Everyone in this country is a fool!

In the past, they were colonized by corrupt countries for hundreds of years. Speaking of which, they never hated it!But after the fight with Huaxia, the abused body was completely broken, but he kept thinking about it!Always looking for trouble!

They always thought that Huaxia was weak, but they didn't expect that after Huaxia suddenly became tough, they could be caught by surprise!

This scene made Tianzhu completely unacceptable!

Therefore, the head of state summoned the Huaxia ambassador for the first time!Even negotiated with the Huaxia government.

However... I originally thought that there was always a result, at least Huaxia was going to respond, but what people didn't expect was that Huaxia turned out to be silent.

This made the head of Tianzhu even more angry.

At this time, the problem of water shortage in Tianzhu could no longer be concealed, and various media reports directly pushed the matter to the surface.

In view of this, Tianzhu officials had to conduct a public press conference.

An announcement to the whole world!

Of course, also take this opportunity...

"' . We want to let everyone in the whole world know about Huaxia's crimes!"

At the press conference, the head of state rebuked angrily.

"The Brahmaputra River is the second largest river in Tianzhu. It can be said that it is the second life river of our Tianzhu (promised good)! For thousands of years, Tianzhu people have been bred from this river!

However, what we did not expect at all was that Huaxia cut off this river in a frenzy!Let our entire Tianzhu fall into a situation of water shortage in an instant!For a long time, we Tianzhu will be severely traumatized!

In fact, we have negotiated with Huaxia before this! But what we didn't expect was that Huaxia officials did not give us any explanation at all!

For this, we Tianzhu express our strong condemnation!

This is inhumane, immoral!At the same time detrimental behavior!We hereby call on the entire international community to contain China's move!At the same time, we ask China official to give us a satisfactory explanation! "

It can be said that the whole speech of the head of Tianzhu is very powerful.

But what made the whole world even more uproar was that the main reason for the lack of water in Tianzhu was actually made by Huaxia? .

Chapter [-] Tianzhu's actions

It can be said that it is because the whole world is in an uproar.

This thing sounds too incredible.

This shocked many western countries!

"What is Huaxia going to do?"

"Cut off the water flow? What exactly is Huaxia's intention?"

The Los Angeles Times said so.

"Now is the time when the international situation is turbulent. At this time, Huaxia has done such a thing, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to Tianzhu!"

Reuters news.

"What is the purpose of Huaxia doing this? Is it urgent to show off his physics, or to deal a blow to the previous conflict with Tianzhu!"

Besides, Pravda, French Press!Wait, these internationally renowned media are all talking about this matter.

Even many heads of state have publicly stated that they are paying attention to this matter!

Even all the TV news broadcasts this!It can be said that the eyes of the whole world have all gathered once again.

Speaking of which, their main concerns are two!The first is the impact of the lack of water in Tianzhu, and the second is the impact of this incident on the relationship between the countries.

To know 133, whether it is Tianzhu or Huaxia, these are two big countries!It is inevitable that such a problem has arisen between the two great powers.

Of course, international issues are probably the main ones!

"God, what is Huaxia going to do? Is this going to war with Tianzhu? I have to say, this is what we are happy to agree to."

"Is Huaxia trying to show muscles?"

"This is different from the previous Huaxia. In the previous Huaxia, even if he was short of water, he never thought of using this."

"I feel like something big is going to happen this time!"

The hot discussion resounded throughout the world!You know, any news about Huaxia is very noteworthy to the whole world.

Of course, compared to these, this is just what foreigners are saying about China!

On the other hand, Huaxia itself is different from Tianzhu's internal slurs and can't care about other things. In the whole of Huaxia, there are only a few people who are worried about this matter.

Most, more ordinary people's views on this matter, that is simply gratifying.

"Haha, Huaxia mighty! It should have been done a long time ago! As for the trash country of Tianzhu, it should have taught me a lesson early (abee)!"

"I did a great job this time! I remember someone said earlier that if the river is cut off, the entire Tianzhu will be finished! I didn't expect that we Huaxia really did this."

"Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​the entire Tianzhu now!"

"Area? This must not be calculated. It must be larger than their land area."

"Yes, well done! Just the water of the Yarlung Zangbo River, why don't we put it there? Northwest, Xinjiang, where is there no shortage of water? Why should Tianzhu people use it?"

"That's how it should be!"

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