My world double door

Chapter 376 Thunder Dragon

"Thunder creatures that have not been conceived are truly a blessing."

In Thunder Valley, Li Yang looked at the thunder dragon wandering aimlessly in front of him with joy on his face.

It seems that 90% of this kind of unfinished thunder beast will not be gestated into a real creature, because it is too difficult to become a thunder beast that is comparable to an innate creature. It is impossible if there is not enough good fortune. To achieve such a body.

Most of them will dissipate on their own, and a few will fall to a certain place with rain and thunder, making people think that they are the death of dragons. A very few will be absorbed by some creatures, transform their roots, and gain the same power as the perfect son of thunder in the magical world. Talent, this is where you step into spiritual practice.

There are also a small number that will be used by high-level cultivators to refine the magic. Some will be refined into a truly conscious beast, some will be refined into magic weapons, and some will be refined into elixirs, and so on.

Thunder beasts that have not been gestated have no independent consciousness. If you want to get them, you only need to resist the power of thunder unconsciously emanating from their bodies, or use other mysterious means to induce Qi to attract them to merge into something, or to merge with someone. If a creature's energy is involved, it will actively integrate with it.

This kind of thunder beast is also very rare, and often not one appears in thousands of years. Even if one does appear, 90% of the time it will not become a real thunder creature, so it is very precious. No matter what it is used for, it is extremely precious and useful. resource.

But at this moment, he actually encountered it!

As it happens, he also has thunder magic.

Li Yang was overjoyed in his heart and was about to use the immortal thunder power in his body to collect the thunder dragon. Suddenly, he saw the nine-story pagoda that collected the thunder energy blooming. The next moment, the thunder dragon turned out to be like a dragon. Entering the sea, you can swim from the surrounding thunder power to the nine-story pagoda.

"Om, sizzling..."

The nine-story pagoda bloomed with brilliance, and the portal on the first floor shone brightly. The thunder dragon actually shrank and entered the portal on the first floor.

The next moment, the power of thunder suddenly bloomed from the first floor, traveling and refining throughout the entire tower, faintly refining and improving the quality of the nine-story pagoda.

At the entrance of the pagoda, a dragon's head popped up and lay quietly in the portal on the first floor of the nine-story pagoda.

"What a surprise."

There was a hint of surprise in Li Yang's eyes. He took the nine-story pagoda in front of him into his palm with one move. He looked at the Lei Jiao who was resting with his eyes closed at the entrance of the first floor. As the mana in his body was running, a message appeared. Feedback from the nine-story pagoda.

[Method of Golden Thunder]

Feeling this message, the surprise in Li Yang's eyes became even stronger.

"This thunder dragon actually contains the method of thunder, the method of golden thunder..."

Li Yang's eyes flashed with lightning, feeling the information pouring into his mind, he couldn't help but speak in surprise.

Thunder magic, the thunder magic in the world of immortality, is fundamentally different from the thunder magic in the magic world.

There is often no upper limit for any thunder method, and it can exert different powers in the hands of different people. With the deepening of the understanding of thunder methods, it can be turned into magical means, so that the level of spells can be continuously improved. This is Thunder magic is a must-have.

In fact, it is not just the thunder method, but also the fire method, water method, etc. in the world of immortality. As long as it is a 'method' instead of a 'spell' or a 'spell', it has extremely powerful potential.

The same is true for the method of golden thunder. It is the supreme killing power of the gold mining industry. It is combined with the unparalleled power of thunder method and turned into thunder method by mysterious means.

Under the influence of magical power, it is extremely powerful. The recipient is destroyed by both the metal element and the thunder method, and disappears in an instant. However, those who practice this method can increase the strength of their own bodies, increase the strength of their own souls, and take into account the concentration. For the effect of magic power, one can also use the method of golden thunder to collect the golden energy and turn it into pills. When facing the enemy, once activated, it will be like a thousand swords firing at once, or it can be turned into a golden shield to protect oneself, which is a mysterious little method.

If you practice this method to a high level, if you have the opportunity, it can be turned into a magical power. It is a golden and thunder magical power, and its power is even more unparalleled.

It is fundamentally different from all the thunder magic that Li Yang has obtained before.

"The method of golden thunder, I didn't expect to have such luck."

Feeling the extra golden thunder method in his heart, Li Yang was slightly happy, and then he couldn't help but look at the dragon in the first floor of the pagoda. After feeling it for a while, he realized that the thunder dragon had already been stabbed in this short period of time. Becoming a part of this nine-story pagoda and being controlled by him, he can release this dragon when he wants to and directly fight the enemy as a thunder dragon.

This thunder dragon could make him faintly feel danger before, but its strength was no weaker than that of a monk at the peak of the Golden Core!

"Not bad, really good."

A bright smile appeared on Li Yang's lips involuntarily. Following a thought in his heart, he released the thunder dragon from the pagoda. The sleeping dragon immediately flew out and turned into a hundred-foot-long thunder dragon in the wind. The light of golden thunder gleams all over his body, traveling around him with powerful power.


The dragon's tail flicked lightly, and roars suddenly erupted in the air, which was not weaker than Li Yang's physical blow!


The dragon's claws gently grasped it, and a powerful roar came from the air, which was extremely powerful.


Waves of golden lightning surged from the body of the thunder dragon, and it was even more powerful than Li Yang's thunder magic forbidden spell!


The dragon's single horn emits waves of fluctuations, and terrifying penetrating and rotating power emanates from it. Its sharpness is comparable to that of a divine weapon.


The dragon scales on the dragon's body trembled, emitting streams of strange mysterious power, and the waves of confining force were emitted, causing the surrounding thunder to solidify.


The dragon's beard grew, like a divine whip, and instantly enveloped the surrounding space. The strong golden aura contained in it dispersed the power of thunder, revealing patches of void.


The dragon's eyes open and close, and the fierce power is exuded, which makes people feel chilly and give up before fighting.

Dragon tail, dragon claws, dragon scales, dragon horns, dragon beards, dragon eyes, dragon teeth... every part is like the most powerful killing weapon, which is absolutely terrifying.

Li Yang controlled the thunder dragon to fly in the air and tested various abilities, and he couldn't help but sigh at the power of creatures like dragons.

"Ordinary dragons should not have this kind of power. Although the thunder dragon is not yet formed, it is still transformed from thunder. Compared with innate creatures, it has such incredible fighting abilities."

Li Yang felt the fighting ability of the thunder dragon and secretly praised it in his heart. He controlled the thunder dragon to fly and got familiar with it. When he was familiar with all the abilities of the thunder dragon, he was satisfied and included it in the nine-story pagoda. middle.

Then he looked at the first layer of thunder energy that had been accumulated in his palm, and a smile appeared on his face. This treasure was now quite powerful.

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