My world double door

Chapter 357 Sorry for bothering you!

In the residence of the distinguished guest of Fengdeng Mansion, sandalwood overflowed and spiritual tea floated. Two figures sat facing each other on both sides of the table.

Elder Chen had already made an agreement when he was imparting the Dharma. If Li Yang could cultivate the golden elixir, he would go to find him in the royal capital of the dynasty. At that time, he would be taught the complete Dharma and lead him to join the sect.

At this moment, Li Yang was already filled with the aura of golden elixir, but instead of going to the capital to ask Elder Chen to pass on the complete spell, he instead came to him for help. This made Feng Deng very confused.

"Look, am I a golden elixir?"

In the quiet room, after hearing Feng Deng's question, Li Yang smiled slightly, raised his eyes and looked at him with a meaningful smile.


As soon as these words came out, Brother Fengdeng who was sitting across from him was stunned for a moment. He immediately thought of something and couldn't help but use his [Two Instruments Dharma Eye] to dare not pry into Li Yang's body. He only looked at his cultivation. The next moment his eyes suddenly Eyes wide open.

"Senior, you... are still building a foundation!"

Feng Deng blew his beard and stared, his face full of disbelief.

Looking at it with Liang Yi's Dharma eyes, Li Yang's essence, energy and spirit are indeed powerful, but essence is essence, qi is qi, and spirit is spirit. The three are clearly distinct. Although the aura is strong, it has no meaning of perfect integration.

How to break through the golden elixir?

The essence, Qi, and spirit merge into one and merge into one's own life force to form an elixir. At that time, essence is Qi and spirit, and vice versa. This is how we can tightly hold together and stay in one body, without losing the life force, and live forever. .

It is also because of this that the golden elixir monk's magic power is so powerful that he can be called a golden elixir master.

The strength of Li Yang's energy and spirit is the same as that of Jindan Perfect, and even his life force is more terrifying than that of ordinary Jindan Perfect, is clearly distinct, the power is loose, and there is no sign of merging into one!

How is this going?

"Senior brother, there is no need to be surprised."

Li Yang looked at Fengdeng in front of him with a smile on his face: "It's just a slight opportunity. Whether it's a blessing or a disaster is still unpredictable and it's not worth mentioning. But in this way, senior brother Fengdeng must have understood why I didn't go to the royal capital. , instead came to you to seek the solution.”

Some opportunities...

Feng Deng opened his eyes and felt the foundation-building magic power of Li Yang, which was clearly at the foundation-building level but not weaker than the golden elixir magic power, and felt the waves in his heart.

If you have such strength just in the foundation-building realm, how powerful will it be when you reach the golden elixir?

Building the foundation, building the foundation, all cultivation in this realm is the cornerstone. Such a cornerstone will build what kind of building in the future...

"I see, I understand."

Feng Deng picked up the spiritual tea in front of him, raised his head and drank it in one gulp without grace, then opened his eyes and opened his mouth. After speaking, he poured another cup of tea and looked at Li Yang: "I wonder...senior, would you like to come with us? The traitor who went to get this [Xuan Yin Corpse Sect]?"

He still didn't dare to change the title of senior.

"Since Senior Brother Feng has kindly invited me, it would be my fault to shirk it any further."

Li Yang thought for a while, and a smile appeared on his face: "It's just that my participation shouldn't leave everyone with no skills to pass on, right?"

"...If the seniors are willing to work together with us, then naturally we can get a share of the pie and teach the techniques together."

Feng Deng's eyebrows moved, and he sighed slightly in his heart, thinking to himself, Brother Wen, Brother Pang, don't blame Lao Di for missing you.

Forget about having anything to do with the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect], at least it can be the inheritance of ancient corpse refining.

However, it seems not bad to have a good relationship with such a promising monk.

After all, if the three of them took the risk to help [Xuan Yin Corpse Sect] take down this traitor, it would obviously be easier for people to remember. Compared with it, Li Yang, a being who is almost at the Golden Core level, took action. , then others won’t think too much about it, and naturally it’s hard to show mercy. They just think they are here to ask for the skills, and after giving them, it will be nothing.

However, he did not think that a person who could achieve such a step in just a few years could not achieve the golden elixir.

Not only the golden elixir, judging from the magical aura on Li Yang's body now, it is impossible to say that another Nascent Soul Lord will be born in this world.

How terrifying it is that a person in the foundation-building realm can cultivate magic power comparable to that of a golden elixir.

Although it is not very appropriate for something that was originally a certainty to become a probabilistic event... but based on the aura surging around Li Yang, who dares to say that it is not worth it?

"That's good."

Li Yang had a smile on his face when he heard this. He could feel that Fengdeng was doing this very far-fetched, but the matter was so important that he should let it go first.

The worst thing is, when the time comes to take action, he will do more to save these three people some effort and means, which can be considered as compensation.

"Then we don't know when the traitor will arrive here, so how can we prepare to attack and capture him?"

The smile on Li Yang's face became much more natural when he thought about it, and he asked Feng Deng proactively.

"That guy got a unique escape method by chance. Even if Jindan Master takes action with this escape method, he can't sense his position. He can only determine his very general position through divination. That's why he I will spread the wanted notice and ask the world to catch him, and then I will bring out this ancient inheritance."

Fengdeng spoke quickly, and then felt quite proud after saying: "Only the guarding monks like us who have been guarding the land for a long time and have a fine grasp of the local area's spiritual intelligence, and who are prepared for any slight changes in the energy will not escape detection." The position of his figure can be determined through the formation."

"However, although this person's escape method is very mysterious, it has a huge shortcoming, that is, his movement speed is extremely slow. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as slow as a turtle crawling. We have been preparing for five years, and his escape has reached We still haven’t escaped from the place where it happened, and even today, we still have to wait three, five, or even a year.”

Feng Deng shook his head, and then looked at Li Yang with a smile on his face: "However, fighting is a big deal, and the most taboo is to be impetuous. For a skill that has to be passed down from ancient times, we have to wait a little longer. The time doesn’t matter, it just so happens that with you here, I can devote myself to sensing the Qi within the city to prevent him from slipping away without knowing it.”

"Thank you for your hard work in guarding the safety of the monks in the Three Prefectures!"

Fengdeng spoke to Li Yang with emotion, Li Yang smiled on his face, and then nodded: "In that case, I will stay with Senior Brother Feng in Fengdeng City for a year and a half, just to bother Senior Brother Feng. "

"No, no, I, Feng Deng, am not happy enough to have you stay here. How can I call you a nuisance? But before that, I really need to inform my other two allies about this matter."

Feng Deng spoke with a smile on his face.

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