noticed and looked back. When she saw it was Li Yang, her eyes lit up. She was about to shout, but then she rolled her eyes again and continued to lie on the bed with her butt raised.

"Husband, I haven't seen you for a year, please finish loving me first, and then love other sisters, okay?"

Chen Na looked at Li Yang with moist eyes. After hearing this, Li Yang jumped on her, hugged her legs and kissed her upwards from the legs: "Okay, okay, watch me soak you with water." .”

"Ah, husband, please kiss me to death..."


"Chen Na, I went out to go shopping."

Chen Qian, who was dressed in casual clothes and wearing white shoes, came to the door of her sister's room. She opened the door and saw Chen Na in the room being held by Li Yang and kissing her. She couldn't even hum. He opened his eyes immediately and quickly closed the door.

"You're such a little sister, you actually eat alone..."

"Sister, um..."


Li Yang played with the Yingying Yanyan in the villa very happily for a week. When he increased the intensity, the girls all went to rest wet and soft.

Li Yang immediately went to Linhai to visit Zuo Yanting's home.

"Mr. Li Yang is here, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

When they arrived at the place, Sun Zhuo opened the door and saw Li Yang outside, inviting Li Yang into the room very enthusiastically. Next to him, Zuo Yanting, who was dressed plainly, smiled and hugged Li Yang.

"Husband, hum~"

Li Yang smiled and held Zuo Yanting in his arms and kissed her hard. Then he hugged her by her white thighs and went to the living room with Sun Zhuo to drink tea and chat with a smile.

Zuo Yanting sat directly in Li Yang's arms, whispering to Li Yang with charming eyes, taking the initiative to give Li Yang his outstanding advantages, and sent a message to her sister by the way.

The sunshine outside the window shone in the room. Li Yang held Zuo Yanting who was sitting in his arms, taking a sip of tea from time to time and kissing her from time to time. Except for his busy right hand, his left hand was still very free.

Zuo Yanting sat in his arms and smiled sweetly, her delicate body trembling slightly. After waiting for half an hour, Zuo Yanfen hurriedly arrived, and also smiled and sat down on Li Yang's other leg. She was given him as soon as they met. Sweet kiss.


Seeing their enthusiasm, Sun Zhuo smiled and went to the kitchen to cook.

When Zuo Yanting saw her husband leaving and letting her sister sit next to him, she praised Li Yang and sat down.




The immortal power in his body slowly became smoother in the blink of an eye for a month. During this process, Li Yang also went to various thunderstorm areas every day to bathe in thunder, absorb thunder elements, and improve himself to the middle stage of immortality. The quality of thunder magic.

In this way, a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the energy in Li Yang's body was restored. After saying goodbye to his family on earth, he disappeared and came to the magical world again.

......... In this way, five years passed in the blink of an eye, going back and forth between reality and the magical world.

With the help of Elf Princess Aisia and several assistant cultivators with high cultivation levels and special physiques, Li Yang's cultivation progress has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

In just five years, he has blatantly pushed all his energy and spirit to the level of perfection of the immortal. Feeling himself, the power of immortality has reached a point of fullness and perfection, which clearly marks that he has reached 'perfection' in this realm. this series.

Five years later, Earth.

October 1, 2035.


Bursts of natural thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and a figure with a lustrous body sat quietly in it, attracting thousands of thunderbolts from the sky to fall on his head like a lightning rod.

But for ordinary people, the thunder that was extremely terrifying hit him like a breeze, without causing even a single change in his expression.

After a moment, the figure opened his eyes, a flash of thunder flashed in his eyes, and then quickly returned to calm.

"Huh, the thunder magic in the body has finally reached normal standards again."

Feeling the magic power of thunder in his body, Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a movement of his body, and disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he was in the public domain of the human race in the magical world.

Alsia, who also exuded the aura of immortal perfection, the secret elf Raphael, the ice queen Wenmier, Leslie, who was still in the late stage of immortality, and the princess Hera, who was in the middle stage of immortality, came forward to greet them.

"Immortal perfection is not the limit. My husband is here to help you explore the limits of the three powers together."

Li Yang once again took out a large amount of gold with a wave of his hand, and spoke to the women in front of him with a smile.

Since the trip to the Golden Valley, the gold he has obtained has not been traded to outsiders so far, in order to ensure that he and himself can completely reach the highest peak.

After hearing what Li Yang said, the girls naturally cooperated very well. They took off their clothes with a smile and welcomed their husband Li Yang to join the practice with blushing faces.


After this investment, ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

The gold piled around was like a tornado, and except for a small layer at the bottom, everything turned into scrap metal.

The surrounding power generation equipment slowly stopped generating electricity.

An extremely powerful feeling of power came from the soul, thunder magic and body, and the goddesses around him staggered and fell to the ground.

Li Yang pulled away with a glint in his eyes, put on his clothes, and an extraordinary aura came out of his body.

"The foundation-building mana returns for the 339th time!"

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