"But maybe the theory is wrong!"

"...even wrong, he brought a whole new path to the whole world!"

In a word, the other director was speechless.


The director glanced at him lightly.

"I insist that the prize in physics belongs to Jiang Chen! Except for him, no one can make such a contribution to the whole (Nuo Li Zhao) world! In the same way, even if nothing can be researched, but because of these countries' Invest, there will always be a different harvest!"

"But his age..."

"Gentlemen! Have you forgotten the original purpose of Mr. Nobel's creation of this award?"

After quarreling again and again, it is too late to come to a conclusion!But the balance has already begun to tilt towards Jiang Chen's name.

That is, at this time, a person walked in from the outside and quietly handed a document to the chairman of the board of directors.

At the same time, he whispered in his ear for a while.

The chairman glanced at it, and then his expression became a little dignified!He's clinched!

"Okay, stop arguing! Facts and no need to argue, the prize in physics... belongs to Jiang Chen!"

Those who supported Jiang Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just when everyone thought it was over, there was also a heated discussion about the highest achievement award in mathematics, the Fields Medal.

Chapter [-] Excited Chinese

Fields is an award presented at the International Congress of Mathematicians of the International Mathematical Union.It can be said that although he is not as famous as the Nobel Prize, he has such a huge reputation, but internationally, Fields was selected as the Nobel Prize in mathematics!

Even stricter than Nobel.

Because the Nobel Prize is awarded every year!

But Fields, only once every four years.

In Fields held every four years, Jiang Chen's name is suddenly listed!

It's just that compared to Nobel, the discussion here is more intense!Especially after the organizing committee got the news that Nobel had clearly identified Jiang Chen as winning the award.

"What? It's impossible!"

"He has won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"

"It can't be decided like this! We are Fields! The most rigorous award in mathematics! Just like mathematics."

Whether it is Nobel or Fields, it can be said that the average person can already honor this life by getting one!However, Jiang Chen not only got one, but the other was suddenly still under discussion.

It's incredible!

Of course, this also encountered some resistance.

For example, they were reluctant to award Jiang Chen an award because he had already won the Nobel!If I give Fields to him again...

Of course, not everyone makes this decision.

"We can't deny him an award just because he won another award! In fact, he deserves it."

The chairman of the board didn't say much, just threw the things in his hand on the table. 253

"See for yourself."

Obviously, it was a piece of information contributed by Jiang Chen.

The above series of things are all clear about Jiang Chen's achievements in mathematics, various formulas, conjectures, and even his lectures at Stanford University.


Although they had already made clear the contributions made by the nominees when they nominated them, but they were so detailed, I really didn't know.

"Jiang Chen's achievements in mathematics, gentlemen, do you have anything else to say? Why don't you give him the award for such an outstanding person?"

A single sentence of rhetorical question made those directors who were originally opposed to it suddenly became speechless.

The chairman of the Fields board smiled.

"Since there is no objection, then it's settled!"

He paused and continued.

"This will be the first recipient of a Nobel Prize and a Fields Medal in history..."

For a while, the entire conference hall was silent.

It is worth mentioning that if Fields wins the award, the award ceremony will be held in the United States. That is to say, if he wants to receive the award, Jiang Chen must go to the United States!

The chairman of the board of directors flickered, wondering if he insisted on giving the award to Jiang Chen, for the icing on the cake, or for what.

But one thing is certain, Jiang Chen's achievements are the most worthy of recognition (ajdd).


Jiang Chen's palm was forcefully pulled out from the hand of the director of Beijing University!Really, such an action gave him a chill.

"I don't know that Director Zhang is..."

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