Their dawn is coming soon.

Speaking of which, the damage to the automobile industry is absolutely huge and unimaginable for a country.

Take Germany as an example, the losses suffered by the entire country, they simply dare not look at it!

I don't know how many people are crying and mourning!

On the German side, while holding back tears, they had to make friends with Huaxia, and they had no virtue at all.

As for the Neon Country, it's even worse!

The auto industry is their backbone, ahead of live-action mini-movies.

Their auto industry has been hit, and it is unknown how many people have lost their jobs and have been displaced for a while!

After all, this country is still a perverted country!When they lose their jobs, what they do is suicide!

In one day, news of death is everywhere!

Simply appalling.

For a time, the Chinese people sighed: it would be better to die...

However, despite this, various countries began to try their best to negotiate with China, but no one dared to use means to deal with China!Not even a small action.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

With such fighter jets and Huaxia with such force, not everyone can bully them.

At this time, Huaxia's tough attitude is simply despairing!

Even so, they still had to rush to China.

Logically speaking, the United States, as a big country, is now the world's largest country, with a profound background, and it should be able to withstand it.

But in fact, among these countries, the United States is the most regretful.

Take Mr. President of the United States as an example, he was annoyed more than once!

"God, I would have kept Jiang Chen at that time!"

He was regretting his feelings, regretting that he didn't use all means to take Jiang Chen down!It's just that things have come to such a point now that it's useless to regret it.

Just because of the rise of China, the Americans have lost their pride.

In the past, the world gathered in the United States, but now, all the American people are eager to rush to China!Ironically, visas for the United States used to be all kinds of strict.If you don't agree, I'll let you go and repatriate.

But now, Huaxia's is a strict one, want to come?

I don't need you!

The regretful U.S. and China, where everyone gathered, all said that China, starting today, has completely become the center of the world! .

Chapter [-]: The Research Institute's Re-request

The blow to the auto industry and the new weather, this is not something that can be done overnight, it will take a long time to make the transition.

But one thing can be foreseen is that in the near future, about this industry, a gorgeous flower will definitely bloom in China!

Of course, the future has nothing to do with Jiang Chen!He felt that it was enough to just do what was in front of him.

For a while, Jiang Chen felt that he had too much idle time, and it should be time to return to his previous state!The most important thing is to work hard to upgrade and improve yourself.

Of course, he thought so, but it was a little difficult to implement!

Even if he doesn't care what other people think of him, but with him as the father of anti-gravity, the person who made the greatest contribution in the whole world is here, it is impossible for others to have no reaction to him.

Take today as an example, the principal personally came to Jiang Chen_.

"That... classmate Jiang Chen..."

The president of Jiangnan University is also depressed!He didn't even know what to call Jiang Chen!

Call your classmates, he obviously has the title of academician, and he is still an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!But if you call him an academician, Jiang Chen's current status is only a student of Jiangnan University!It just made him unstoppable.

Speaking of which, the president of Jiangnan University did not know how many times he sighed behind his back.

He sighed that even at his age, he couldn't compare to Jiang Chen's achievements. After all, being an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was his lifelong pursuit.

But he is not jealous!After all, everyone in the world now knows that, don't compare with Jiang Chen in anything!After all, this is a man named God.

Speaking of which, the president of Jiangnan University was a little helpless when he spoke.

"Our school has received [-] or [-] more invitations from other universities at home and abroad! All of them are inviting you to give lectures, and some even offer some conditions..."

He was helpless because of this matter. Obviously Jiang Chen had rejected these things several times, but those colleges and universities at home and abroad still wanted to invite Jiang Chen all the time!After Jiang Chen felt bored, he handed over all these to the school.

Instead, he simply became the hand-slinging shopkeeper!But it can cause trouble to the principal!Of these, which one don't give face to?He has to deal with it!Piansheng knew that Jiang Chen would refuse, but he still had to say something.

Can be described as thankless!

"You help me reject them! I don't have the time."

Sure enough, when the principal heard this answer again, he could only say helplessly.

"All right!"

Speaking of which, although he was depressed, he was still somewhat comforted. After all, for him, he asked anyway.

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