My world double door

Chapter 341 It must be hard for you too

Outside the territory of each ethnic group, there is a vast area occupied by ownerless forces. It is deathly silent during the day and surrounded by demons at night. It is a real void area without life.

But at this moment, in the sky above this uninhabited area, there are black clouds filling the air, and rare thunders are brewing in the sky like a sea of ​​thunder.

"finally come."

A divine light bloomed in the eyes of the early-stage Immortal Thunder Mage, who was surrounded by electric light. After his words fell, the space around him fluctuated, and the next moment a figure with a powerful aura walked out of it.

"Did you cause this?"

Li Yang stepped out of the space shuttle, looked at Gu Chen in front of him who was surrounded by thunder, raised his eyebrows at the thunder clouds in the sky, and then looked at Gu Chen in front of him who was still in the early stage of immortality: "You... Have you finished tempering the thunder magic until now?"

"No, not even close."

Gu Chen didn't seem surprised by Li Yang's arrival. As the only son of perfect thunder, he seemed to have a unique connection with the [World Spirit]. To a certain extent, he might be the protagonist of the world. When he stirred up the power of heaven and earth It is connected to the thunder sea outside the dark sky outside, and when it pulls the thunder sea down, you know that Li Yang will definitely come.

"It's still a little bit worse...but after this time, you and I should be both good and bad."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, then looked at the Lei Hai figure lingering in the sky with a smile, and spoke with a gentle smile.

"It's not just us."

Hearing Li Yang's words, a smile flashed across Gu Chen's face. After the words fell, the surrounding space fluctuated, and the Thunder Mage who came from all over the space shuttle appeared from inside.

Junior Thunder Mage, Intermediate Thunder Mage, Advanced Thunder Mage, Super Thunder Mage.

There are a total of eighty Thunder Mages of four levels, and two of them have reached the level of Super Thunder Mages. At this time, they all nodded respectfully to Li Yang and Gu Chen with stern eyes, and then looked at the thunder in the sky with blazing eyes.

"This is really..."

The corners of Li Yang's mouth moved, and he sighed in his heart when he saw the behavior of a group of hungry men meeting a tender girl.

No wonder the path of Thunder Mage is so difficult. If you have the qualifications, confidence, and perseverance, but no resources, who can withstand this?


Just as he was sighing, suddenly, the thunder in the sky fell from the sky like thousands of thunder pillars. In an instant, the eyes of all the Thunder Mages brightened.

"The thunder sea will last for a year at most. You all can enjoy improving your cultivation. We will talk about the rest later."

Gu Chen let out a shout, and when his voice fell, a flash of lightning flashed past and he rushed into the sea of ​​thunder in the sky.

"It takes no effort at all."

Li Yang, who was still planning when he could raise his thunder magic power to the intensity that this world should have, looked at the sea of ​​thunder in the sky, his eyes flashed with light, and after he finished speaking, he rushed in immediately. Arrived high in the sky.

The thunder magic power in his body had reached the perfection of immortality. His original intention was to return to the earth to improve the quality of his thunder magic power, but he never thought that he would encounter such a thing before he left. It was a God-given opportunity.

Originally, the magic power of thunder in the magical world was so difficult to obtain that he had planned to upgrade to the quality of the earth's thunder element first, and then slowly pursue it, but he did not expect that he would encounter such a thing today!


Thunder struck down, and as Li Yang and Gu Chen rushed into the air, the other Thunder mages sat cross-legged on the ground one by one, or flew with the help of magic weapons, or flew with their own power, all excited. It began to absorb the power of the thunder element in the thunder sea that crashed down from the sky.



Several terrifying thunderbolts fell from the sky in succession. Li Yang let the thunder strike without any fear. The electric light flashing all over his body was filled with a sense of golden immortality. The thunder magic power in his body flowed like an ocean. Crazyly swallowing the majestic and high-energy thunder elements around him.

Waves of thunder elements are constantly being sucked into the body and absorbed by the powerful immortal thunder magic, improving one's own quality.

