My world double door

Chapter 368 The power of magnetism?

Li Yang and Pang Xingsheng were both ready, as were Wen Tianli and Fengdeng. So the four of them settled in the house and set off immediately. The [Xuanyin Corpse Gate] was far away from where they were, so they did not fly there directly. Instead, he planned to come to the provincial capital and take the teleportation array to the territory of the [Xuanyin Corpse Gate].

"provincial capital……"

Li Yang's eyes moved slightly, and the three of them led the way towards the provincial capital.

"Fellow Taoist Li Yang, it's a long way to the provincial capital. In order to avoid any accidents on the way, how about you and I take fellow Taoists Wen and Feng to fly on the way?"

During the journey, Pang Xingsheng glanced at the surrounding thousands of miles in the sky, and then took the initiative to speak to Li Yang. He was secretly surprised when his eyes glanced at the energy on Li Yang's body.

Li Yang was obviously not a golden elixir, but the energy emanating from his body was much stronger than that of a golden elixir monk like him. His energy was so strong that even he felt frightened now.

It's incredible.


Li Yang smiled when he heard this, nodded and said, "But I don't know the road, so I have to trouble Daoist Pang to lead the way."

"I can't say it's troublesome, but I feel wronged that my fellow Taoist fell behind me."

Hearing what Li Yang said, Pang Xingsheng smiled. He was a little surprised that Li Yang didn't know the way to the provincial capital, but it was difficult to express such questions, so he naturally smiled.

After the words fell, a green gourd appeared in Pang Xingsheng's palm. He tossed the green gourd and it immediately grew bigger and flew into the air. Pang Xingsheng sat in front of him. Wen Tianli bowed his hands and then sat behind him. As Pang Xingsheng's magic power surged, Urging, the gourd immediately escaped forward at an extremely fast speed, far exceeding the speed of Wen Tianli and Fengdeng's flight.

"But I don't have any useful magic weapon, so I have to trouble Senior Brother Fengdeng to endure the wind."

Li Yang withdrew his eyes from Pang Xingsheng, who was driving the spirit gourd, and looked at Feng Deng beside him, smiling and speaking. After the words fell, a powerful magnetic field in his heart immediately enveloped Pang Xingsheng, and his figure shot out.

"The power of magnetism!"

Fengdeng was enveloped by the nameless power. He was shocked at first. Then he suddenly realized when he saw Li Yang following him at such a fast speed. Then he felt that the power that enveloped him was somewhat familiar. He was very surprised and couldn't help but exclaimed, After saying that, he still couldn't help but look at Li Yang in shock.

"The power of magnetism?"

Li Yang glanced at him and smiled: "This is not the power of Yuan magnetism, it's just somewhat similar."

He knew that the power of magnetism was a special kind of magic power in the world of immortality, and it was even more mysterious. However, he did not have such mysterious magic power, it was just the magnetic field power of the gene potion.

Although to say which one of the two has better effects may not necessarily be stronger, there is always a clear difference.

"Is that so? However, even so, it's amazing enough. I didn't expect that the senior's spirit, energy, and spirit have not only reached the peak level of the golden elixir, but also possesses such mysterious power. It's really shocking."

Feng Deng nodded suddenly when he heard the words, and then felt the power of the elemental magnet wrapped around him coercing him to continue to speed up, and couldn't help but speak.

"There are countless wonderful people in this world, but my achievements are nothing."

Li Yang responded with a chuckle and stopped mentioning the matter. Hearing this, Feng Deng also stopped talking. Then he adjusted his state and released his magic power to protect himself, smoothing the oncoming wind. Spread to both sides to avoid becoming an obstacle to your flight.

Seeing this, Li Yang slightly increased the power of the magnetic field. In just a blink of an eye, he caught up with Pang Xingsheng and the other two who flew first, and then hung on behind them with a smile and flew slowly.

Pang Xingsheng was secretly surprised when he saw that Li Yang could catch up with him without using any spiritual weapon, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just silently accelerated the flying speed of the spiritual weapon and pushed the golden elixir mana to the limit.

But no matter how much he urged Li Yang, he followed behind without hesitation. He immediately understood that the gap between the two was too big, and he was no longer in a hurry. In order to avoid excessive consumption of mana, he resumed his normal flying speed and controlled the spiritual weapon. Rush towards the provincial capital.

Even at an ordinary speed, the flying speed of the golden elixir monk is extremely terrifying. Pang Xingsheng, who activated the spiritual weapon, flies faster than a sixth-level genetic evolver. The mountains, rivers and towns below flash past like flowing shadows. It didn't take long to see a towering giant city sitting on the ground.

In this city, there are actually mountains as high as 10,000 feet, with palaces standing next to each other, filled with spiritual energy, spiritual beasts and spiritual trees. There are powerful magic circles and foundation-building monks sitting above the city, and there are also powerful attacking spirits. The device sitting on it exudes dangerous energy.

There was a spirit crane flying in the sky above the city, and the flying spirit treasures in the air fell into the city in an orderly manner under the guidance of the spirit crane, and Li Yang and the four were no exception.

"It is worthy of being the provincial capital where Master Jindan is seated. Such a scene is really enviable."

After the four of them landed, Feng Deng looked at the majestic scenery around him and said with some emotion. Wen Tianli on the side also nodded in agreement, but Pang Xingsheng's eyes flashed with brilliance. Now that he has achieved the golden elixir, he can't say that he will come in the future. It is this kind of place that sits in the capital.

After all, with his new cultivation level and no hard connections, the chances of working in the royal city are very few. There is a 80% chance that he will land in this provincial capital.

But...there is nothing to regret about such a scene.

"There are teleportation arrays set up in every provincial city. Teleportation arrays usually teleport to relatively far places. After all, if it's close, we can just fly there ourselves. More specifically, the distance from our place to the [Xuanyin Corpse Gate] is It’s quite far, so it’s more convenient to take the teleportation array.”

While sighing, everyone immediately came to the place where the teleportation array was. Pang Xingsheng paid the fee for riding the array and came back to explain softly. Li Yang, who was looking around, withdrew his gaze, chuckled and nodded, and then looked at Looking at this standing teleportation portal, it feels somewhat similar to the space teleportation array in the magical world, but it is more subtle and complex.

After the four paid the fee, they walked through the teleportation gate together. After a period of intense space teleportation, when they stabilized, they arrived at a city with a very different style.

Where is [Xuanyin Corpse Gate]? Obviously Fengdeng and the others had already inquired about it. After coming out of the city, they took Li Yang and headed straight outside the city. Li Yang and Pang Xingsheng each took one person with them and flew in the air for about an hour. You can see a majestic fairy mountain.

"Have we now left the Jiuli Dynasty?"

Looking at the fairy mountains connecting the sky and the earth in his sight, Li Yang's eyes moved slightly and he spoke in a low voice.

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