My world double door

Chapter 399 Jiaofang Division

Li Yang was not a wretched person, but after arriving in the capital of the Jiuli Dynasty, he subconsciously kept a low profile.

The little dragon that was originally used as a mount was directly taken into the [Nine-Story Xuanyang Tower] by him, allowing it to realize the power of thunder in the first level and better stimulate its own bloodline.

After accepting Xiaolong, Li Yang stepped into this magnificent royal city. He saw pavilions and pavilions everywhere, which seemed to be not much different from the mortal dynasty, but Li Yang could clearly feel the power of these buildings. It contains abundant space power.

I walked to a restaurant with an open door and looked inside. I saw towering fairy mountains, spiritual streams running through them, cranes flying, and peacocks spreading their wings. What was happening inside this small building that looked like it was located on an ordinary broad street was... It's like a world filled with people.

"As expected of the royal capital of the Immortal Cultivating Dynasty, it is so grand."

Looking at this scene, Li Yang's confidence in breaking through to the 13th level of the Golden Elixir was reduced a lot, and he walked towards the [Jiaofang Division] in a low-key manner.

Li Yang has never been to Jiaofangsi, but a place like Jiaofangsi is definitely the best place to find in a city. After asking passers-by casually, he saw a hanging hanging above "Jiaofangsi" in the most prosperous area. 】brand of brothel.

Yes, brothel.

[Jiaofangsi] itself is a palace music institution that specializes in managing the teaching and performance of palace folk music. The Department of Jiaofang was originally part of the Ministry of Etiquette and was responsible for playing music at celebrations or welcoming distinguished guests, as well as managing official brothels and other matters.

But later, as it evolved, Jiaofangsi belonged to the Ministry of Rites and was also an official brothel with many musicians and female musicians (official prostitutes).

In the Jiaofangsi, in addition to performing for the royal family, female artists sometimes also choreographed some positive works to perform for the common people, which played a role in educating the common people. Most of the female artists in Jiaofangsi came from ordinary backgrounds and had low status. They did not belong to any level among scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, but were called "Lehu" or "untouchables".

Among them, female artists who perform music, dance and opera are called "dancing actresses" and "actresses", etc., and are also called "official prostitutes".

Moreover, the Jiaofangsi is different from ordinary brothels. It is mainly an institution that provides entertainment services for the royal family and officials. It is also involved in the management of official brothels. The wives and daughters of prisoners were sent to the Jiaofangsi to obtain the money. Leave it all to the Ministry of Rites.

It can be called a high-end brothel.

However, although it seems very important, in fact, the position of the director of this department is very embarrassing, because the Jiaofang Siye is an inferior position. If promoted, it will be a fifth-grade idle position, not as good as a sixth-grade Siye. really.

It seems that there are many women, but in fact they are in an unpopular position, so it can be seen from this that Elder Chen of [Hehuan Sect] is most likely not taken seriously in the entire [Jiuli Dynasty] .

Of seems that monks from sects like Hehuan Sect cannot be taken seriously.

"Jiaofangsi is really a place that is naturally suitable for the employment of [Hehuan Sect] monks."

Li Yang came to the door of [Jiaofangsi], looked at the plaque above, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Above and below the gatehouse of the monastery are standing female monks with graceful figures and graceful figures. They are all dressed in tulle. They all have good looks and graceful figures. They can be described as extraordinary beauty.

The most important thing is that these female monks are also practitioners, and there are even female monks who have reached the level of Qi Refining Perfection!

What makes Li Yang look weird is that in addition to female cultivators, there are also male cultivators who have perfected their Qi refining skills and are handsome...

"Yes, those who cultivate immortality all rely on their talent and understanding. It is possible for both men and women to achieve advanced cultivation. Since there are female prostitutes, there should be male prostitutes as well."

An idea flashed through his mind, and Li Yang walked towards [Jiaofangsi] with a smile.

"This senior has to come to the workshop to show love and affection to the poor suffering woman."

Unlike ordinary brothels, the prostitutes in the royal capital of the Jiuli Dynasty did not shout out to passers-by to solicit customers. Instead, they swayed and showed off their charms one by one. Only when they came close Only then did a woman standing at the door greet the guests come forward and ask softly with eyes full of spring water.

If you look closely, you can see that among the female monks at the door, there are some who have great minds and half flesh exposed, some with slender legs that are looming, and some who are fat and thin.

