"Second question!!!! Hodge's conjecture!!!!"

Not many. After only posting this title, He Feng directly posted the picture!

The aftermath just now has not dissipated!He Feng didn't know at all what the things he sent out meant!

"It turned out to be Hodge's conjecture? The NP just now was right, is this also solved?"

"Is this going to solve the problem live?"

"Quick, who will see if it's real or fake!"

And the professors who gathered together before and planned to leave after completing the verification, Daniel, roared again.

"Come on, come and verify if this is true!"

"Hodge's conjecture is better than NP-complete, but it's not weaker! Come on, come and see!"

In an instant, these people were busy again, and there were also no one who knew how many people on the Internet, anxiously waiting for the answer!

World math problem!Although Jiang Chen untied one, but more people expressed their shock, but they were still not optimistic.

However, there are more people waiting to see the answer!

"Is it true or false!"

true and false?Find out soon!

After verification...


"It turned out to be true! It's really unraveled like this!"

"There is no problem at all, all the parts are the easiest and easiest! Everything is right!"

"This is impossible! Both questions have been solved!"

However, He Feng, the initiator, no longer pays attention to things on the Internet. What he pays attention to is that Jiang Chen is still writing...

He also saw the title of the third question.

Poincaré conjecture...

Soon, Jiang Chen put down the book and moved his wrist.

He Feng asked tremblingly.

"How about it?"

Jiang Chen smiled casually.

"It's not difficult, it's solved!"

'Gollum'!With the sound of swallowing saliva, He Feng had only one thought in his mind.

"The third question, solved!"

Chapter one hundred and seventy-ninth dumbfounded the entire mathematics community

In fact, after the two questions just now, He Feng didn't need to post it on the Internet for verification. He knew that this question was definitely correct.

Why so sure?

This depends on how He Feng feels towards Jiang Chen as if he were facing a god.

The first one is correct!

The second one is right!

Third, since Jiang Chen said it was solved, what did he not believe?Not just believing, in fact he believed it!He even felt that even if Jiang Chen solved all the seven math problems in front of his eyes, it would not be an accident to him.

After all, for a god, what else can't be done?

It was only at this time that He Feng suddenly became a little frightened.

He suddenly thought that because of curiosity, he had posted everything on the Internet without Jiang Chen's consent!

Moreover, there is still a lot of discussion on the Internet, and it has been endless!

He Feng, who was the initiator, really didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing Jiang Chen casually put the third question he just solved in front of him, He Feng didn't have the guts to touch it again, and he even trembled a little.

"Aren't you going to look?"

But because of this, Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

All of a sudden, He Feng's face became sad. He couldn't hide what he had done. Jiang Chen would know it sooner or later.

He just said it outright!

"Jiang...Jiang Chen, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm just curious...I really didn't shoot it on purpose and posted it on the Internet!"

Jiang Chen frowned, and He Feng quickly explained.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and showed it to Jiang Chen.

At this time, the Internet has already caused an uproar.

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