"Excuse me, Mr. Spokesperson, it was the scientist or team who developed this technology. Can this be made public?"

Yes, the person who researched this technology is simply the greatest contributor of this era!Some people think that it may be even greater than Jiang Chen's contribution!

But in general, this is to be kept secret!

It's just a little weird today.

The speaker was silent for a moment.

"...Here, I solemnly announce! Antigravity is the greatest scientist in China, and it is not too much to say that the father of antigravity is! This person is... Jiang Chen!"

Chapter [-] This era really belongs to him

what? !

Many reporters, many people watching the press conference, and many people from various countries were immediately shocked!

They thought they had heard the wrong name, when in fact they couldn't believe it was in their ears.

Speaking of which, they just turned their eyes away from Jiang Chen, but did they have to turn their eyes to Jiang Chen?

I saw a reporter tremblingly asked the spokesperson.

"Excuse me sir, are you talking about that Jiang Chen?"

Without waiting for the spokesman to respond, he said again.

"It's the one who won two awards, but the awards are not worthy of him! Is it the Jiang Chen who solved the world's seven major problems just now?"

"Is it the man who has contributed to the entire human race and is known as a god?"

"Is that the one that people can't ignore at all?" No wonder he asked so many questions. In fact, people in the whole world think that Jiang Chen's mathematics is very good. He is a great mathematician. It can be said that , is the founder of the future!

However, they never thought, never thought that even the antigravity was created by Jiang Chen.

It's unbelievable for a man to occupy so much glory, isn't it?

So, this is not a question, this is just a confirmation!

Hearing the many descriptions of Jiang Chen, the spokesperson couldn't help but laugh. In fact, in addition to his blushing face, he was also very excited.

He responded.

"If there isn't a second such person, then it's him!"

"My God! It's really him!"

"It turned out to be him, this god-like person."

"He has solved the seven major problems in the world, but he did not expect that even antigravity was created by him."

In an instant, the entire venue was in chaos!Because no matter who it is, when he hears this name, he can't restrain his excitement!

In the face of so many achievements of Jiang Chen, there is no reaction, unless he is a vegetable!

Originally, everyone felt that Jiang Chen's affairs should be put on hold for the time being!There is no anti-gravity to be more attractive. What I didn't expect is that I still can't escape.

Everything is still the same man.

"Really him?"

The spokesman nodded.

"It's really him!"

He has said it many times, but even so, when he mentions this name, he feels proud!Because he is also from China, this name is the pride of the whole China.

Finally, after a little silence, he opened his mouth.

As a spokesperson, he also wanted to express his views on Jiang Chen like others, but it was obviously not suitable for the current situation.

"I know it's hard for you to believe, but when I mentioned that he is the father of antigravity, there is absolutely no doubt about that!"

How great is it to name the word 'father'!This father, here, is the founder, the founder, not just a family name.

"Actually, what we can announce is that the group that researched antigravity actually did everything under the leadership of Comrade Jiang Chen! They worked diligently for a long period of time before they were finished!

It can even be said that without Comrade Jiang Chen!There is no current achievement at all, so you can imagine how much contribution Comrade Jiang Chen has made!

In fact, just not long ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has announced the award of the title of Academician to Comrade Jiang Chen!Unfortunately, Huaxia's highest achievement is academician!Otherwise, I believe that Jiang Chen notification can achieve higher achievements! "

These reporters and officials quickly read the news!

Only then did they discover that just now, Huaxia had the news that Jiang Chen had been awarded the title of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!

It's just that their eyes are all here, so they haven't paid attention.

Originally everyone thought that the title of academician was given to Jiang Chen's achievements in mathematics, but now it seems that it is not like that.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences because of anti-gravity, not a mathematical achievement?"

The spokesman nodded.

"That's right!"

There was a smile and excitement on his face.

"Comrade Jiang Chen deserves this title in every category! (ajfa) But the main reason for this title is because of anti-gravity!"

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