After Jiang Chen nodded and left, he couldn't help but curiously came to Jiang Chen's seat, and saw the book at a glance, it was actually just a draft!The draft is written on the unfinished problem-solving part!

Of course, there is nothing to say about this, just looking at this topic, He Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Chapter [-] The second question is solved

These topics seemed familiar to him, and he couldn't help but whisper the topics in his mouth.

"...Suppose, NP equals P..."

This question is like giving this student a blowout!He remembered where he had seen this topic!

"This is an NP-complete problem!"

He Feng couldn't help screaming in surprise.

What is an NP-complete problem?Every science student knows very well that this is one of the seven biggest math problems in the world!

This is a problem that the entire mathematics community has not fully solved so far!Even at the beginning, there was a lot of noise and it was called the Millennium Math Problem.

Even the Clay Mathematical Institute in Massachusetts, the United States, offered a reward of [-] million yuan for each of these questions!

One question is one million, seven is seven million.

And it's still Mi Yuan!

You know, as long as you are a student, I am afraid that you have imagined that you can solve such a problem, either for money, or to be famous in the whole world!

Prove yourself with these seven questions!

In fact, over the years, I don't know how many people have tried these seven questions!But no one ever succeeded.

What really makes it difficult to calm down is that He Feng exclaimed in his heart.

"He wants to solve the NP-complete problem! How is that possible."

He admits that Jiang Chen is powerful, but no matter how powerful a person is, there is a limit!How can it be compared to the whole world.

This NP problem has not been solved for so many years and so many people have tried. Could it be that Jiang Chen solved it?

In fact, after He Feng was shocked, he didn't believe Jiang Chen could do it.

"Maybe he's just trying!"

After thinking about it for a while, He Feng exhaled in his heart.

However, he soon became curious about Jiang Chen's book, and he couldn't help but read it, wanting to know, even if he tried, how could Jiang Chen be able to do that.

However, after seeing the dense formulas and the parts, he felt chills in his heart!

Because he actually found out that he... could not understand.

Alright, but that didn't prevent him from doing other things. After thinking about it, before Jiang Chen came back, He Feng took a picture of Jiang Chen's exercise book.

Although he knew that it was not good to do so, He Feng couldn't help it, and he didn't even plan to talk to Jiang Chen.

Then He Feng quickly started the operation on his mobile phone.

"This is the exercise book for the double winners, who can help me to see what is written on it! I am a college student, but I can't understand it at all! It is written on the solution of the NP-complete problem. 〃!"

What He Feng thought was wise. He didn't understand what Jiang Chen wrote, but someone did.

Sure enough, because of the photos he posted before, many people are following him!There are a lot of messages just sent.

"NP-complete problem? Don't know what!"

"Woutian, this is one of the seven major problems in mathematics! Then Jiang Chen actually tried to solve this?"

"These questions, each with a reward of one million, is a recognized problem, and it has not been solved at all!"

"Could it be another show? It's not like, I wrote so many things!"

After some comments from those online.However, there are smart people who directly helped @ a lot of domestic math giants!

and express.

"Come and see if there are any eyebrows."

In fact, this time is not too late, although many people did not respond at all, but some people responded.

That person was one of the @, and was a professor in a college.

"NP complete problem? Jiang Chen's? This formula is well written, but it's just the beginning, it doesn't mean anything!"

"Hehe, it's a good thing to try, but it's not enough to make a show!"

Some people are cynical, and the academic world is also utilitarian!What's more, now Jiang Chen, that's what thousands of people point to.

Of course, there are also serious bulls.

"At present, I can't see anything! Is there anything down there?"

"This problem-solving idea is good, but I don't know what the result will be!"

Seeing these comments, He Feng is also regretful!In fact, there are so many things in Jiang Chen's exercise book, he can't shoot more, Jiang Chen hasn't had time to write.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen walked back soon.

He Feng was embarrassed, after all, it was a candid photo, so he quickly put away his phone.

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