The majestic thunder elements around him were like volcanoes erupting one after another. No matter how much Li Yang swallowed, there would be no end, making him sink deeper and deeper into it, absorbing the thunder elements and improving himself.

Not only him, but Gu Chen and other Thunder mages around him were all like this.


Auras surged, and their realms all seemed to be far beyond their current levels. With enough thunder elements, everyone made rapid breakthroughs, and their auras climbed steadily.

Twenty-three junior Thunder Mages broke through on the spot and reached the level of Intermediate Thunder Mages. In just an hour, their auras suddenly broke through to Senior Thunder Mages.

Intermediate Thunder Mage can quickly break through to Super, and Super can quickly break through to Immortality.

The aura of the immortal-level Gu Chen also perfected quickly, moving towards the ultimate perfection of the Thunder Mage.

But after the initial accumulation, everything slowed down again, and everyone concentrated on quickly polishing their own magic power, hoping to reach their limits with the rare opportunity of this year.


The day passed quickly in the process of the transformation of the thunder magic in his body. Li Yang could clearly feel that in just one day, his thunder magic had reached a level comparable to that at the end of his training on earth.

He couldn't help but look towards the horizon with satisfaction, thinking to himself.

‘At this pace, I’m afraid it will only take a few days for my cultivation to reach its peak. ’

Li Yang thought to himself, watching the afterglow setting on the horizon. Just as he was about to continue practicing, his eyes froze.


"The demons are here, and the sea of ​​thunder has opened here. Ordinary demons dare not approach, but the chaos demons are an exception. They are the top existences among the demons, and they are not particularly afraid of thunder."

The lightning flashed, and Gu Chen appeared next to Li Yang with a solemn expression: "The reason why I chose such a drastic method and did not hesitate to use the treasures obtained by chance to activate the world's energy to break through the weak points of the dark wave and draw the thunder sea into the world to last forever is that Forced by these chaotic demons."

Lightning flashed in Gu Chen's palm, and a golden fork more than three meters long containing deep lightning appeared.

"This is the Thunder Fork, which I got by chance. It is not only a magic weapon that can greatly increase the attack power of thunder magic, but also a rare treasure in the world that can mobilize Qi to attack."

Gu Chen said as he clenched his hands, thunder suddenly shot out, and the lightning flashed: "After I broke through to immortality, I searched everywhere for mines and machines to eradicate monsters created by the dark power, but... I have never felt so weak. The magic power of thunder has caused me to lose consecutive battles, and I am no match for any demon god."

"Originally speaking, with my current immortal cultivation, I am enough to deal with many dark monsters. I can easily kill them completely to reduce the retention of dark power in the world and make the world more pure. When facing the wave of darkness in the future, There’s more certainty.”

"During this process, every time I kill a dark monster, my soul power will receive additional benefits. Even if I reach the limit of three powers and become a perfect thunder mage, my spiritual power can still be continued with the feedback of the demon after death. Progress is the only opportunity in this world to break through to a level above the limit of the three powers."

"However, I am already immortal, but I cannot even defeat the weakest of the dark monsters that the Immortal Thunder Mage can defeat. Every time they feel my presence, they will hide in fear, but in the end I always escape with serious injuries. If it weren't for the help of the supreme beings of all races, several of these dangers would have been enough to destroy me."

"But, even so, my existence, the existence of an immortal thunder mage, has also reached the ears of the demons. Every night in the past few years, these [Chaos Demons] have been searching in public areas. My figure wants to intercept me before I grow into peak combat power."

Gu Chen glanced past the shadowy demon clan in the afterglow of the setting sun, and pursed his lips silently: "I hid everywhere, looking for every opportunity I could take advantage of, and finally found this naturally born magic weapon. After discovering its ability to mobilize Qi, he immediately and decisively led the world's chaotic destiny Qi to the weak point of the dark sky, opening up the link between the world and the Sea of ​​Thunder."

"Now, the wave of darkness is in chaos under the chaos of chaotic destiny. It will not be able to block the passage of the thunder sea falling from the sky for at least a year."