In terms of temperament, she has the style of a married woman, a mature woman, a young girl, a sister next door, and a noble princess.

Li Yang's eyes only paused for a moment on a beautiful woman with slender legs, a big heart and a young woman's air. The other party immediately stepped forward and spoke to him tenderly with a sweet smile.

Wherever I pause, I immediately come up to you, but for others, I smile and open my heart to invite you into the urn. This kind of service————


"I feel sorry for you all, but I am here to see [Hehuan Sect] Elder Chen, so please let me know."

Li Yang looked at the woman who came forward and smiled and cupped her hands. When he spoke, the magic power of Hehuan Sect on his body was slightly revealed. The woman's expression seemed to be infected by Li Yang's aura, but before she could answer, a figure appeared. In a sudden flash, he appeared at the door of [Jiaofangsi].

"Is it you? Have you obtained the golden elixir?"

Elder Chen's figure seemed to appear out of thin air. After seeing Li Yang's figure clearly, a flow of yin and yang burst out in his eyes, and he asked with joy at the same time.

As soon as the yin and yang energy appeared in Elder Chen's eyes, Li Yang suddenly felt a subconscious alertness in his heart. The magic power of the thirteenth level of the golden elixir was already subconsciously operating in his body, instantly blocking out the inexplicable sense of prying eyes.

Then he looked at the astonished Elder Chen in front of him. This Elder Chen must also be in the realm of the golden elixir. Although he is also at the peak of the golden elixir, there is no comparison between his peak golden elixir and himself. In this way, this elder Chen subconsciously It is normal for the pupil technique he performed to be blocked by his magic power.

However, this pupil technique is obviously mysterious. Even if his golden elixir cultivation is much stronger than Elder Chen, he still cannot completely block it. He only protects some deep-seated things, and some information is still unavoidable for him to read.

Li Yang knew in his heart, but he held his hands with a bright smile without any expression on his face: "I have met Elder Chen. Fortunately, I have lived up to my command. I have already reached the peak of the golden elixir!"

"Such pure magic power, such a strong foundation, and such a fast cultivation speed... Good, good, good!"

The anger in Elder Chen's eyes immediately calmed down after he subconsciously checked Li Yang's situation. He could clearly see that Li Yang's cultivation had reached the peak of the Golden Core, and was stronger than him, and his foundation was extremely strong, simply better than Pure Yang. The foundation of the sect is even stronger, and the age is also terrifying!

He immediately murmured with joy and shock in his eyes, and after saying three good words, his face turned red and he said, "You are truly the worthy son of my [Hehuan Sect]!"


A group of female monks on one side, who were originally charming as silk, suddenly showed a hint of horror in their eyes. They directly gathered all their expressions and bowed respectfully on the spot.

They can welcome guests at this door because they are one of the disciples of [Hehuan Sect]. It is difficult to find such a suitable place in the world for disciples of [Hehuan Sect] to practice, so they are arranged to come.

Although the [Jiaofang Division] is mainly made up of family members of criminal officials, it does not want to find any outsiders, not to mention that there is also a Jindan elder who serves as the top leader here, so [Hehuan Sect] disciples are here to welcome guests. Not surprising.

The disciples around him looked shocked, and Chen Ding was not bad at all, but what shocked him was Li Yang's qualifications.

In just a few decades, he has directly cultivated to the peak of Jindan. This is really incredible.

Moreover, the yang energy in his body can be said to be frighteningly strong, and the aura of observation [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] must have been practiced to the extreme. It is obvious that he has done an excellent job in both dual cultivation and self-nurturing.

After Chen Ding reached the pinnacle of Golden Elixir cultivation, his attainments in the Yin and Yang Way were extremely profound. Therefore, although he never lacked the method of dual cultivation, he never lost his Yang Qi, and even his own Yang Qi became more and more abundant, which is unusual in comparison. The monk's yang energy was as bright as a bonfire in the dark night.

But when Li Yang came to this station, in the eyes of a monk who specializes in Yin and Yang, he suddenly felt... He seemed to have seen the sun!

"Well, Elder Chen, it doesn't matter whether he is a holy son or not."

