My world double door

Chapter 359 Ceremony, Array

"This is Senior Li Yang whom I told you about. Thanks to his kindness in helping us this time, otherwise this officer is so fierce. Even if we make more preparations, I may not be able to guarantee that there will be no accidents." , whether he escapes or turns defeat into victory, it will be a great harm to us."

After Fengdeng introduced the two comrades, he then introduced Li Yang beside him, and his words made some sense.

"Senior, Wen Tianli was polite in front of me. It was the first time I met senior. I didn't know what he liked, so I took it upon myself to bring over [Qinghui Jade Ruyi]. It was made with Qingyun Qi supplemented by jade crystals. It has It has the effect of purifying the body and mind, sweeping away evil and filth, and not being stained by filth. I hope you will like it, senior."

Wen Tianli, who had black hair and a ruddy face and wore a blue Taoist robe, bowed first and sent a festive jade Ruyi to Li Yang with a smile on his face.

"It makes people happy when they see it. Thank you Daoist Wen for your generous gift."

Li Yang scanned it with his eyes and felt that it was not something particularly valuable. He knew that if he took this kind of thing, the other party would feel more at ease, so he took it with a smile and said to Wen Tianli with a smile.

"Senior, as long as you like it."

When Wen Tianli saw that the other party accepted the gift, he felt relieved and replied with a smile. Pang Xingsheng next to him took a step forward and saluted Li Yang with a smile.

"Pang Xingsheng has met the senior. It's a coincidence that two days before I heard that the senior arrived, I made a furnace of treasure elixirs that suddenly made my mind blessed. I thought to myself, could this be God's will for me to give senior the treasure? Dan as a celebration?”

Pang Xingsheng took out a green gourd with a smile on his face, pulled out the mouth of the gourd, and poured out a fluorescent pill: "This pill is called [Qingmu Yangyuan Pill]. If a mortal eats it, one pill can extend his life for a hundred years. Furthermore, the muscles and bones are strong, the ears and eyes are clear, and if eaten by true practitioners, it also has the effect of refining evil and filth, making the whole body natural, increasing vitality and recovering from injuries. It can also help refine qi, make the magic power more refined, and nourish the soul. This gourd contains thirty pills, I hope seniors won’t dislike it.”

As Pang Xingsheng spoke, he shook the gourd, and a faint glow of treasure suddenly appeared from the gourd's mouth. Through the treasure light, he could immediately see the number of pill pills remaining in the gourd.

Pang Xingsheng said as he put the elixir in his hand into the gourd, and then handed it to Li Yang with a smile on his face.

"Fellow Taoist Pang is good at talking, but you and I are destined to get together. If we are destined to be friends, we can become friends. How can I dislike it?"

Hearing this, Li Yang put the gourd away with a smile, and then smiled at Pang Xingsheng and said, thinking lightly in his heart that these pills were useless to him, but they were just good for sharing with his relatives and friends.

"Senior, as long as you are satisfied."

Pang Xingsheng smiled and nodded respectfully. On the other side, Fengdeng smiled and led several people into the house. While enjoying the spiritual fruit tea, they talked in detail about dealing with the traitor of the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] in the future.

"Now that I'm intervening, I naturally have to put in some effort. It's hard to hide my aura. Why don't you think of a way to use a formation to cover up my aura. When the guy finally comes, I'll be the main attacker. Everyone. By complementing each other, I'm afraid you can save a lot of money in refining."

Li Yang had a smile on his face. After sitting down, he saw Pang Xingsheng and Wen Tianli looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, obviously waiting to hear his opinion, so he took the initiative to speak.

Feeling the atmosphere of Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng's perfect foundation building, and using Fengdeng as a reference, Li Yang already had a clearer perception of the peak of foundation building.

To put it simply, it is stronger than the peak super transcendent, but weaker than the early stage of immortality.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Once the thermal sight is opened and the magnetic field force is behind, it can be killed without the use of lightning in the body. The reason why they are still asked to assist is mainly because they need to determine the position, plus this is the original It's other people's work, so you have to find a way to get them to intervene so that you can have an excuse and when the time comes [Xuanyin Corpse Sect], everyone can receive a set of techniques.

Otherwise, it would be too unkind to have a hand in something that was facilitated by others, only for the person to gain nothing.

"That guy was able to escape here from the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] without being captured. He is obviously very capable. If no senior took action, no matter how fully prepared we were, there would be a great possibility for him to escape from here. Escape, if you don't get the skills by then, I'm afraid all the preparations you've made over the past few years will be in vain."

Pang Xingsheng was the first to speak when he heard the words. Then he saw a few people looking at each other and said with a smile: "Senior's aura is as frightening as the sun, even if he is far away, it is difficult to ignore. In my opinion, this is using the power of the formation to cover up senior The aura is really a wonderful method, why don't you, senior, hide behind you, and the three of us will identify this officer's whereabouts in front, then senior will take action and capture him in one fell swoop."

"This person can escape all the way to us while being chased and intercepted by several Jindan Daoists. He must be capable, so the attack should be as fast as thunder, and he should not have time to react. In this way, he can be safely captured in one fell swoop."

Wen Tianli on the side also agreed to speak. Originally, it was only he and Pang Xingsheng who had completed the foundation building, plus Feng Deng, a two-dimensional foundation building monk. He still had to be cautious in everything he did. But now that Li Yang has such a powerful fighting force, he can naturally Let go of many hands and feet, and the error tolerance rate of things will also be greatly improved.

Thinking about it this way, it might not be a bad thing.

"My divination method has been improving recently. These days, I will definitely make a divination every day. However, although the divination method is mysterious, it is not easy to rely on it too much. There are many Taoist friends on the road ahead who are proficient in divination. , it is best for everyone to be prepared from today and be ready to deal with this officer at any time."

Feng Deng on the side also spoke. After listening to his words, Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng also nodded secretly.

The main reason why they are willing to make such an equal planning and distribution with Fengdeng is because Fengdeng is proficient in the secret divination method of [Hehuan Sect] and has the ability of divination that neither of them possesses. After listening to his opinion, naturally Pay attention.

The room was filled with spiritual fragrance. Li Yang tasted it leisurely and listened to everyone discussing the battle. Of course, everything was centered on him.

"In the past few days, we have worked together to refine a set of [Nine Clouds Clearing Formation] and secretly arranged it within the three mansions. Then we have placed the center of the formation on the senior, which will surely make the senior's aura converge within the three mansions. No different from ordinary Qi refining monks."

Finally, Wen Tianli put forward a plan, which was unanimously approved. Li Yang was convinced, so he made arrangements and began to go out to practice the formation in the afternoon.

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