Even if it is to let them, what are they capable of?Huaxia, far from being comparable to them!

At this time, they can be considered to have a little self-knowledge.  …

Speaking of which, why did Huaxia hold a press conference at this time?

This is a thought provoking question!

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that although everything came in a hurry, there are traces to follow!Either a major breakthrough, or the timing is just right!

Because, a Jiang Chen has already attracted the attention of the world here.

If these two points are in line, it makes sense to have this conference.

Speaking of which, every country and every well-known news media has its own station in Beijing!Because they need to be permanent in order to get first-hand news!In this way, if they want to rush to the press conference, it is a very simple matter.

Although it is a bit rushed, but even so, the entire press conference site is still crowded with people!

After the equipment was installed, none of them spoke, and they were all looking forward to the official start of the press conference!

Their trembling hands showed their anxiety.

Speaking of which, they didn't wait long!Soon, a figure appeared.

This person, who often reads the news, knows that he is the official spokesperson of Huaxia!

As soon as they saw him, all the reporters started to raise their hands in order to be the first to ask questions!

The exception was today, the spokesman said.

"Today, let's not answer the 0.5 question! Today, I will show you a video first!"

This video is obviously carefully crafted!

At first, it was just a cup, which slowly floated up. With the display in the video, bursts of exclamations sounded. In the video, Huaxia's fifth-generation and a half fighter jets rose into the air!

As all can see, fighter jets don't have conventional engines.He even took off and landed vertically without making any sound.

"Quick, quick! Tell me if this video is real, or it's a made-up picture!"

"I want to know the answer in the shortest possible time!"

Soon, they knew the answer.

"This video is real..."

This scene was broadcast live simultaneously, and everyone looked at the broadcast screen and was sluggish!

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as the whole world is confused by this picture.

Chapter [-] Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

A video shows something that is enough to make the whole world move!

Whether it's the reporters in front of you, the countries behind the scenes, or even the people in front of the live broadcast, all of them were completely shocked by this scene!

The spokesperson had a faint smile on his face and did not speak, this is the confidence of a big country!On the other side, Internet TV, mobile devices, etc., wherever you can see the live broadcast of the conference!

All that caused were bursts of exclamations.

"It's a 6 explosion! Who can tell me if this is true? Anti-gravity? Is there really such a thing?"

Even an official press conference, even an official speech!It can be seen that such a shocking scene still needs a little time for ordinary people to get used to it!After all, for them, they were still living well just a moment ago!In the next moment, the world may be transformed.

"Amazing! Cowhide! I'm crazy in China!"

"With this technology, Huaxia will be the best in the world in the future!"

"In the future, when we Chinese people go there, we will all hold our heads high!"

09 Relatively speaking, the Chinese people have enough confidence in the government. They know that since such a thing is taken out, it must not be fake!In this moment of time, something called pride suddenly rose up in their hearts!

For no other reason than this one technology!

Relatively speaking, other countries are not so happy!

The shock is still shock, but for ordinary people, this thing is not developed by their country, so they can only envy, while secretly cursing their own country and government.

"God! Look, look at the Chinese people, they have researched everything! And what about our scientists in our country? So many resources were wasted, and no progress has been made yet!"

"Look, just look at Jiang Chen. Huaxia is still the smartest nation and the greatest country! We still can't compare!"

"I envy the Chinese people very much! Anti-gravity technology! Is the future world coming?"

Speaking of which, the saddest part of this video is the United States!They thought they were the boss, and they spent so much effort and emotion, but in the end, they still failed!

"Huaxia! Damn, it's Huaxia again! Soon they will surpass us."

Even in the research base, Mr. President is still furious!And after releasing some irrelevant data at Huaxia's press conference, he couldn't help roaring at the scientists around him.

"Quick, verify for me if this is true!"

The scientists around you have long been riveting!To be honest, the first research to come out is that Huaxia is not them, which makes them almost angry!But no matter what, there is no way out now.

Everyone has succeeded, what else can you do?

Soon, they began to conduct research with reference to these data.

It didn't take long for them to give the results.

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