In the entire country, regarding personal matters, there is probably only one Jiang Chen who can make the chief like this.

Of course, gathering this information will take some time.

After all, in a country, not everything can revolve around this!So, at the same time, someone just handed things over to the chief.

Chief is still busy!There are more and more things happening in Huaxia.

However, he had said before that the information could be handed over to him as soon as possible!

"Sir, this is the information you want, it's all here!"


After the chief heard these words, he immediately raised his head, put down the things in his hand, and picked up the data!

This made the people around him stare.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the chief will only proceed to the next thing after he has dealt with one thing well and given instructions on some things!

It's about being productive while staying focused!to avoid mistakes.

After all, leaders are people too.

Speaking of which, this is the first time the chief has done so.

It made the secretary standing beside him stare.

Even with such a thick pile of information, the chief even looked through them one by one!Occasionally, nod.

You know, there are hundreds of biological research institutes in this round of information!This is after filtering.

Just to see when?

Not to mention delays and time delays, just being tired is unbearable for ordinary people.

So the secretary couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Head... so much information, it takes a long time to read."

The chief laughed.

"I'm just looking around."

"So, what are your requirements, I'll screen it for you!"

The secretary hurriedly said to the chief.


The chief said after thinking about it.

"What are my requirements? I'm not a researcher. I should see what Comrade Jiang Chen's requirements are."


The secretary couldn't help but be stunned. He actually knew in advance what the chief wanted to do with such information, but what he didn't expect was that, according to the chief's intention, not only would he have to give it to a research institute, but even more additional condition!

You know, this is not Huaxia's style of doing things!

In general, even if the country agrees to local and individual requirements, it still needs to do some investigation!After all, national resources, not personal wealth, can be wasted at will.

What's more, to give a little extra?

This made the secretary unable to bear it any longer.

"Sir, I have something to say..."

"But it doesn't matter."

Like the TV, the boss at work still seems approachable!

The secretary hesitated and said.

"Comrade Jiang Chen's contribution to the country and the world is obvious to all! Logically speaking, it is necessary for the country to fulfill the requirements he put forward as much as possible!

But speaking of it, no matter how much contribution Comrade Jiang Chen makes!But after all, he's just a man!The resources of the country cannot be wasted on individuals at will!

It's okay to have requirements, but at least it must be investigated clearly, and the review understands whether it is necessary to meet...

360 Besides, Jiang Chen agreed that if a mathematics research institute or a physics research institute is needed, then the country will definitely satisfy it unconditionally!And he can make a contribution to the country!

But this biological institute..."

The secretary's words are not finished, but they can be understood by others!Undoubtedly, it would be inappropriate to directly meet Jiang Chen's conditions.

But facing this scene, the chief smiled.

"You mean, the country doesn't know what Jiang Chen wants the Institute of Biology to do! Even his major is not this! So be careful, right?"

The secretary nodded, that's what he meant.

But the chief said.

"First of all, you have forgotten the identity of Comrade Jiang Chen! He is the greatest contributor to China, and even the world, and we are Chinese, and his ideological awareness is beyond doubt! With his contributions, It is enough for the country to meet his conditions!

Second!Before he studied physics, before he published quantum formulas, did you know he knew physics?Comrade Jiang Chen, after all, he can still contribute to us!

Also, I have also seen Comrade Jiang Chen!Did you see when he took the initiative to apply for research?

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