My world double door

Chapter 348 Madam, please help me practice

As for how to gather these five sixth-level genetic evolvers, it is not difficult for Li Yang, who has space magic and knows the location of all twenty base cities.

"Five ladies, the crisis of doomsday has been going on for a long time. In order to end this disaster as soon as possible, I would like to ask the five ladies to help me practice."

Li Yang looked at the five beautiful female sixth-level genetic evolvers in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips, and he spoke sincerely.

Genetic medicine has the function of repairing defects and changing appearance. Even an ugly creature that does not look like a humanoid will turn into a rare beauty when it reaches the sixth level of genetic medicine after taking successive genetic medicines.

Not to mention, in this world, women who can get the sixth-level genetic potion are all high-quality women with high status and top-notch appearance. They are inherently beautiful. After taking the genetic potion, the power of the genetic potion is perfected and transformed, and they become even more beautiful. .

"Mr. Li Yang, please tell me, how can we help you practice?"

After hearing Li Yang's words, an evolved person wearing a purple dress with a collar lined with snow-white plush, tall and slender, with plump parts bulging forward and backward, eyes like water, and a face like a hibiscus, raised his head and wore a delicate Manicure, green-white palms caressing her tight chest, looking at Li Yang in front of him with moist eyes.

There was a sense of nobility surrounding her body, the aura of a pampered lady almost uncontrollably exuded to the surroundings, her supple skin was white, tender and crystal clear.

"Yes, Mr. Li Yang, how can we help you practice?"

Another woman in a pure white dress, with a white lotus-like shoulder pad and hair shawl on her shoulders, a beautiful woman with a holy aura around her body, looked at Li Yang with a graceful look and asked in a soft voice .

Immediately, following the voices of these two women, the other three level six female genetic evolvers all looked at him with dazzling eyes and spoke repeatedly.

"Of course it's about learning from each other's strengths and having a good communication with me on how to practice."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's lips. He strode forward and held up the buttocks of the noble lady in purple. With his other hand, he held the waist of the holy and pure woman in pure white dress. He buried his head on her clean chest and took a deep breath. One mouthful, one mouth opened with a chuckle.

The broad palms holding the waist of the evolver in the white dress slid the clothes out of the folds and stroked them all the way down to the buttocks. The palms of the hands grasping the buttocks of the noble lady in purple were slightly firm.



The spiritual energy around him surged like a tide, pouring into his body one after another.

"Wow, wow..."

The continuous sound of the tide kept lapping at the coast, making it so wet that it almost oozed water.

The fresh effect played by the sixth-level genetic evolver is indeed extraordinary.

After just sitting and talking with the lady in purple, Li Yang's Dantian returned to Yuan once again, and he successfully returned to Yuan.

The vast foundation-building magic power rolled back like sea water, wildly involved in the life essence, and once again sorted out part of the power of the sixth-level extreme genetic potion and integrated it into its own foundation.

"The three hundred and fortieth time to return to the original state."

Li Yang's eyes flashed, and then he looked at the five ladies in front of him with a smile on his face. He turned the waist of the lady who exuded a pure aura and pressed forward.


The lady, who still had the white dress on her upper body, looked intoxicated. This was her first taste of cultivation, and it turned out to be so...satisfying.

"Okay, so full. Is this what it feels like to practice? Mr. Li Yang, come in quickly, oh..."


The tide on the sea will never stop. After one wave, there will be another wave.

Wave after wave of tide swept across the coast, soaking the beach, but it still didn't stop, continuing to hit the beach, and so on, one wave after another, non-stop.

After being hit by waves again and again, the role of the beach finally reached its peak.


The mana in the body surged like a wave. After returning to the original state again, a feeling of reaching the limit finally emerged from his heart.

"The three hundred and sixty-fifth return to origin."

Li Yang stood firm from the raging tide, looking at the trembling delicate lady in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

An aura of foundation-building perfection naturally emanates from his body. Three hundred and sixty-five times of restoration, the results of the sixth-level genetic potion have been digested, and he has finally reached perfection!

"Come again, try to fill up your Dantian!"

Li Yang was so happy that he picked up the confused and noble lady and started the expedition again.




During the conquests again and again, with the help of five sixth-level genetic evolvers, the mana in Li Yang's body quickly accumulated to his Dantian.

On this day, the five distinguished sixth-level genetic evolvers finally had a holiday. Li Yang asked them to return to their respective scientific research positions and thanked them for their help in practice. Then he looked at the sky and disappeared unnaturally. .

"The foundation building is complete, but the seventh-level gene potion has not been developed yet. It is a pity to form the pill like this. It is better to wait. In addition, my strength has been raised to the limit. It has only been a year. It is a bit dangerous to stay here. It is better to go back. The real world will wait..."

Li Yang's figure in the air disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had returned to the real world.

"Phew, I haven't been back for several years."

Looking at the friendly earth in front of him, Li Yang took a breath, then squinted his eyes and thought about recent events, and found that there was really nothing that could be done before the seventh-level genetic medicine was developed.

In that case...just wait.

Of course, after practicing hard for so long, you still have to be happy and happy.

Thinking in his mind, a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, and he looked at the earth below with gleaming eyes. Suddenly, his heart moved. He looked at a community, raised his steps, and stepped out. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at a familiar place. Outside the residential area.

"Dong dong dong..."

After knocking on the door, someone opened the door a moment later, revealing a familiar figure. Behind him, there was a beautiful woman who looked out. At this sight, she stopped in place.

"Mr. Li Yang is here, please come in quickly, please come in quickly!"

Seeing Li Yang, Chen Li, who had solved several big troubles because of this relationship, warmly and joyfully welcomed him into the room. His wife Yu Ping, who was beside him, stood sideways with evasive eyes.

"I'm sorry to bother you again."

When Li Yang saw Yuping's appearance, a smile appeared on his face. He walked inside and spoke. When he reached Yuping's side, he smiled slightly and put his arms around her waist.

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