My world double door

Chapter 362 Senior Li Yang, save me!

"Where did this monk come from? He could use such a mysterious method to imbue a refined corpse or even a group of wandering demons with such powerful energy, and be able to hide his disciples?"

Wen Tianli, who had just landed, watched as Li Yang used unpredictable means to kill the Yousha in front of him who seemed to be vaguely scattered in all directions. He couldn't tell the location, but he could feel that it must be the aura of a Foundation-Building Perfect monk, and even even There was no fluctuation in mana, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he couldn't help but speak aloud.

"I'm afraid it's fake."

Li Yang was also a little surprised. It was enough to rely on zombies, that is, refined corpses, to have such energy and hidden abilities. Instead, he could directly rely on this energy body and have such hidden effects that are difficult to distinguish between gods and ghosts. , really extraordinary.

"No wonder I escaped all the way here."

A trace of fear flashed in Wen Tianli's eyes and he murmured. At this time, Pang Xingsheng and Fengdeng also sent news one after another. The last two qi machines were also taken down one by one, but they were not real people. One was a scarecrow and the other It's paper that pricks people.

"Let's go back to the house to get together first."

Nine in a row were all fake. After Li Yang got the news, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and spoke softly. After hearing his words, Wen Tianli, who had witnessed Li Yang's "supernatural power" with his own eyes and had no complaints for a long time, naturally obeyed and agreed in a low voice. With one sound, he followed Li Yang and flew to Fengdeng's mansion as before, sending messages to Fengdeng and Pang Xingsheng at the same time.

After the communication talisman passed the message, Li Yang slowed down his flying speed so that Wen Tianli could keep up. When he arrived at the mansion, he saw that Pang Xingsheng and Feng Deng had arrived. Both of them had serious expressions. When they saw Li Yang coming, they hurried over to greet them. After today's actions, they felt that Li Yang was powerful and their attitude was more respectful than before.

"Let's go to the mansion and sit quietly before we talk."

Li Yang looked at their expressions and nodded and spoke softly. Feng Deng and Pang Xingsheng nodded and followed Li Yang to the hospitality loft inside. The three of them each served tea. After sitting down, their expressions were solemn.

"When I heard the news about the reward before, I just thought I was getting a bargain, but now it seems I'm afraid it's not that easy to get."

After sitting down, Fengdeng said with a cautious expression: "When the other party first came out of the [Xuanyin Corpse Gate], there were still Jindan monks who chased and intercepted him but could not stop him. Now these Jindan monks have their own important matters and have returned to their hometowns. Without them, they With his help, it’s really not that easy to win over this officer.”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Li Yang, secretly rejoicing in his heart that he was really lucky to have Li Yang here.

This time, they were able to solve the nine false qi machines so easily because Li Yang quickly broke through them and found that they were empty shells. So what if there was no Li Yang?

Facing a monk whose aura is almost the same as his own or even stronger, but still invisible and difficult to detect, no matter how fully prepared they are, they don't know how much time it will take. Can they escape with these nine fake qi machines? It is a problem to capture it before the territory is established.

"As long as he passes here, he can't escape."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Li Yang's face. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He looked around at the three foundation-building monks around him: "Do you think, why does he want to spread suspicion like this? He didn't go through it directly with his real body, but wanted to How about releasing these nine fake qi machines?"

"If he is really strong enough, he will never be like this. In other words, this person's methods are all about hiding, and maybe there are some explosive methods, but they will never last long!"

Pang Xingsheng's eyes flickered and he couldn't help but speak in a low voice. Fengdeng and Wen Tianli couldn't help but look at him, obviously they understood this.

"Yes, if you are so pretentious, you must be weak, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and he immediately spoke again: "It's just that this also proves that his methods are extraordinary. In this way, just in case, the three of you can act together in the future. Even if he has any explosive means, he can still Resist it, just in case."

"From now on, whenever there is a qi coming every day, tell me one by one if you sense it. There is no need to kill every one. After I check them one by one, I can release some and eliminate some. Maybe I can fish in troubled waters."

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face. After hearing his words, Fengdeng and the other three looked at each other, obviously understanding what he meant. If every Qi machine was killed as soon as it showed its head, then the other party might be afraid of this side's strength. If you choose not to take this path and miss some and kill others, the opponent will only think that this side is weak in strength and the upper limit is here. This is more secure.

After thinking about it in their hearts, they all nodded slowly.

"In that case, just wait with peace of mind."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, and he slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the spiritual tea.

After drinking tea, Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng did not stay long. In order to prevent them from passing through their mansion unnoticed, they drank a cup of tea and then went back to their mansions to wait for news quietly.

But what no one expected was that everything was calm for ten consecutive days.

Just when they were wondering if he had escaped, on the eleventh day, suddenly, nine more strange energies poured in. Fengdeng and the other three noticed it almost at the same time and sent messages to each other. Li Yang flew over immediately They checked from the air, and Fengdeng and the other three gathered together before going out together.

"Still zombies."

Li Yang looked at the first thing emitting strange Qi. After the force of the magnetic field pulled it out and killed it, he couldn't help but frowned. Then he moved and rushed to the second Qi. He found that it was a wisp of wandering Qi. Damn it, I thought about it and let it go. Then I came to the next one and found it was a paper man, which I crushed casually.

This continued until seven were selectively released by Li Yang, and the ninth and eighth were eliminated by Fengdeng and the others. The three of them looked at each other and watched silently as these Qi machines passed through their territory.

Of course, before they left, Li Yang stamped his power marks one by one.

"Keep waiting. Anyway, we are not the ones rushing to flee to other countries."

After dealing with the second wave, Fengdeng and the others looked at Li Yang. Li Yang spoke in a calm voice. Fengdeng and the other three looked at each other, nodded, and then went back to their homes to resume their usual waiting.

The presence of Li Yang made the three of them more confident. After returning to the mansion, Pang Xingsheng paid attention to the movements in the mansion and returned to his own mansion to meditate and rest.

Until midnight, when he was about to relax and take a rest, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart. The formation that enveloped the mansion was shaken and activated instantly. At the same time, several foundation-building Qi machines appeared violently outside the mansion. , Pang Xingsheng’s pupils shrank.

"Senior Li Yang, save me!"

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