"In my opinion, it's not us, it's Academician Jiang! To be honest, I admire him more and more! Basically, he does everything by himself! When we all go to rest, sometimes Jiang The academician is still in the laboratory..."

"Oh, no matter what, we also see hope, so we must do our best! If we can really do it... that's really unimaginable."

"...It's all due to Academician Jiang!"

In fact, Jiang Chen was not as tired as they thought!You must know that the tenth-level physical fitness, even if he does not sleep, does not affect him much.

One of the reasons why Jiang Chen works so hard is because the research institute is absolutely boring except for research!Since it's boring, it's better to put it on research.

The second is because he wants to speed up the research progress, there are many things that he needs to do by himself!

Speaking of which, in fact, the work done by these researchers is just piecemeal!

I'm afraid these researchers can't understand what he's doing!If you can understand it, you probably don't understand it.

Since this is the case, if he does not solve these things, it will definitely delay the research progress!In order to speed up the research, Jiang Chen can only invest so much.

That is, under such circumstances, in the blink of an eye, almost a month has passed.

In other words, in this research institute, research has been carried out for a full month!For other researchers, this time is not a big deal. Although there are surprises every day, I don't know how long it will take for the real results to come out.

But for Jiang Chen, it's been a month!It's time for some results!

So, he called everyone together.

Just when everyone was curious, Jiang Chen smiled at them.

"It's been a lot of hard work for everyone! The reason why we called everyone together is to thank everyone. After so long of hard work, we finally see the results! We finally solved the soil problem! Congratulations! "

Jiang Chen smiled happily, but the researchers looked at each other in dismay.

They are a little dumbfounded!I don't know what Jiang Chen means.

After all, the work they do every day can't be better, when is the problem solved?

They don't know it themselves!

However, Jiang Chen knew that they would have such expressions, but heard him laugh.

"Come, let everyone see the research results!"

After all, he put a pile of sand together, and when he grabbed it with his hand, it would flow out of his fingers.

However, seeing Jiang Chen pouring something on the sand, the researchers couldn't help but be suspicious.

There are some things in Jiang Chen's hands, but they are all made by Jiang Chen.

However, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen mixed these things together!Then spread the sand out!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen's next actions made these researchers dumbfounded!

I saw the flat sand, and it didn't seem to change, but when I took it with my hand, it became a whole piece!

This scene can't help but make people take a deep breath.

These sands have solidified...

Chapter two hundred and nineteen new plants

"Is this really what we did?"

"Is this true? Am I blindfolded?"

"My God! This is incredible!"

These researchers were completely dumbfounded, and the exclamations of one by one were almost endless.

Why there is such a reaction, it is very simple to say, for ordinary people, such a scene is definitely nothing to be fuss about - strange!

But they are researchers!They know how hard it is for the sand to come together!

This is not a cement wall!What's more, there is no cement added in it!

This natural condensation means that the soil is solidified!After the soil is solidified, it is easy to lock in the moisture!After all these are available, a bigger problem will come!

That is, plants can survive with water!

So much so that these researchers were completely stunned.

new technology!A completely new technology was born in their hands.Even they still couldn't believe that they did it by themselves, but after reacting, they couldn't help but howl wildly.

That Guo Yichun even broke off a piece by himself, and holding the piece of sand in his hand made him feel like it was dry loess.

"Have we solved the biggest problem yet?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. In fact, the piece of sand in front of him was the result of his hard work for many days.

Although I knew in advance that this would be the case, but now seeing the result with my own eyes, I am also a little happy.

This problem is solved, but it is much closer to the complete solution of the desert problem.

In other words, if you add Jiang Chen's preparations...

That is equivalent to completely solving the problem of desert greening.

As for his other preparation, it is not yet time to show it, at least until these researchers get used to the surprise in front of them.

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