When Li Yang heard what Elder Chen said, he coughed awkwardly, and then spoke humbly: "I sincerely join the [Hehuan Sect]. No matter what your status is, as long as you can inherit the unique knowledge of the ancestors of the [Hehuan Sect], I have absolutely no regrets!”

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Do you know the benefits of becoming my [Hehuan Sect's] Holy Son?"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Chen Ding showed a smile on his face, and then spoke to Li Yang with a smile: "The Holy Son of Hehuan Sect has a transcendent status, and to some extent his status is higher than that of the Sect Master! "

"Once you become the Holy Son of [Hehuan Sect], all the resources and manpower of the sect will serve you as the center. And, the most important thing is - after becoming the Holy Son, you can freely interact with any monk of a different surname in the sect. Dual cultivation, so as to improve one's own cultivation."

"You are so talented, you are really suitable for the position of the Holy Son. The Holy Son refers to the Son of the Holy, and to a certain extent can be understood as the Son of Tao. Such an identity is absolutely transcendent. Your physique is really mine. Zong Shengzi’s best choice!”

Chen Ding's eyes were burning. After speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Li Yang would disagree, so he waved his hand directly: "In this case, you can follow me to the [Hehuan Sect] sect's own realm and let all the great monks of our sect take a look before making a decision. How about joining our sect?"

"Uh, well, then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

A smile flashed across Li Yang's heart when he heard this, but he still spoke politely and modestly.

He had already expected this reaction from the other party. After all, his golden elixir cultivation was displayed here. With such good qualifications, coupled with what Chen Ding said when he was not sure about his situation before, what kind of saint son would he become? It's a sure thing.

Therefore, although he was polite in words, in fact, he had already made plans in this regard.

As for this benefit... it made him even more satisfied.

"Okay! Let's go back to the sect with me!"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Chen Ding immediately spoke excitedly and immediately took Li Yang to the depths of [Jiaofang Division]. With Li Yang's surprised expression, he came to the inner world of [Jiaofang Division]. Within a teleportation array.

"[Jiaofangsi] is the largest place where yin and yang combine in the Jiuli Dynasty. It has been controlled by my [Hehuan Sect] monks since ancient times. It can be called the main base of the dynasty. There is a direct link to our sect in such a place. Isn’t the teleportation array unusual?”

Chen Ding looked at Li Yang's expression and said with a smile, and then pointed to a group of women around him: "After you become the holy son of my religion, every woman in this [Jiaofang Division], you You can practice at will."

Li Yang glanced around subconsciously, and immediately saw a series of female immortal monks with handsome faces and figures looking at him with moist eyes. They ranged from young girls to mature women, with all kinds of temperaments. .

There are even some women who have a very strong temperament of young lady or madam. It is obvious that the family members of criminals have just been called in, and a smile suddenly appeared in their eyes: "Elder Chen is joking, I only want to inherit the unique skills of my predecessors, and then Is it because of these vulgar things?"

"Hahaha, just call me Chen Ding. Now that your cultivation is deeper than mine, there is no need to call me elder. Maybe I will have to address you as Holy Son in the future."

Chen Ding laughed when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "Okay, we have communicated with the sect, come with me."

"Well, thank you Taoist fellow Taoist Chen Ding."

Li Yang also changed his words naturally, and then stepped into the teleportation array with Chen Ding with a smile. In the next moment, he felt a lot of space changes, and his eyes were blurry. When he regained clarity, he had already arrived in a dark place. in the universe.

In front of this universe is a huge emerald green planet, and at the foot is a much smaller satellite, with a teleportation array and a guardian array arranged on it. After Li Yang appeared, there was also a practice of golden elixir perfect aura on the field. The person is guarding the formation here.

"The star in front is where our [Hehuan Sect] sect is stationed. This planet is formed by the convergence of yin and yang qi. Any yin and yang magical method practiced here will be far faster than the outside world."

Chen Ding looked at the planet in front of him and spoke to Li Yang with a smile, and then directly led Li Yang to fly up from the satellite under his feet, entered the flying magic weapon, and approached the planet at a terrifying speed.

In a short time, they arrived on the planet and entered a vast and ethereal mountain range on the planet.

Li Yang curiously explored the left and right sides, but saw that there were continuous mountains and no other monks could be seen for the time being. Chen Ding led Li Yang straight to the top of the highest mountain. A vast fairy palace came into view, and at the same time, a stream of Nascent Soul aura rose from the front. rise,

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