Gu Chen said, looking at Li Yang beside him with burning eyes: "As long as we can hold on, this year will be enough for us to reach a state that we will not reach in the next three hundred years, and the excess thunder elements will also be eliminated. [Thunder Fork] condenses [Thunder Beads] to snipe the dark beings when darkness comes to the world in the future."

"Although you killed an immortal, your and my current achievements are far from what that dark magic master can match. Time has advanced, but without you, our strength has not weakened, and dark creatures have also advanced because of time. There won’t be such perfect preparations, so we are not at a disadvantage.”

Gu Chen's eyes were shining brightly, and he pointed at the shadowy demons around him who were about to appear: "But now, we still need you and me to join forces to solve these troubles."

"I know that these years must have been difficult for you, but after we overcome these small difficulties, victory will definitely belong to us."

Li Yang looked strange as he listened to Gu Chen's words. After a moment, he silently said:

"It's really not easy for me."

Having to fuck so many cups every day, it turns out that only Gu Chen can understand his hard work.

"However, if we just deal with these demons, it's nothing."

Li Yang looked at Gu Chen, who finally came here to attract thunder, and silently patted his shoulder.

Breaking through the realm, vain strength, fighting, failure, serious injury.

Battle, failure, serious injury...

Severely injured... Seriously injured... Enemies gathered, forced to run away, using all resources to the limit...

It's really not easy.

"...Tribulus # *\u0026 there are # ...more than 7..."

Suddenly, strange voices came from all directions. The afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon shed its last ray of light and then fell quietly. In an instant, layers of demons suddenly appeared from the night.



The moment they appeared, rolling thunder fell from the sky, instantly killing 99% of the demons on the field.

The world in the eyes of a group of extraordinary beings who had just broken through to the advanced Thunder Mage level suddenly became clear under the sea of ​​thunder. The large demon clan disappeared from their eyes, making their expressions much more relaxed, and their eyes immediately focused on the field. Only thirteen red demons with red hair and terrifying faces were left.

Being able to survive under the thunder, these crimson demons are obviously extraordinary. The remaining thunder mages immediately increased their vigilance. They had come to the center of the thunder sea and gathered together. They immediately pushed out their palms and launched a series of thunder magic attacks. And out.

"Boom boom..."

But seeing thunder flashing one after another, the power of the thunder magic condensed by the extraordinary was more powerful than the thunder in the sea, and all kinds of thunder moves attacked the thirteen red demons on the field.

It was not just the high-level transcendent who launched the attack. In fact, except for Li Yang and Gu Chen, all the Thunder Mages immediately launched their strongest Thunder magic attacks. These attacks fell on the thirteen crimson demons almost at the same time. On the clan.


Thunder flashed, and the hideous faces of the thirteen red demons showed strange smiles. The thunder magic that was extremely lethal to the demons fell on them, but it only made them stagger back, but did not Injured!

The expressions of the many super and advanced thunder mages who launched the attack suddenly changed slightly.

"Those demons who died in the sea of ​​thunder are just cannon fodder brought by the [Chaos Demons] to show their status. After all, we are thunder mages and the nemesis of the demons. Even though I had some Void is not something that these demons can treat arbitrarily, so they don’t even have real demons around them.”

"The status of this group of [Chaos Demon Clan] in the Demon Clan is the same as our status among the world's creatures, so there is something special about it. These thirteen Chaos Demon Clan are all immortal monsters, and low-level thunder magic cannot harm them. .”

"But in the same way, such monsters are also extremely rare. The conditions for their birth are extremely harsh. These are at least one-tenth of all the [Chaos Demons]. Kill them and the remaining [Chaos Demons] in the entire demon tribe will be destroyed." The power of the demons will be greatly reduced!"

"In order to deal with me, these demons are all mid-immortality demons, but we now have the Thunder Mage with the three-power limit, so there is no need to be afraid."

Seeing that the Crimson Demon Clan was almost unscathed amid the siege of a group of high-level and super Thunder mages, Gu Chen's voice floated from the air, causing many Thunder mages to look at Li Yang in the sky.

"I'll try first..."

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