My world double door

Chapter 363 Three Mansion Attacks

"Xuanyin Refining Corpse!"

In Pang Xingsheng's mansion, after immediately asking Li Yang for help, Pang Xingsheng sensed five foundation-building powers outside the mansion. When he realized that these foundation-building powers were all emitted by the refined corpse, he also noticed the unique mystery in them. Yin Zhiqi couldn't help but feel frightened, and his mind instantly thought of the traitor 'Zhang Xuanjin' of the [Xuan Yin Corpse Sect] that he and others were chasing these past few days!

After two consecutive rumors and suspicions, has the true form finally been revealed?

Pang Xingsheng's thoughts flashed in his mind, and his expression turned solemn: "All the disciples in the mansion, immediately form... [Little Yang Fire Refining Formation] to defend the enemy with all their strength!"

There was a slight pause when Pang Xingsheng ordered the monks in the mansion to form formations, but at this moment he received three messages at the same time. Both Wen Tianli Mansion and Fengdeng Mansion were under attack. Senior Li Yang had killed the invading enemies of Fengdeng Mansion. , let him form the [Little Yang Fire Training Formation] in the mansion. The three mansions merge into one, and together they form the [Yang Fire Training Formation] to provide reinforcements in the sky at all times.

While he acted decisively and quickly formed an formation with the cultivators in the mansion to defend against the enemy, he secretly marveled in his heart that it was worthy of the golden elixir's combat power to defeat the invading enemies of the mansion in such a short time. The complaint was that he was short-sighted.

As his mind was spinning, the black energy of Xuanyin was flowing endlessly on the five foundation-level Xuanyin refining corpses outside. A body made of copper and iron hit the mansion's protective array in waves. Pang Xingsheng's expression changed slightly, and he immediately mobilized his magic power. , centered on himself, controlled the formation, and mobilized the power of Yimu Xuanguang gathered by the formation to deal with the five refined corpses in an orderly manner.

Although Pang Xingsheng is good at alchemy, he is also a Foundation-Building Three-Yuan cultivator, and his fighting ability is also quite powerful. With the cooperation of the formation, the five Foundation-Building Refined Corpses can be dealt with even though they are fierce for a while.

In just a moment, the cultivators in the mansion formed the [Little Yang Fire Refining Formation]. Pang Xingsheng immediately took it as the core of the formation and mobilized the [Little Yang Fire Refining Formation] and the [Yimu Grand Formation] to combine As one, the layers of Yang Fire were greatly increased in power through the power of the Yimu Formation, instantly giving Pang Xingsheng a powerful boost, and the situation on the field quickly stabilized.


The five foundation-building refining corpses were fighting like crazy, with the mysterious yin energy billowing around them. However, every time they collided with the [Small Yang Fire Refining Array], they would be refined away by the yang fire that had been greatly enhanced by the Yimu Formation. The energy of Yin, ten levels of strength cannot be used to 70%. On the other hand, Pang Xingsheng's strength is doubled with the help of two formations. Even though each of the five refined corpses has strange magical abilities and strong combat power, there is nothing they can do about it. Of him.

Suddenly, fierce fighting continued in Pang Xingsheng's mansion.

But during the fierce fight, Pang Xingsheng's mind was involuntarily attracted by an extra abnormal aura. He did not dare to be distracted and immediately reported the feeling of this aura to Li Yang truthfully, sighing secretly in his heart.

‘In the end, I underestimated my enemy and underestimated myself. ’

'In this way, with only five corpses to be refined, I already have to use all my strength and rely on the power of the formation to resist them. And this is only a part of the opponent's corpses. How can Zhang Xuanjin betray his master and escape from the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] realm? Rushing out and escaping all the way here is really extraordinary.'

'The first two groups were trying to trick me, but now they are sending such powerful zombies to attack and kill us, but they themselves passed through my territory so openly without even a ray of extra energy. This is He showed up in front of me with his carriage and horses clearly laid out, what could I do to him? ’

First, he sent out two waves of illusory energy to shock him, and then directly exposed his powerful strength. This directly created a raging force of oppression. Ask him if he dares to continue to intercept and capture him?


"Xuanyin Corpse Refining, that [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] traitor is here?"

In Wen Tianli Mansion, the power of clouds and clouds circulated in the mansion. Wen Tianli, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes. He suddenly stood up and looked at the five foundation-level refined corpses of intruders outside the mansion. His eyes started from the iconic The Xuan Yin Qi swept over him, his brows raised slightly, and the spiritual weapons around his body shone brightly, and with the cooperation of the large formation, he was already spitting out the power of clouds to fight against the enemy.

A judgment came to his mind almost instantly. Even the foundation-building realm true disciples of the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] could not handle the five Xuanyin Refined Corpses at the foundation level. However, the disciples of the Xuanyin Corpse Sect who were able to compete with them recently Only the traitor Zhang Xuan entered.

The previous two waves of qi machines were just fake and real. Now when these five corpses of the foundation-building realm are attacked, the opponent must be the real one, because the preciousness of the corpses of such a realm is almost unimaginable, and since the opponent is willing to do so, For using such a precious corpse, if the true form is not here but just confusing the real thing with the fake one, then the price will be too high.

Unless you are a fool, no one would do this.

The thoughts in his mind were turning, and Wen Tianli did not hesitate at all. He immediately told Li Yang, the nearest Jindan strongman he could contact who was willing to participate in this matter, to tell him the news. The combination of Dharma and the fierce battle between these five Xuanyin refining corpses.

"Bang bang..."

Xuanyin corpse refining is indeed a mysterious corpse refining method passed down from ancient times. It is indeed an extraordinary method to support a powerful sect. Even if Wen Tianli immediately used the power of fire to fight against the enemy, he could only barely resist, and the swords collided. At this time, there was a sonorous sound of bang bang bang, which shows how hard the body of the corpse was.

The next moment, Wen Tianli also received the message from Li Yang, and immediately decisively commanded the monks in the mansion to form a [Small Yang Fire Training Formation] to generate streams of Yang Fire power and the Fire Cloud he drove. The combination of forces produced a stronger Zhengyang force, which attacked the five refined corpses under the command of Wen Tianli.


The vigorous Zhengyang Huoxia fiercely surrounded the five refined corpses and burned them crazily. The five refined corpses gradually fell into a disadvantage under Wen Tianli's [Yunxia Gourd], the best spiritual weapon.


Before Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng were attacked, Li Yang had already noticed it in Fengdeng's mansion. The beating of his sixth sense made him call Fengdeng directly and secretly arranged the formation. As expected, only a moment later, there were five structures. The corpse refining in the basic realm suddenly fell from the sky, landed outside the mansion and launched a fierce attack on the mansion's formation.

"The strength of each of the five foundation-building corpses is no weaker than that of a perfect foundation-building monk. They are indeed capable of escaping from the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect]'s pursuit and interception, and even issued a wanted order."

Feng Deng was well prepared, so he didn't panic. He quickly formed the [Little Yang Fire Refining Formation] to confront the enemy, and the talisman and magic weapon flew out to stabilize the situation. He said with a somewhat solemn expression at the same time.

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