"May I ask what is the main purpose of intercepting the river?"

"Water storage! There is a shortage of water resources in China, and we also need to make some preparations."

But is it really so?This is not what many countries see from satellites.

But in the face of this answer, it still makes people speechless.

"Then may I ask Mr. Spokesperson, what does Huaxia say to Tianzhu's actions this time?"

"We strongly condemn..."

"Another condemnation?"

To be honest, many Chinese people who watched the live news were disappointed!When they heard these words once or twice, they were nothing, but over the years, they have repeatedly condemned for the development of China!

The Chinese people have been speechless about these two words.

Some people thought that the words of Huaxia's spokesperson made people emotional!After all, when did Huaxia become so tough?

But at the end, another condemnation came out...

"Condemnation, condemnation, what else but condemnation?"

"That's right, we know condemnation all day long! We Chinese people are not afraid of death! We can't all come in, so you still condemn?"

"Yeah, it's too speechless."

Speaking of which, I don't know how many Chinese people are quite disappointed by this scene.

But in fact this time Huaxia is just saying that it is so simple?no!

In fact, the speaker's words are just not finished!He paused just now, and the words he said again now shocked the whole world!

"While we express our condemnation! We will never tolerate the intruding enemy! The sanctity of Huaxia can never be destroyed by anyone! Facing the enemy, Huaxia is definitely not weak and easy to bully, and all enemies will be punished with an iron fist. Blow!

At the same time, Huaxia is here to warn some young people!Huaxia is definitely not something that anyone can bully. If they want to bring a threat to Huaxia, then Huaxia will definitely let them know what real pain is! "

What does this mean?Suddenly, the whole world was in an uproar.

The Chinese people are boiling!

I originally thought that Huaxia was only tough at the beginning, but now it seems...

"My God, is there going to be a war?"

"Haha! Are you really going to fight?"

"Is Huaxia going to fight Tianzhu once?"

"Who knows? I didn't say it, but it means this!"

Of course those reporters can't let this go, so keep asking!

"Excuse me, Mr. Spokesperson, do you mean that Huaxia has made military operations now?"

"Is it about to start a war with Tianzhu?"

"Is Huaxia ready to fight?"

"...No, it's already started!"

The press conference is not over yet. In a certain air force base in Huaxia, fighter jets are suspended in the open space. This is the latest generationless and semi-fighter jet of Huaxia, which is like a ghost-like anti-gravity fighter 0  … ..

Why are these fighters here?Everyone can't imagine that according to the goal of the chief showing his muscles, this time, there is no need to send other troops, and the anti-gravity fighter will be used directly!

This is not only the first time that an anti-gravity fighter has participated in the war, but also a real moment to let the whole world understand the combat power of Huaxia!

It can be said that the day has finally come.

"3.2.1... take off!"

As the final countdown ended, a full four fighter jets rose into the air!The target, the Tianzhu troops on the southern border of Tibet!

It can be said that in the blink of an eye, the fighter disappeared without a trace.

Great power, it's time to show his power!

Tianzhu's troops entering China are very vigilant!They pay attention to all situations anytime, anywhere, whether it is in the sky or underground, and never let go of anything.

Their radar is running [-] hours a day!

It can be said that all precautions have been taken!

But does it really work?

As everyone knows, Huaxia's anti-gravity fighter is almost without friends, even ordinary radars do not have the ability to capture 0.1.

So, when the fighter jets came over them, no one knew.

The next moment of despair has come.


After a voice passed through the call channel.

The fire all over the sky shot directly at Tianzhu's station!The scene was like a dense meteor shower!

When the Tianzhu soldiers in the garrison felt something and couldn't help raising their heads, they opened their eyes and watched the firelight that was about to fall on the top of their heads. In an instant, a stream of hot water flowed directly from the trousers.

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