Jiang Chen is the only one who truly knows how it is going!

He seems to be briskly writing and drawing on the books, but no one knows what this means and how huge it is!

After a while, Jiang Chen raised his arm, then looked at what he had written down, and after looking at it carefully, he nodded.

The fifth question is also solved!

He saw it himself, and there was no problem.

Chapter [-] This era has only one name

For Jiang Chen, every question was a simple question, but for the whole world, it was not like that.

While people were still discussing how long it would take for Jiang Chen to solve the fifth question, He Feng couldn't help asking Jiang Chen.

"...This, do you want to post it online?"

He looked cautious.

He could have gone without telling him before, but now he doesn't have the guts anymore!In fact, he hoped that Jiang Chen would announce it himself, not him!He didn't really want to do this anymore.

It's not disgusting tired, or something else!

Logically speaking, his gains are definitely the greatest. You must know that in just a few minutes, he has received the attention of the entire world!

For now, I don't know how many people are watching his dynamics!If there is any movement, it is probably the news of the whole world.

His homepage, I don't know how many people have already smashed it!

The reason why He Feng didn't want to continue doing it was because he knew that he didn't have the qualifications!But thinking about Jiang Chen's indifferent appearance, I'm afraid he won't do it!He Feng could see that for Jiang Chen, he didn't think so much. For him, it was probably just a few simple questions.

Jiang Chen responded directly to He Feng without thinking about it.

"what ever!"

This indifferent attitude once made He Feng's mouth twitch. It's up to you. Jiang Chen's indifference can be said to have brought endless pressure to He Feng!

Finally he gritted his teeth!


I still have to post it. If I don’t post it, I can’t let others see Jiang Chen’s achievements. What’s more important is that if Jiang Chen didn’t make it, it’s fine, but if he made it, he wouldn’t post it!That would be a lot of trouble.

He Feng is very clear that he has no idea how many private messages he has received in this moment!The background of these private messages is not ordinary!You know, he has obviously refused to accept it, but he can still receive it, so he doesn't need to think about it to know what it means!

"Question [-]! Released~ˇ!"

He Feng chose simpler words this time, trying not to express his own opinions or anything in it! Of course, he also made it clear that this is a topic that Jiang Chen solved!Although it is said that at this point, even if he does not say it, others are very clear.

It is said that I don't know how many people are following He Feng's dynamics!

As far as he sent these things, there was no delay for even a second, and it was instantly known to the caring people!

Those who should do research, took down the pictures without saying a word!

Fortunately, the pictures taken by He Feng are as detailed as possible!After they zoomed in on the photo, they got busy.

"Quick, verify the question in the shortest possible time!"

"You can't delay at all, you must see the results in the fastest time!"

These people who say such words are professional and fast enough.

Besides them, there are others.

That's the media!For them, it's easier to do things, just get the picture down, and then promote it as much as possible in the shortest time possible.

In fact, compared with academics, their contribution is not small. If it weren't for them, it would not have been possible for the few photos taken by He Feng to be passed on to the whole world in the shortest time.

After a short time, almost the whole world began to think about this fifth question.

This time is different from before. Before, either praise or how to treat Jiang Chen!

But now...

"Look, I knew he would definitely solve the fifth question!"

"Needless to say, he will definitely solve all the problems!"

"Oh my God, he really is a god, so he wants to solve all the problems in one day?"

"I am afraid that the so-called seven major problems will really be solved in the first time!"

For their discussion, they don't even need to see the final result!Because they felt that for the god-like Jiang Chen, the answer he gave would definitely not be wrong, and it would definitely not be wrong.

"Yang Mills theory! The solution of this topic is a major achievement in physics! I am afraid there will be a greater progress in quantum research!"

"Jiang Chen's contribution to the world is the greatest! Just based on these few questions, no one can surpass him within a hundred years!"

"But we believe that this is far from the end."

Academically speaking, it is more reserved and serious.

After all, even they think that Jiang Chen's answer is correct, but the mathematical rigor requires them to wait for complete verification before they can speak.

In fact, as expected, the results will be available soon.

"' ‖... The answer of Yang Mills' theory is completely correct! We can't find a better way to prove it than Jiang Chen."

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