"We're ready for battle!"

It can be said that this time Tianzhu has eaten the scales with iron heart!

Of course, the support behind this has to be said to be the main factor.

When Tianzhu gathered troops and appeared at the border to confront Huaxia, the head of Tianzhu was simply complacent!

He even shouted openly.

"Give you one last chance! If the problem of water resources can't be solved this time! Then I'm sorry, we Tianzhu will attack first."

You in their mouths, it is obvious that what they are saying is that that can't be clearer!

All parties could not help but look forward to Huaxia's response.

But just when they thought that Huaxia would give some reaction anyway, what people never expected was that the entire Huaxia was still silent, and there was no speech at all!

In other words, this matter seems to have nothing to do with Huaxia!The army that pressed down on the border seemed to go unnoticed!

This made one couldn't help but be suspicious.

"What happened to Huaxia? This is not their style! According to their habits, shouldn't they stand up and condemn it?"

"Yeah, Huaxia hasn't responded yet! Are they planning to reconcile again? Or is there any other way to back down?"

"No, it is absolutely impossible to let Huaxia back down! This time, no matter what, let them fight."

"Yes, only after the fight can we know Huaxia's current strength! Only then can we have a response."

Thinking about the urgency of the outside world wanting to know Huaxia's attitude, Huaxia is actually a bit forced internally.

They know their country!

Not saying a word, as others think, is not Huaxia's style.

"You said that our leaders will not admit to counseling?"

"It's impossible!"

"What's impossible? I haven't said a word until now, what is it if it's not a confession?"

"That's not right, even if that's the case, let's say something!"

"I always feel that things are not so simple! It seems that the top management didn't take this matter to heart!"

"I feel the same way, I always feel like there is some kind of conspiracy here!"

Anyway, because of Huaxia's reaction, the whole world fell into a strange situation!Even Huaxia didn't respond, but I don't know how many countries were caught off guard!

This is simply not playing cards according to the routine.

In fact, what are the upper echelons doing?

Including the chief, the focus of attention is the latest development of desert irrigation!As for the actions of the Tianzhu people?It was already expected!You know, the reason why Huaxia doesn't speak is to wait for things to happen. They have already made all plans!

As for opening your mouth?say what?That's what it meant!Be tough this time!Still playing tricks with you?That would be meaningless!

Instead, let them guess for themselves.

Of course, Huaxia is not without instructions.

"Tianzhu's army has reached our border?"

"It has arrived!"

The chief nodded with a smile.

"Well, let the troops facing them retreat now!"


The chief's words made the secretary a little unclear.

In an instant, the chief laughed.

"There is a border dispute between our two countries! Where they are now, they say it is theirs, and we say it is ours. It's not easy to define at all! But there are still places where our actual scope is not disputed! Let the troops withdraw directly, Let's see if the Tianzhu people have the courage to step in!

At least they're in..."

After a pause, the chief said lightly.

"Might as well resolve the previous territorial disputes together!"


When the secretary heard this, he immediately gave a military salute!

In such a scene, if the entire Huaxia knew that the upper management had this determination, wouldn't it be exciting?

In fact, this time, the eyes of the high-level people are far from being focused on the water source.

Some things were not easy to start with before, or there was no chance, but this time, I am afraid that Tianzhu will have a profound lesson!

"What? Huaxia retreated?"

"Yes, Huaxia retreated directly under our noses! That is to say, their borders are now unguarded! We can take one step forward."

0 ·For flowers··········

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