For this, it is impossible to evaluate!

However, Jiang Chen really never imagined that what human beings have not done for thousands of years, and even what they have been expecting and wishing for, would actually happen to him.

What kind of feeling is this?Even after a few months, Jiang Chen's mind is calm enough, but now he is still excited and can't let go!

He just looked at the footprints left where he stood just now!

After a long time, I couldn't help but let out a long howl.It was a joyous cheer!

This desolate land finally ushered in the sound of joy and excitement!It's a pity that no one is around, and it won't respond.

This is undoubtedly a pity.

Jiang Chen found that he didn't need to control his flight at all, he didn't need to do anything, he would float!

If you want to move, it's easy!After all, the tenth-level physical ability gave him the ability to float like a balloon!In that case, it's not really flying.

Jiang Chen had a feeling in his heart, as long as he moved his mind, it was really a simple thought, and he would dance!

He can continue to rise, he can fall, he can fly left and right, and he can swim back and forth!

It's like a fish entering the water, and it feels so comfortable.

For a fish that has entered the water, how does the fins decide how to swim?Unless it's a dead fish.

Jiang Chen is naturally not the dead fish, and he also came out with a pair of fins!

But the whole body is that pair of fins, so swim as you please.

Therefore, Jiang Chen flew very high!He is improving so fast that the ground under his feet is getting wider and wider!

In the high sky, there is boundless wind!Jiang Chen is also afraid of flying too high, the airflow alone is enough to move people!He was quickly surprised to find that the airflow didn't feel much to his body!

even to the stratosphere.

He can also fly very fast!How fast, Jiang Chen calculated very clearly, he can even reach a speed of about [-] meters per second!what does that mean?It means that it is only a few tens of meters slower than an ordinary airliner!

Therefore, the blue sky and white clouds that could only be seen by looking up in the past were replaced by cruising under his feet this time!So, when he was in the air, everything seemed like a fairyland.

There was even a dark cloud in the distance.

There was a rumble of thunder in the dark clouds, Jiang Chen was not curious to go in and have a look, it was still dangerous after all!

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Finally, I don't know how long it took, Jiang Chen was tired of playing!He lowered his height with ease, so that he was only a few dozen meters away from the ground.

will fly!

In general, the land is still kind, and I can't fly, and I don't know what it means to feel down-to-earth.

Stagnant in this position, Jiang Chen thought slightly in his heart.

"...The tenth-level physical fitness doesn't make me like in the novel, I have some strength or other things in my body, and I can fly with these!"

He regrets that he can't be like the monk in the novel, who can call the wind and call the rain in the future.

But he also knew clearly.


"The reason why I can fly should be that my physical fitness has reached a certain level, which has caused changes in my body! The body has become different!"

The reason why everything can stand on the earth is because there is something called gravity!The tenth-level physical ability made Jiang Chen clearly realize that it was only after his body reached a qualitative change that he could control gravity!

In other words, his flight was done without gravity!It looks like it is the antigravity that Jiang Chen studied before!The difference is that after the tenth level of physical fitness, anti-gravity is installed on his body!

After calming his mind for a while, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

"I researched it, which means that other things can fly. I didn't expect that after the qualitative change of physical fitness, I would be able to fly instead?"

Jiang Chen didn't feel anything about the anti-gravity research, but with the transformation he had, everything was so refreshing!

"Huh, it's complete!"

He took a long breath, what he wanted, it was done.

At this point, he only had time to look at where he appeared!It's still the Great Northwest!this boundless place.

But when you look closely, you are a little surprised.

During the flight just now, the Gobi Desert has long become a scene behind you, and in front of you, the wind and sand are surging, this is a huge desert!

The rising wind and sand make people feel like they are in a foggy environment, rolling sand dunes.

Who knows how many dead bones are buried inside?

Deserts, in ancient times, were the ravages of mankind.

Chapter [-] The role of living things

The sound of woo woo is always an eternal melody in the endless desert!Unless one day the desert is buried, they can only be eternal melody.

In this kind of sound, it will make people subconsciously feel that they hear the ringing of the bell!This is the bell of the camel bell hanging around the neck!hint at their existence.

In fact, there was no camel bell in front of Jiang Chen's eyes!The sound of the bell is just something that people can easily think of.

Jiang Chen stepped on the desert, he smiled.

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