My world double door

Chapter 355 Xuanyin Corpse Record

Only the elders can make the final decision regarding the inheritance of sect's martial arts. Now that Elder Chen is saying this, he, a foundation-building monk sitting in the city, can't do anything.

It would be fine if it were some qi-refining techniques, but the energy and spiritual aura surging in Li Yang's body at this moment was all at the level of golden elixir. Therefore, what he needed was naturally not some qi-refining techniques.

However, the skills in the foundation-building stage need to be qualified by Jindan elders to decide whether to teach them or not, and the core magic skills at the Jindan level need to be personally confirmed by the Nascent Soul Lord.

He has no qualifications to decide anything.

And the most important reason... Although Li Yang now has to pass on the exercises of his [Hehuan Sect], he has not officially joined the sect at all. He cannot even apply for a normal sect disciple to learn the exercises. Now the only one who knows him, Elder Chen, has rejected his intention to teach him the secrets directly, so he can't even find a reason to continue talking to the sect.

In this case, you can only find another way.


Feng Deng looked at Li Yang in front of him who was releasing his golden elixir aura unscrupulously, and he really didn't dare to think about this.

Then I can only...I'm sorry to the comrades who invited us to join the team.

There is indeed a traitor in the Xuanyin Corpse Sect. His cultivation has reached the level of Foundation Establishment Three Elements and his strength is very strong. It is said that he killed a whole city of people to create the evil spirit of the corpse and refined the corpse and was discovered by the sect. He knew that this move would be inevitable. He was punished with execution, so he killed his fellow disciples and law enforcement disciples of the sect and escaped from the sect. The Xuanyin Corpse Sect offered a reward. Anyone who captured him would be able to pass on the highest secret technique in his sect, regardless of life or death.

The Xuanyin Corpse Sect has been passed down from ancient times, and its supreme secret method [Xuanyin Corpse Record] is a secret technique that can be used to refine corpses at the level of an ascendant. It is called [Undead Zombie]. Looking at the entire world of cultivation, it is A rare top-notch spell.

However, everyone knows exactly what is going on with this secret technique. Although [Xuanyin Corpse Record] is powerful, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. In today's world environment, it is already a great achievement to be able to cultivate a golden elixir level corpse. There are countless difficulties, not to mention [immortality], which is simply a dream.

Although corpse refining at the golden elixir level is a rare and precious power, it is only a foreign object after all. Compared with the resources required to refine a corpse to the golden elixir level, it is difficult to truly cultivate it into a golden elixir. The difficulty of Dan is much lower.

Coupled with its harsh requirements, compared with one's own cultivation, expending so much energy and effort to refine such a corpse is really not worth the gain.

Therefore, only foundation-building monks who have limited qualifications and are unable to make further progress, and who have no hope of golden elixir in their lives, or foundation-building monks who have plenty of free time, and sects like [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] are willing to spend this effort. Go and refine the corpse and be your loyal thug.

However, after so many years, even there are only two or three Nascent Soul-level refined corpses left in the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect], and more than ten Jindan-level refined corpses can be seen how difficult it is, so Most monks are too lazy to spend this effort even if they have no hope of golden elixir.

Even for those golden elixirs that cannot be broken through, most of them study other methods, such as puppetry, beast control, etc., which can intuitively enhance their own strength, do not require so much trouble, and are much more cost-effective than corpse refining.

It is said that although the Xuanyin Corpse Sect is called the Corpse Refining Sect, it has been passed down for millions of years. Today, half of its true disciples do not refine corpses at all, but directly practice the fundamental method and polish their spells like outside monks.

Refining corpses has become an old tradition...

Even the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] who came from [Xuanyin Corpse Record] is like this, not to mention the outside monks who can improve their abilities by refining magic weapons, cultivating spiritual beasts, drawing talismans, refining puppets, collecting Qi and practicing techniques, etc. With your own strength and so many good choices, who would be idle and do something that is not worth the gain?

Coincidentally, Fengdeng is such a person who has nothing to do.

Of course, it is not just him, but also Wen Tianli of Pang Xingsheng [Wen Tianli Mansion] in the nearby [Pang Xingsheng Mansion].

Five years ago, the three of them were vaguely aware that this traitor from the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] might be escaping to the area where the three of them were stationed, so they had already begun to secretly contact each other, hoping to sell [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] a favor. Try to read the famous [Xuan Yin Corpse Record].

It is not an easy task to really kill a powerful monk, especially a monk who is as powerful as himself in a large realm, and requires very detailed preparations.

It ranges from the arrangement of formations, targeted spells, the practice and purchase of magic weapons, the means of escaping after being attacked, the understanding of the opponent's strength, the prediction before taking action, and the small things as small as the pulling of a wisp of energy, whether it will rain or thunder. , what kind of environment to choose, how to introduce the opponent to the most suitable combat area...and so on.

Even if the two parties have never met, they will definitely face each other to the death the moment they take action.

Half of those monks who make no preparations and kill head-on will be killed by the enemy. In the world of immortal cultivation where secrets are everywhere, counter-attacks are extremely common. Therefore, every monk who comes from a sect will always kill someone. All thoughts must be fully prepared.

In such an environment, whoever has more trump cards will have a greater chance of surviving.

Of course, because of this, in most cases, there are very few playboys who like to cause trouble for no reason.

"Five years ago, Pang Xingsheng, Wen Tianli, and I worked together and spent 365 days practicing the [Yang Fire Refining Formation]. With me as the center, this formation gathers the yang energy of heaven and earth and can activate the energy of the sun. , even if the traitor of the Xuanyin Corpse Sect is strong, it will definitely be difficult to bear!"

"Four years ago, Pang Xingsheng was running around, using various means to investigate information about this son's strength, practicing spells, refining magic weapons, refining corpses, etc."

"Wen Tianli worked with me to sort out the qi of the three prefectures, making the qi of the three prefectures connected, pure and natural, and can be a great help at critical moments."

"Three years ago, I was waiting for this information. After careful consideration, I spent a year practicing [Golden Cicada's Escape Technique], [Transferring Flowers and Trees Technique] and [Transferring Soul Technique] to avoid being harmed by some unknown means. To practice."

"Two years ago, the three of us purchased enough talismans and elixirs, and refined special magic weapons [Golden Yang Formation] [Heavenly Fire Furnace] [Soul-Calming Bell] [Qingxin Jade Ruyi] [Purifying Body Purifying Qi Golden Ruyi] 】【Soul-Destroying Banner】【Sacred Rope】"

"A year ago, the three of us worked together to determine the whereabouts of this person and grasp the opportunity..."

In the room, Feng Deng spoke eloquently, and when he said this, his expression sparkled.

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