However, he could see clearly that closer to the tornado, there was a group of black dots fleeing in the opposite direction of the tornado!

Take a closer look, it is a team of off-road vehicles!

The rising sand, I am afraid that they have stepped on the accelerator under their feet to the end!I'm afraid I can't run too fast to meet the danger of quicksand!

Jiang Chen frowned.

There is no need to trade across deserts as in the old days!There is no need to rely on desert boats for distant trade throughout the desert.

Now there are planes, ships, cars!There is no need to go into the desert, other ways are more convenient.

But that doesn't mean no one will come to the desert!After all, there are idle and boring people who come here to find some novelty and excitement!

Relying on modern means of communication, these teams should know clearly before the tornado comes, so that they can easily avoid it!But looking at the distance, it's not too late, I'm afraid someone is dying to watch the power of the tornado up close.

Fortunately, they are not too close!

Taking a closer look, Jiang Chen found that these people are obviously old birds in this desert, but there is no danger.

However, Jiang Chen felt that such an approach was still inadvisable.

The ancients could not contend with the power of heaven, but can the modern be able to do so?Still can't.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to help them, but since they don't need it, forget about 1.9!

They've already fled, which means they won't be buried in it!

Of course, this is just a small episode in the desert!This has happened a lot since ancient times.

If nothing else, it has been there before, and it will be there in the future!It may even be repeated in the future.

As long as this desert exists, as long as people have not conquered it, it will remain so.

After thousands of years of soil erosion, even this land continues to expand.

All that comes into view in this situation is desolation.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a little touched in his heart!

Deserts are the cancer of the earth, changing the world. Isn't this cancer part of the cancer that needs to be changed?

He walked barefoot on the boundless desert, and his mentality slowly changed.

He felt that if he really wanted to do something, he might as well... start here.

Chapter [-] The level is not enough

To turn a desert into an oasis is undoubtedly a very, very large and complicated thing.

Not to mention other, the simplest, in this boundless and vast land, it takes a lot of time even for you to plant green plants.

Greening is not your vegetable garden, nor is it something that can be easily solved by street trees.

It is far more complicated!What's more, planting is still carried out on the land of the desert!

You know, this is still in the desert!Deserts are not simply planted to solve the problem of quicksand and weathering!

Also need to control the dust!If the dust can't be managed, whatever you are going to plant is simply not suitable.

The end result can only fall short of success.

Similarly, there is a very troublesome thing in the desert, that is, lack of water!Therefore, this means that it is difficult for ordinary plants to survive!

Under this kind of trouble, the so-called governance knows how troublesome and slow it is!

Huaxia has been controlling deserts for a long time, but the results are still not many!Looking down from the sky, in fact, it is only a small piece after it!Compared to the entire desert, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

Before this kind of thing, Jiang Chen would not care about it!For him, he would not have thought of this at all!Naturally there are 09 countries to manage!

But now it's different. After seeing Tianwei, he can clearly recognize his own insignificance.

After thinking about applying what he has learned, Jiang Chen realized that no matter how many things he knows, no need means nothing.

Therefore, facing this entire desert, Jiang Chen intends to intervene!Just imagine, how shocking would it be if such a large desert turned into an oasis?

Does that mean that the Chinese have another habitat?Does it mean that the whole world is more green?

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of the map of China!

On that huge map, the Great Northwest is always the same color!Even looking at it from space, it looks so conspicuous!

This color is very dazzling!

"Then, let me make the whole desert green!"

Secretly made up his mind, Jiang Chen intends to find his own way!

Of course, although he has made up his mind, Jiang Chen has no idea of ​​his own right now.

He didn't even know where to start.

But he believes that this is definitely not a problem for him!The way is always conceivable.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen plans to leave this desert!Since he intends to do it, it means that it is time to end the trip!

He has never been in this business before, and now he needs to find some information!At least let yourself have a general understanding, and only after understanding it can you do it!

It doesn't mean that if he has a creature, he can start immediately!

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