My world double door

Chapter 374 The Pagoda of Life

"Fire Formation."

Li Yang waved his hand, and nine jade stones engraved with runes were scattered around. With the pinching of the magic formula, the power of the fire magic forbidden spell contained in the jade stone was activated, forming a terrifying high-temperature flame beside him. .

"Shielding array."

Li Yang waved his palm again, and another set of formation bases was sent out, firmly guarding the entire cave, causing Li Yang's aura, various formations, and the energy of the magic materials in the cave to be tightly controlled. Confined in the cave, there is no leakage.

"Lockdown formation."

Li Yang waved his palm again, and a set of formations fell around the fire formation, emitting the ability to block it, tightly locking the high temperature gathered by the fire formation within the formation. Following Li Yang, he deployed dust removal formations one after another. In the object control array, another Qi Condensation Array was set up to help the recovery of essence, energy and spirit, and the Spirit Gathering Array was used to gather the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and finished the arrangement of the array.

With the formation layout completed, the preliminary preparations for refining the natal magic weapon are half completed.

Li Yang then took out the [Invincible Armor] and [Invincible Sword] from the apocalyptic world, and the [Nameless Great Sword] from the magic world. He looked at the pure Yang magic materials and these items one by one, and his heart moved secretly.

"Even in the world of immortal cultivation, the materials of the Invincible Armor and the Invincible Sword are not inferior to the Nascent Soul level weapon refining materials, including this nameless sword, but it is limited by the refining method and does not exert much power. It is used Refining my natal magic weapon is enough for one use."

Li Yang thought lightly in his heart, then without any hesitation, he directly used the [Invincible Armor] and [Invincible Sword] together with the [Nameless Great Sword] to remove all external impurities, and then used the Object Control Array to control it. In front of the [Fire Formation] that sealed the temperature.

"Invincible, enter the reshaping mode, please retain your intelligent assistance capabilities to the greatest extent."

Li Yang's heart moved, and his brainwaves issued commands to the artificial intelligence in the Invincible Armor and Invincible Sword. He immediately received a response from the artificial intelligence. Only after the core components on which the artificial intelligence depended automatically shrank and fell off did Li Yang let go [ Locking Formation] sent the invincible suit and the nameless sword into the flame formation.

Immediately after that, he activated the [Locked Array], allowing the invincible suit and the nameless sword to be slowly refined by the power of the [Fire Array], and then looked at the Thunder Fire Array and the Thunder Sun Array on one side. Array.

With a thought in his heart, the pure Yang magic material in his hand was sent to the thunder and fire formation, and merged with the thunder and sun formation. The thunder and sun fire energy gathered and slowly refined the pure Yang magic material.

"It will take at least seventy-seven forty-nine days."

After sending various materials to the exclusive formation, Li Yang estimated the time it would take to melt each material back into the furnace. He secretly moved in his heart, and immediately started to use mana to activate the formation, performing various Parameter adjustment.

It was not until a whole day later that the adverse reactions caused by the excessive absorption of thunder elements in Li Yang's body were eliminated, that he set up the formation, moved out of the cave, and came to the outside world to absorb the thunder elements that were diffuse all around. .


Violent thunders were raging, perhaps due to the formation problems in the cave. The power of thunder over Li Yang's cave was quite violent, and the thunder elements were also terrifyingly strong. Even after his last improvement and recovery, he still only spent After a long time, I absorbed it to the limit. I couldn't hold on anymore and returned to the cave.


When he reached the cave and stopped sucking the thunder element, Li Yang couldn't help but take a long breath, and the breath he exhaled was filled with traces of thunder and lightning.

"It seems that it will take at least more than a year to restore the magic power of thunder."

Li Yang felt the strength of the thunder element here, and felt that it was powerful enough. Then he did not hesitate and continued to devote himself to refining the pure Yang magic material.

It takes more than a year for the magic power of Thunder to transform, but he will not stay here stupidly for more than a year.

When the natal magic weapon is successfully refined in seventy-seven forty-nine days, he will return to the apocalyptic world. He will first make preparations to refine the zombies, choose a treasure land with strong evil power, and find a few of the strongest zombies to capture. After burying it in the soil and arranging the place, it would not be too late to come here to refine and enhance the magic power of thunder.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang also tried his best to refine his own magic weapon.

As for what this natal magic weapon should be refined into, he already had a plan in mind - a nine-story pure Yang pagoda!

Nine is the number of poles, and the tower is divided into nine layers. After it is completed, a vast space can be opened up in each layer of the tower. Its inward absorption can breed various qi mechanisms of heaven and earth, and refine the tower-level magic bans with various effects, such as the following: One layer can absorb the thunder qi machine of this earthquake thunder valley, with the thunder qi machine as the core, open up a thunder space, and refine all the thunder magic that Li Yang has learned into it.

When facing the enemy, you only need to throw the magic weapon, and thousands of thunder magic will immediately bombard it.

The second layer is then opened up as the layer of elements, with the five elements of yin and yang as the core, and all kinds of forbidden spells and magic are smelted into it, which can be used directly with magic weapons when facing enemies or when needed.

The third layer was opened up as the layer of ten thousand formations, where all the formations that one knows are refined, and when necessary, all formations can be used immediately.

The body of the tower is made of invincible metal and nameless sword materials. In the future, if you obtain all the inheritance of the [Hehuan Sect], you can also refine a mountain or other precious materials in it, making it heavier than Mount Tai. Once activated, it can directly overwhelm the tower with force. The body is the best magic weapon.

When a battle breaks out, he directly lets the pagoda immobilize the enemy and unleashes various abilities like crazy. Then he rushes closer and strikes with one blow, and any enemy will be destroyed by his fist.

And for the nine-story pagoda, he can only think of these three floors at most now. When the cultivation level and vision of the next six floors are improved in the future, he can integrate more ideas and refine more methods. The potential is very great. good.

Now thunder magic, magic of various elements, can be replaced with corresponding immortal abilities in the future, including formations. The same is true for formations. It will not occupy space and waste potential because of low cultivation level now.

"Integrated with artificial intelligence, the various magics and formations in it can operate according to the most perfect rules. When needed, I don't even need to control it. It can automatically attack when activated."

Li Yang's mind was spinning with thoughts, and he couldn't help but smile. Then he calmed down and began to seriously refine the nine-story pagoda.

In this way, forty-nine days flew by in the blink of an eye.

In the cave, with a burst of pure Yang aura rising, the three different materials in front of Li Yang merged into one with the pure Yang magic material as the core. The weapon refining runes on the tower covered the "strong" and "heavy" The effects of breaking the law and so on were fixed together, and gradually turned into the shape of a nine-story pagoda.

Before solidifying, the core of human-like intelligence drifted in.


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