'Ding... conduct material research, material science experience +2530. '


What surprised Jiang Chen was that what he made this time actually gave him more than [-] experience!

As we all know, the harder something is, the more experience you gain!The experience of more than [-] people shows that there is definitely a problem with this material, there is a big problem!

After researching it, Jiang Chen was surprised to find that this piece of alloy has strong plasticity!In contrast, it is much better than the materials needed for aerospace now!Moreover, the cost is also cheap and simple.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile slightly for something he made unintentionally.

If it was someone else, I would be very happy!

But to him, although the material looks good, it still has flaws!

So he directly destroyed this piece of material without hesitation!

However, the principal stayed in the laboratory the whole time!Speaking of which, he was too embarrassed to stay here, others were afraid of disturbing Jiang Chen, but he didn't have that awareness at all.

In fact, the principal was shocked and wanted to know what Jiang Chen was going to do!He felt that he would definitely not disturb Jiang Chen, so he had the cheek to stay.

And Jiang Chen, as long as he is not disturbed, it doesn't matter!

So, he saw this scene clearly.

Seeing Jiang Chen destroy the things, he couldn't help shouting.He was looking at Jiang Chen's research data just now.

"How did you destroy it!"

Such a good thing was destroyed, the system in his heart!Can't help but scream.Emotions can't be suppressed.

Jiang Chen glanced at him lightly.

"This thing is useless and flawed!"


The principal reacted instantly, this is Jiang Chen's laboratory!What right does he have to say this!It was embarrassing all of a sudden.Jiang Chen doesn't care about what Jiang Chen has researched himself, he is still so excited...

"What others can't do with hard work, he just destroys it!"

The headmaster shed tears in anguish heart. He felt that even if this thing was flawed, it was rare after all, but compared to a monster like Jiang Chen...he felt that he was inferior to picking up trash.

Simply, he can't stay in the laboratory any longer!

If he stayed any longer, he really had no face at all.

It may even collapse. Looking at Jiang Chen's experiments and making those things at will, the principal finally knows how ignorant he is!

Moreover, he thought before that Jiang Chen just wanted to dabble in materials science, but now it seems... where is this dabbling?There are some things that he, the principal, can't understand, just like a primary school student facing a teacher!

When he left, Jiang Chen didn't care and continued to do his own thing.

Finally, after a long time, the system once again ushered in a prompt tone.

"Ding... The material science experience is full, do you want to upgrade!"

Jiang Chen let out a long breath.


After a sentence, the level of material science has completely reached the sixth level!

Finally, this level on the panel is not so ugly!Jiang Chen couldn't help grinning slightly, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, that's it for now!"

Jiang Chen has been promoted two levels in one go. Jiang Chen does not intend to continue to improve. It is not that he does not like to improve materials science, but that he has been staying in the library and the laboratory for the past two days, and he is also a little bored!After all, experimentation is boring, especially one that has no direction.

This made Jiang Chen feel.

"' . I can also do some other upgrades! Especially for physical fitness, I can also adjust myself!"

Speaking of physical fitness, Jiang Chen's heart is extremely hot!

Physical fitness level nine!

The first thing that is approaching level ten!

"What if the physical fitness is at the tenth level?"

This alone fills people's hearts with infinite yearning!

More importantly, Jiang Chen always felt that after raising his physical fitness to level [-], there would definitely be a different change, and this was enough to make Jiang Chen try his best to raise the level.

In addition, Jiang Chen found that the previous events did not affect him at all. In a word, what he did made this impetuous world still have a little impact on him.

The impact of this is irrelevant, but Jiang Chen found out that he can't be as devoted and meditative as before!

In this regard, it means that Jiang Chen's mentality is not stable.

"I upgraded my physical fitness this time, and I just took this time to sort myself out!"

Last but not least, calm down.

Not to mention how to get back to the original intention, at least to stabilize his mentality, this is what Jiang Chen thought.

Jiang Chen made up his mind. After coming out of the laboratory, he went straight to the outside of the school!

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