On the contrary, it is more unconvincing!

If you want to convince these people, there is only one thing that can be done, and that is to bring out the research results with them, so that these people can completely believe that it is the most correct.

It is useless to say anything until this is done.

Simply Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's take a rest today! If you have any requirements, you can mention it to Platoon Leader Song, or come to me!"

Everyone heard it and nodded. In fact, they had great enthusiasm before coming!Some people even think that once you get here, start working on it!

But now... where is the enthusiasm coming from, Jiang Chen has arranged it anyway, for them, just rest when they rest.

Let me do whatever I want, and I'll just save myself the trouble.

The first day of the research institute, even if this is the past.

However, what Jiang Chen didn't know was that after all, the above couldn't ignore his actions!

Soon, the topic he wanted to study was passed to the ears of Huaxia executives.

After learning about the topic Jiang Chen was going to study, their reactions were the same as those of the researchers!The difference is that the researcher is helpless, because he can only listen to Jiang Chen.

However, these high-level executives are different. A high-level executive in charge of all the food in Jiang Chen Research Institute immediately had the first thought.

"Quick, let someone inform the research institute! Suspend all research! How did Comrade Jiang Chen think of studying this? Desert greening, how could this be a completely solvable problem? What he wants from the country, but the country Our resources are not wasted, let alone tossing around!"

Speaking of which, the reason why Jiang Chen's affairs are his responsibility is because the chief has too many things to do!Not everything is completely hands-on!Including this matter is the same, more often, he just gives instructions!

The chief may think about why Jiang Chen did this, but this high-level executive definitely won't!So, the order was almost issued.

The reason why it was not completely released was because another person told him.

"In my opinion, it's better to ask the chief for instructions on this matter! After all, it was the chief nodding himself."

The senior took a deep breath.

"Okay! I'll go to the chief right now."

He felt that he couldn't just helplessly watch where Jiang Chen was wasting national resources!

Because of this, in a short period of time, even the chief knew about it.

This high-level thought that when the chief knew about this matter, he would stop the project as soon as possible!But surprisingly, this is not the case.

After thinking for a while, the chief said this.

"In this way, let several responsible comrades come to me, let's have a meeting 0......"

Soon, after a short time, everyone was there!It was just a temporary meeting about Jiang Chen, so the chief didn't seem to pay much attention to it, so he just opened his mouth.

"I brought everyone here this time to discuss what Jiang Chen had notified! It seems that the comrades meant to directly stop the project that Comrade Jiang Chen is currently working on!"

In the face of the words of the palm, they expressed it one after another.

"Yes, Chief, how much has China paid for desert greening, and how much has other countries paid? We have not seen any results! This is obvious to all! This is simply a topic that is not worth investing a lot of money! Seriously, I admire Jiang Chen at the same time, but if I knew about his topic in advance, I wouldn't agree to it right away!"

"Yes, this is a waste of resources at all... Besides, if Comrade Jiang Chen is using all his resources in physics, then I have absolutely nothing to say! Whatever he wastes, after all, where are his achievements! According to his knowledge, it will never disappoint!

But that's still biology!The research topic is desert greening!This is so unacceptable! "

"Yes, it's not just a waste of the country's resources, it's even a waste of Comrade Jiang Chen himself! With his ability, he should be invested in physics research! No matter which direction it is, the country needs him! He's wasting time!"

Every 5.6 of them expressed their own opinions, but it is no surprise that everyone held an objection to Jiang Chen, and some even felt that Jiang Chen's research on biology was a waste of time!wasting his own time.

His importance is not reflected in this.

However, listening to their discussions, these words couldn't help making the chief smile. In fact, when he first heard the news, the chief was a little surprised.

So, is Jiang Chen's research on this topic really going to be stopped at the beginning?

After everyone finished talking, they couldn't help but look at the chief.

Someone hesitated and opened his mouth.

"Chief, look, how should this matter be resolved?"

The chief thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and waved his hand.

"In my opinion, this can't be stopped!".

Chapter [-] Research Begins


The words of the chief made several people stunned!Some even scratched their ears, feeling that they had heard the wrong words.

They looked at the chief in disbelief, but they never expected that it had reached the point where the chief still maintained a supportive attitude towards Jiang Chen.

This makes people a little confused, it is obviously a waste of national resources and a waste of Jiang Chen's own talent and time...

"Chief, think twice! This will cause us to suffer losses, especially national resources! And Comrade Jiang Chen's own time, in my opinion, it is the state's support for the direction of physics, not this creature!"

"Yes! Think twice!"

Everyone was discouraging the chief, but they never thought the chief would explain it to them.

"You all think this is a waste of time and resources! But think about it carefully, how much can be wasted? Is our country still investing less in this item?

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